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Remix of Metal Man theme from Mega Man 2 released on christmas eve 1988 for Nintendo (NES)

I really felt like doing something from an old classic Mega Man game. The choice landed on Metal Man's theme from Mega Man 2! The original is a real banger indeed!

So what was I thinking during the creation of this one, well... I thought: "something funky, something bangy, something ambient, something beautiful, something cool, combined with some of that nostalgia and memories". Can't go wrong. 

But something did go wrong for sure, after I finished the transcription of the original parts everything went blank. My imagination and ideas were totally gone. Lucky me, it only lasted for a day, but that's way too long for me since I've got so little time doing this. Oh man, I wish one day were like 28 hours instead of 24, would be so amazing to have more time for this. 

Something new I learned doing this remix: I will not listen to the song to be remixed for several hours before writing it. I think my ideas got more narrow because of that, not making enough room for improvisation and taking a step or two outside the box.

The hardest part of this song: definitely the bass. I didn't have any problems but it was the hardest part for sure. I could go in so many directions and got stuck several times writing bass lines that was the exact same as in other remixes of mine. 

I hope you dig the beats I created here, and that you're reliving some sweet memories of playing this game. This is the 2nd or 3rd most played Mega Man game for me, after Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 3.

Take care folks!

/Neon X

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