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This is a bit late, but the Famicompo Mini Classical competition is in it's voting stages. I didn't participate, but I know quite a few people who did because a one of the guys in a tracker channel created an S3M module to NSF file conversion utility.

Famicompo Mini Classical is run on a japanese website, so it's really neat to hear the differences between western and japanese chiptunes. It's called Classical because it is only the standard channels, in reference to the time when no one knew how to use the dpcm channel.

get the songs here: http://midr2.under.jp/compo/c1/index.html

the s3m to nsf convertor is here: http://ekid.ath.cx/s3m2nsf-1.0pre2.zip

it comes with the required sample pack, but you'll need to use a program like MODPlug tracker to create s3m files... and if you're interested in other NSF creation utilities, there is Famitracker, NerdTracker 2 (dos based), and http://www.nullsleep.com/treasure/mck_guide/ is a guide written by nullsleep on how to get started using MCK and MML. There are also websites like www.vorc.org (video-game or chiptune) with a ton of more info as well.

I hope you guys enjoy, and maybe some of us can participate in the next famicompo

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