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It's probably easy, but I haven't got a clue!!!


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Can anyone help? I'm just delving into the world of remixing and would like to know how to easily create speeding up/slowing down effect - like the wooshy sound in Dooms Night by Azzido Da Bass.

I'm using software only (namely cubase) - is it possible or would I need some hardware?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Yeah, it's definitely possible. I just started remixing a month ago using only Fruity Loops 6 and I've already made a couple songs (and a few beginnings to songs that will eventually turn into something). You just have to learn how to use everything. Take a look at the "[GUIDE] Mixing for Free" thread here.


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Don't post in the Guides & Tutorials forum unless you have a Guide or Tutorial. Hence the title.

Anyway, with regards to your question, do you want to speed up/slow down in REAL TIME? For example, the sound starts at one speed and gradually increases? An MP3 example would be helpful so we can point you in the right direction.

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Can anyone help? I'm just delving into the how to easily create speeding up/slowing down effect - like the wooshy sound in Dooms Night by Azzido Da Bass.

What's slowed up and down is the speed of the LFO, which is routed to a lowpass filter and amplifier.

If that's Chinese to you, go read http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/allsynthsecrets.htm until you understand what an LFO is, and how to route it :).

To help you a bit on the way, I've made a very shoddy copy of the original using the Synth1 VST plugin (free), and you'll have to beef it up a bit with some other effects (distortion most notably but a compressor would help, too).


Just copy the settings; what you need to automate (which is quite tricky in Cubase and requires reading the manual - I even don't understand it that well) is the LFO 1 tempo (also called "rate" or "speed" on other synths).

I'm using software only (namely cubase) - is it possible or would I need some hardware?

No, you need a plugin, and your software should be able to handle automation. Basically, you "draw" the LFO's speed (knob position) so you don't have to do it yourself and you have a lot of control on when it should increase.

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