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  1. I arrived at the site lost in a sea of emotions from recent and current ill fated life events. The remixes of games of my youth upbeat and energetic tugged my malleable mood in positive spine tingling directions. Then I took a chance and typed "Opera" in the search box. Not knowing what to expect, but knowing I would be rewarded for my efforts I hit the search icon. I clicked the first link I saw and pressed play. I would not return to conscious awareness for what seemed like 20 minutes. As the thunderous power of the music came to a close and started to repeat I came to my senses. My shirt soaked in tears and my teeth sore from clenching my jaw I knew I had made a good choice. I had been holding back so many emotions and pretending to be ok while going through so many recent life changes. I needed a release from my own emotional prison and this track afforded me that opportunity. Thank you.
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