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Breaking the 2 year mold

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Wow it has been very long since i posted anything on a Forums site, The last time i posted anything on one was for a MMORG, Of course that is not why i am posting on this Now the reason for this General post is i want to attempt to break my 2 year shyness. This kinda stuff is some what difficult for me,I can't even comment well unless i force myself to. it is fun having mental disabilities (i say that loosely it sucks :|) But i have been told that i do have a ear and mind for music,Although sometimes i think people are just trying to be nice. Anyways i am crossing my fingers on this but im hoping i get hired for a job that is stable enough for me to get back to an old passion of mine and that is to make music. Thank you for reading.

Ps. i apologize if this is not the right topic for this location im still new here :)

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