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Pixel artists needed!


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Hey, I'm not really sure where to post this, so feel free to move/delete as necessary.

I am creating a Smash Bros type game. Unfortunately, I have no graphics for the game. I need some good pixel/sprite artists to heklp me with the graphics. I have done sprite graphics before, but I do not have the talent or time to make them all myself (and there are a lot).

Here's a basic run down of the project:

2-D sprite-based fighting game in Smash Bros style. Characters acculumate damage %. The higher the %,the farther attacks send them flying.

Characters have three different weapons: guns, swords, and hand-to-hand

There will be character sprites needed for standing, running, attacking, falling, bouncing and jumping.

There will also be sprites for effects such as sparks, pows, explosions, gunshots, dust etc.

I don't have specific sizes in mind, but the prototype has been designed with character dimensions of 45x50 so it would be best to keep charcater sprites within that range.

The prototype can be played here: www.cerrax.com/prototype1.html

You must have Shockwave Player 10 to play this game.

As you can the see, the prototype is pretty ugly, but the movements are pretty smooth. Also falling off the stage has not been programmed yet, so if you do, just close and re-open the window.

If anybody would like to help, by all means please let me know and I'll get you started!

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Sounds cool. I'd love to help, though I really no nothing about sprite graphics, however I would certainly love to learn.

Thanks. I've been planning this for a while and the programming is a bitch. As far as the sprites, I'm not looking for anything complicated. Something within the range of Mega Man X or Super Mario World is what I'm going for. Just simple black-line, colored-in stuff. Here's a pic that pretty much speaks for the style I want: http://www.zoggles.co.uk/asp/image.asp?f=tsu&id=7-1&t=gif&a=0

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