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Sonic 2 & 3: Dr. Robotnik


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My second stab at botnik's theme(s). (Contains Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 boss themes)

I don't know what else I can do.. maybe make it longer for the Sonic 3 part and maybe improve the sound quality and smooth out the claps.

Well, any thoughts/comments/criticism is welcome! :D

http://www.freewebs.com/neospark_ii/Robotnik%28v2%29.mp3 (version2)

http://www.freewebs.com/neospark_ii/Robotnik%28v3%29.mp3 (version3)

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BYC31MD6 (version4)

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TFURKFBB (version5.1)

Edit: For the link, right click it, copy it, then paste it in the browser.

Edit 2: For version 3 its longer.. and covers the Sonic 3 final boss. There's still a lot of volume control needed to be done on certain parts...

Edit 3: For version 4, I took out the weird intro of the sonic 3 boss theme, added a bass(base?) to cover for the piano and did a little bit more with the intro of the sonic 3 final boss theme... still having problems with volume control in proportion with crackling sounds... and still need to improve with 4:45+ but I can't work on it until next weekend (I took today off and just fiddled with this).

Edit 4: For version 5.1 (basically v5, but I lowered the volume) I mixed up the kicks a bit and tried fixing the volumes of the song... other than that there isn't much of a difference... You guys are probably sick of listening to this so much. XD Enjoy!

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The overall sound is pretty in my opinion. Then again, I'm a production n00b and others MIGHT disagree. The idea that you have here is good too, I think. I'm not so familiar with the theme near the end, but I do know the first 3 minutes pretty well. I think you need to change this up quite a bit because the way it stands now, this is VERY similar to the original. And the main part of that theme is repeated a lot of times. More than is needed, my friend. The only other thing that I feel needs work is the "texture." You've got a lot of instances of just a bass or a sustained piano chord on the bottom with the melody on top. I think you could do some good by making the bass part busier, adding some arpeggios to played by a different instrument, AND definitely more variation on the melody.

I'll summarize my ideas: less repeats of the main melody that's used in that entire first half of the song, add much more variation to that melody, and make the texture a bit more interesting by making some instruments busier or adding things like arpeggios or and maybe the OCCASIONAL unorthodox drum beat or fill. Good luck man! You can do it!

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