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Shadowgate NES 'Stone Hall' ReMix, 'Trance Room' *WIP*, apparently

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UPDATE: Version 3 here as two files http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip

and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/a7vhpa

UPDATE: Version 2 here as two files http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip

and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdyla7

This is my second attempt to remix the NES game Shadowgate 'stone hall' music. I abandoned the first attempt, made new from scratch, and took what was good in the first one, here is result as two files http://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip

And here it is as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/86lrjc

Audio has not been normalized, yet.

Tracks are:

Lead Synth

Gated Synth

Sawtooth low


and so on

Question is, what should I change, if anything, also what should I add or remove, some instruments or effects maybe?


I just tested link, and it cuts ending away for some reason, I try uploading file again to Google pages, sorry.

UPDATE: Since Google pages does not allow larger than 3MB files to download correctly, I did cut music to two parts!


get rid of the 1st 12 seconds. makes for a more interesting intro.

bring up the eq on the lead synth and the sawtooth low.

drums need to be more interesting and active. I would find it more interesting if the drums were cleaner.

funny silence at 1:09ish. If you were building up the synth and layering progressively up until 1:09ish with rising action on the drums, more supporting synths incorporated as you move along, and a stronger interpretation of the source with the lead, you could justify the silence at 1:09. But that's only covering the 1st 1:09.

going on from there it feels repetitive, but if you layer it or add your own interpretation of the source with the lead synth or alternate lead synth, it wouldn't matter too much in terms of supporting instrumentation.

interesting idea at 0:58 (of part 2).

I don't feel like you make the progression of the song interesting enough for me to really like it as a trance song yet. I hope to see another post.

get rid of the 1st 12 seconds. makes for a more interesting intro.

bring up the eq on the lead synth and the sawtooth low.

drums need to be more interesting and active. I would find it more interesting if the drums were cleaner.

I am getting Rebirth from http://www.rebirthmuseum.com/, and its drums should be better sounding hopefully, also I try to make drums more active. Other suggestions will also be taken care of. About drums I could choose TR-808 or TR-909, but I think I will choose TR- 909.


I am not sure if I am taking this to right direction, but here is result of work.

Version 2 as two files http://pages.google.com/edit/Ultimate9550/shadowgatetranceroomwip

and here as one file http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdyla7

If there is something bad or something that does not fit, I would like to know.

I use now drum samples that are cleaner. Maybe some drum samples need some EQ.

Drums are still the same, but will be taken care later.

New tracks:

Second Lead synth

SuperSaw synth

Goa synth(used just twice)


these are minor suggestions, for the most part, this is very professionally executed in my opinion.


Make the thunderish boom sound at 0:10 a bit louder or find a louder sample. Not too loud but louder would bring even more excitement for the mix.

0:36-0:50 sounds a little bit too quiet to me. It is tolerable of course, but it seems a very easy change that will make this intro really really awesome.

So my suggestions are 3 choices:

1. bring the section after 50 all the way to 36

2. Start a counter-melodic riff (i think that's the word) for your section 0:10-0:36 and use that counter-melodic riff and add it on to the section 0:36-0:50. This will contrast the first loop for 36.

3. If you want to make the trance style more heavy, add some heavier synths that might be more traditionally used in trance remixes (i'm not real familiar with technical terms as you can see). For those synths, make their sections from 0:36-0:50 a lowering chord progression (use whatever style you want, triplets, 16ths, alternating, whatever.)

Anything that will change the sound of that section of the intro while keeping the underlayers will make the intro completely solid. You set the pace with the change of layering great up for the first 30 seconds and after after 0:51 as well.

Something people might bring up is that the sound of the overall mix is a little weak but I like the lighter resources you've used here.

I think additional layering would strengthen the portion from 0:52 onward, but if that is a stylistic decision you've made then stick with it.

I started listening to the second part of your mix, but I cannot comment on it yet. I'm going to say prematurely that what you have done is excellent. But you still will need to make a lot more progress to achieve where you've set the bar for yourself with the beginning of the mix.

I'll finish commenting later. for now it's breakfast time.

  • 2 weeks later...

Long time has passed, but I am still occasionally working on this one. This time only one track has been added, and thunderish boom volume level has been raised 3db, maybe it could be even louder. Also some drum samples has been changed, and one effect has been modified a little.

Update 3 here as two fileshttp://ultimate9550.googlepages.com/shadowgatetranceroomwip

and here as one file


New track: RandomFilter

Now I will begin modifying drums, and even still add some other stuff propably.

And any advice is appreciated.

  • 2 months later...

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