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I like this, its rather pretty and stuff. I don't really know the source though, so thats about all I can say.

And in alot of places some of the piano chords seem kindof...well sour, they just don't mash very well with the melody on top.


Hey, I like the tune to this song. Of course, I love all the music from this series, pretty much.

I listened to your version, then I played back the original, then I played yours again. (Incidentally, I have the track names in Japanese. I remembered "Cherry Blossom" = "Sakura" though, so I found the name of the original in Japanese fairly easily: "Sakurairo no Kisetsu". Just... just wanted to show off my very rudimentry Japanese/deductive skills??)

Now I like your MP3, but the question is, do I like it because it's the original song, or do I like it because of what you've done with it?

I really liked the Katamari on the Rocks bit you snuck in the beginning, first of all. I'm not sure it fits as well when you use it later, but it's neat nonetheless. And I'll tell you what - the one major flaw with the original is that listening to those dang kids sing for six minutes can be trying. So while I'm sure finding a children's choir to sing in Japanese probably isn't in anyone's plan when remixing this song, its absence lets me listen to the song for longer, for sure. :D

Now, there are a few things. First of all, that cymbal high-hat thingy got on my nerves. Maybe it's too loud or something; it's just distracting to me. Another thing is the instrumentation... it's not very different from the original, is it? You get rid of the kids in the original, and you're left with strings, which carries the first 75% of your mix. Not necessarally a bad thing - it's just my observation.

Hmm. Yeah, at :50, there's definitely something weird going on with the bells or whatever when they're playing that KOTR motif.

Anyway. I hate to criticize, since I'm hardly experienced with electronic music myself (I've stuck to the band scene as far as my music knowledge goes), but overall I like what you've got. Good luck with finishing it up.

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