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Posted (edited)

It would be great to see the Playstation 5 dream come true with another Dissidia Final Fantasy installment of the story-driven beat 'em up legacy:


I was not a too big fan of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT for PS4.
Although it was technically really good, it had far too much focus on just a challenging arcade gaming experience and no big focus on a big story, additional gaming content and unlockables.


But the first two Dissidia games for PSP were awesome - really innovative gaming experience, each main character and antagonist can be levelled up and equipped like in a real RPG including learning new special techniques, magic etc., good story that unfolds more and more over time, lots of content, new and pretty interesting gaming modes, new difficulties, tons of unlockables and up to 500 hours of playing time.

Here's a little preview of the first minutes in the very first Dissidia Final fantasy game for PSP:


And here is a little video review of the second game, Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy (which also contains a whole overworld map, a new story plus the content from the first Dissidia):

It would be great if the developers would just make a next-gen remake of Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy for PS5.

But let's see what the future holds.
I'm already looking forward to another Dissidia game. ))

Edited by Master Mi
  • 5 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

By the way, I forgot to mention what really good soundtracks the Dissidia Final Fantasy series had to offer.

As this is one of the core topics on OC Remix, I just wanted to share a few outstanding Dissidia soundtracks that I remember particularly well (I tried to get some high quality versions of the soundtracks that might not have always the English title in the video link - but I will provide a proper translation of the song titles in my text):

1) Prelude (or rather "Prelude - menu -", a remix of the famous opening theme that shows up in kinda every Final Fantasy game in many different versions)

In my opinion, it's one of the best Final Fantasy Prelude themes ever composed.
But there are many further arrangements of themes in the Dissidia games that might sound very familar to you.

2) Sprouting (or rather "Sprouting - arrange -", a really nice arrangement of a well-known track from Final Fantasy 10)

Beautiful soundtracks like these can be heard in the first two Dissidia games (this one is from the very first Dissidia Final Fantasy game), for example, when you play the story mode for a certain character in the dungeons or on the overworld.

You'll even have to play the stories for the individual heroes from the various Final Fantasy parts several times, because there's a lot to discover, unlock and buy (from what I remember, apart from new characters or antagonists from the Final Fantasy series, new outfits and original soundtracks, there are also things like new weapons and equipment, rare items, espers that can support you in battle, etc.), depending on how well you play the dungeons in the story mode.
The bonus stuff you get at the end of a dungeon depends on how well, tactically clever and in how many moves or with how many points you complete the dungeons.
But you also want to explore the dungeon on the first try to get all the visible and also pretty valueable treasures in there.

However, anyone who thinks that the game is already over after completing the prologue and the character-related story parts is very much mistaken.
That's when the interesting part of Dissidia's story really starts, which unfolds in further, non-character-related story complexes, where you also have a free choice of character, if I remember correctly.

3) Battle 1 (or "Battle 1 - arrange -", an arrangement of the Final Fantasy 9 standard battle theme)

Since the Dissidia games (at least the first two parts) are story-based beat 'em ups, you will of course listen to a lot of pretty cool battle and boss battle theme arrangements during the fights.

4) The Decisive Battle (or "The Decisive Battle - arrange -", an arrangement of the boss battle theme from Final Fantasy 6)

This is the arrangement of a famous and pretty driving boss battle theme you know from Final Fantasy 6.


But there are also possibilities to unlock some original themes from the Final Fantasy series as well and listen to them in some sort of a jukebox or during battles, for example:

5) Omen (or "Omen - original -", the legendary opening theme from Final Fantasy 6)

Even as an original theme from the past days, this composition still has its charme.

6) The Landing (or "The Landing - original -", a theme from Final Fantasy 8 that plays the first time during the attack on Dollet)

This is one of my favourite themes from Final Fantasy 8.

For those who don't know, there was an early version of this theme called "Raid on Dollet" for an official demo (I think it still was in the PC version of the game I bought as a present for a friend back then), but it was obviously removed due to some similarities to a soundtrack from the movie "The Rock" - I assume they mean the soundtrack called "Hummel Gets the Rockets" (the part after minute 0:51, for example):


But in Dissidia Final Fantasy, you also have a lot of really dynamic and soulful arrangements, for example the following two tracks:

7) A Moment of Rest

On the first sight, this kinda sad piano composition seems to be a new soundtrack exclusively composed for Dissidia Final Fantasy.
But it's an arrangement of the Game Over theme from the very first Final Fantasy.

8) Find Your Way (or "Find Your Way - arrange -", an arrangement of a Final Fantasy 8 theme)

I really love the mystical vibe in this arrangement of a well-known Final Fantasy 8 soundtrack.
This one is from Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (spoken "Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy").


There also some really good soundtracks that were exclusively composed for the Dissidia Final Fantasy series, for example:

9) Cosmos

This is the theme of Cosmos, the goddess of harmony, who opposes Chaos, the god of discord.
She is supported by the Warrior of the Light and the other heroes from the different Final Fantasy series, while Chaos rather brings the villains and antagonists of the Final Fantasy series into the battle.

10) The Messenger

I can't really remember at which point this soundtrack plays in the game.
But since it has a similar compositional structure (just in the form of a heavy rock version) and a similar spiritual message like the Cosmos theme, I think this could be a soundtrack related to Chaos.

11) Massive Explosion (Arcade Version - or "Massive Explosion - arcade -", a soundtrack from the arcade game version of the new Dissidia Final Fantasy from 2015, which was later ported to PS4 and got the game title "Dissidia Final Fantasy NT" that also included this version of the song)

The name of the track might sound like a movie title from the kinky hardcore porn movie corner.
But in fact, it's one of the heavier Dissidia Final Fantasy NT hard rock tunes I really love.

12) Massive Explosion (Arranged Version - or "Massive Explosion - arrange -")

In addition to a few other interesting versions (also some really good instrumental arrangements) of this track, this one was exclusively composed for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT.
For the vocal part in this version of the soundtrack, the game developers have apparently even hired a real opera singer, namely the Jamaican-Indian lyric soprano singer Nadine Benjamin.

There's also a really epic strings version with vocals of this theme in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT:


To summarize, you could say that the Dissidia Final Fantasy games are worth it just for the excellent soundtracks alone.

But the story, the really good fusion of beat 'em up and convincing RPG elements as well as the extremely large amount of content, bonus content and unlockables (especially in the first two Dissidia games) make this game series an extremely worthy and extraordinary Final Fantasy spin-off.

So I would be really happy if a next-gen title of this series in the style of the first two Dissidia games were to be released for Playstation 5 sometime in the near future.

Edited by Master Mi
  • Master Mi changed the title to A new Dissidia Final Fantasy game on the horizon?

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