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After i lost my OCRemix collection i downloaded the complete torrents. But after overlooking the remixes i wondered where one specific remix went.

I could swear, to Odin's raven ,that there's been a remix of Mega Man 1's Ending. It was a techno/rave remix.

Am i crazy, or are there songs that get removed? :D


(Sorry for my poor english)


14 hours ago, Rexy said:

There had been, but it was one of those tracks that got erased during the pre-1500 lockdown due to a standards violation.  In fact, there's been a history of tracks that have been present on the site before, but had been removed with a clear reason.

There is a hosted archive of removed tracks and the Mega Man track in question is right there.  I hope this explains everything x)

I would hug you if i could :D Thanks a lot! 


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