Fury of the Furries "Swimming Furries" 3:55

By Cyborg Jeff

Arranging the music of one song...

"Lagoon Level"

Primary Game: Fury of the Furries (Kalisto , 1993, DOS), music by Frédéric Motte

Posted 2002-11-16, evaluated by djpretzel

Cyborg Jeff gave us a great Fury of the Furries ReMix a while back, and now he returns with . . . another Fury of the Furries ReMix. What can I say - he's cyborg, he's Jeff, and clearly he enjoys a good furry. And what man shouldn't, I ask? Right then - this game truly did have some great tunes. If you haven't heard them, you need to - it pains me that Mega Man gets sooo much attention when soundtracks to esoteric PC titles like this are every bit as deep, varied, and good. Rants aside, I'm glad CJ has chosen to again give us some arranged FotF goodness. Starting off with a shufflebeat, deep synth bass, and sound effects, the main melody comes in very quickly at 0'15" on a nice doubled synth lead that's just amazingly programmed with pitch bends and modulation (LFO -> pitch) galore. Then we get at 1'15" some cool effects and a bit of distortion on the lead, with a smorgasbord of programming going on - very fun to listen to and tons of variety on the synth textures and effects used. Lovely hi-hat pattern with triplets, and towards the end there are some tricks and stops that break things up wonderfully. This is a ReMix that's very hard to predict as you listen what's coming next, sonically at least. I don't like the melody itself as much as that of CJ's other mix, but the production and technique here is a notch up, with mucho creativity. Ending sort of just dies unexpectedly - my toe was still tapping lonesomely a couple measures after the song had ended, not getting the message - but the journey is enough of a destination in and of itself that that's not a showstopper. Both ReMixes of FotF by Cyborg Jeff come highly recommended - you'll be missing out if you don't check 'em out.



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on 2016-02-17 15:12:25
On 11/17/2002 at 11:20 PM, sgx said:

It really reminds me of Genesis Sonic music. I don't know what the source music was like, but assuming that the original sounded like a Sonic tune (you know that cool Genesis sound), this mix upgrades the synth quality and makes it more listenable while retaining the charm and feel of the original sounds. (I really hope that was understandable)

Yeah, I hear it too. And for some reason it makes me want to listen to Plok - Beach. This remix makes me wonder what Plok would have sounded like on the Genesis. Then again, the composers of Plok probably would have found some kind of weird way to twist the Genesis sounds into something less Genesis sounding yet still awesome. Anyway... all great stuff, love the remix!

on 2013-03-23 13:57:41


Oh so cute!! :3

Sunny swimming furries! ^_^ Definitely stage-appropriate music. Deviates enough from the original track to stand on its own yet could also be used as an alternative. I thoroughly enjoy both. :3

on 2010-05-28 13:19:07

Except in the game, the Heroes are called "Tinies".

on 2009-12-05 20:52:56

There is really a game called "Fury of the Furries"? I am floored by this.

That aside, this mix is all kinds of awesome. Great melody, cool effects. Nice bassline, cool distortion. Lots of good things going on. I think the sound effects are a bit annoying, but I'm willing to put that aside for the fun of this mix.

Fun stuff.

PS: Lolfurries

on 2009-01-07 03:38:32




on 2007-08-03 12:21:08

This is what i'd call a really good retro mix. It calls to mind the chiptune originals but with enhanced sounds. SGX is pretty on target with comparing it to sonic music, this sounds like a nuclear-powered genesis kickin out some jams. Nice balance throughout and some cool counterpoint ideas; the sound effects are whatever, but they don't detract.

It seems to repeat a little much, i think taking 1 minute off of the mix total wouldn't have hurt it, but it's still enjoyable without becoming annoying.

Pretty good work.

ps. lolfurries

on 2005-10-06 02:07:31

Better than the other Furries mix, and more deviations from the original, that boost the song(not referring to the sound effects, though they certainly call to mind images of playing Pac in time oh so many years ago).

on 2003-11-05 10:00:52

good bass + good lead + good arpeggiator +

FX sounds from the game = very G O O D remix !!!

on 2002-11-20 17:47:01

Aye this is a nice remix. Funny, I like 'mod' type music whereas in non digital music I favour rock and classical music.

I love the effects, and the way they somehow fit. Yeah.. this is a nice remix. The tune of the forest was just the coolest in the game, and as this is a remix I won't take that into account. Great job!

on 2002-11-20 14:18:12

I always loved the original mods that accompanied the Amiga version and the 1st remix Cyborg Jeff of Furry of the Furries wowed me, it had the same up-beat quality (that I like to hear in Gamemusic) as the original. I never imagined someone would actually cover these great tunes but you could hear CJ must have had a lot of fun making this one...that Mp3 is a regular in my vast collection and I was very happy he made another one...also a regular now :)

This one a bit is more trancy, but still faithfull to the original with some exellent use of in game soundeffects and some cool synths...too bad the ending is a bit abrubt...great stuff CJ..hope you'll find some more time and treat us with more furry of the furries goodness! :D

on 2002-11-19 09:46:03

This is what you call skillz. SKILLz to pay the BILLz.. damn this is good. reminds me of demo intro tunes, like stuff from purple motion, skaven, necros, etc.. Skills.. thats all i have to say about this remix.

on 2002-11-17 23:36:11

Damn you cyborg jeff, another great remix made from this game, you're going to make me take some more time that i should be doing homework, and checking out what's inspiring you. Really, this is a textbook example of what makes a good remix. Smooth, acually has a melody, and yet, so much more at the same time. Great job :)

on 2002-11-17 12:46:11

Yes, this is a perfect example of funky melody/beats that is hardly memorable, but that's what makes it great! You listen to it once, think it's great, and about an hour later you totally forget how the tune went but you remember how sweet it sounded. You listen to it again, and it becomes even better.

Yes that's kinda vague but it suits the song well, along with my own feelings which are forgotten right now because I haven't listened to it since yesterday and I need to fill my brain again!

Or for layman's terms it doesn't sound repetitive at all, hence the forgetfulness of the tune.

This also shares my thoughts well:

. . . but I do consider it great music . . . I can listen to this again and again and I never get tired of it. It just makes me want to listen again. Enjoyable!
Joe Redifer
on 2002-11-17 03:17:39

Excellent. Nice tunage and good sound. People who like a little-known thing called "melody", which is not very popular these days, should download this now. Melody takes serious skill in my opinion. I wouldn't consider this techno at all, but I do consider it great music. Anyone can crank out a repetitive techno theme, but try to make notes blend together, match, and flow. Much harder than copy-pasting a drum track and a few instruments over and over again.

I can listen to this again and again and I never get tired of it. It just makes me want to listen again. Enjoyable!

on 2002-11-17 00:20:08

This is a very sweet tune. It really reminds me of Genesis Sonic music. I don't know what the source music was like, but assuming that the original sounded like a Sonic tune (you know that cool Genesis sound), this mix upgrades the synth quality and makes it more listenable while retaining the charm and feel of the original sounds. (I really hope that was understandable)

This is very well put together, and everything done here is done tastefully. The ending is interesting, but a little abrupt. This is some super good stuff right here. Check it out if you're yearning for a little Sonic but not Sonic musical goodness.

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
Fury of the Furries (Kalisto , 1993, DOS)
Music by Frédéric Motte
"Lagoon Level"

Tags (4)

Time > 4/4 Time Signature

File Information

3,854,667 bytes


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