Advance Wars Composed by Taishi Senda
"Are You BadAss?" "Sturm's Theme"
Arranged by Chernabogue, Brandon Strader, Furilas, Tuberz McGee, Mirby |
NOV 30 2017
"Unworldly Invasion" "Sturm's Theme"
Arranged by Mahika |
SEP 28 2016
Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand Composed by Kazuki Muraoka, Masashi Watanabe, Nobuko Toda, Norihiko Hibino, Shuichi Kobori
"Darkness Fears Light, and We Fear the Darkness" "Dark Boy"
Arranged by P.M. Crockett |
SEP 13 2011
Breath of Fire Composed by Mari Yamaguchi, Minae Fujii, Tatsuya Nishimura, Yasuaki Fujita, Yoko Shimomura
"Sad Melody" "Fate"
Arranged by FFmusic Dj |
MAY 16 2002
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Composed by Michiru Yamane, Soshiro Hokkai, Takashi Yoshida
"Going Deeper" "Menu Select", "Sacred Cave", "Title"
Arranged by VARIA, Mel Decision, Moebius, Pixels and Paradiddles |
JUN 19 2024
"In the Darkness of Time" "Clock Tower"
Arranged by Rize |
APR 30 2008
"The Heart of Atlantis" "Don't Wait Until Night", "Sector 4 (AQA) Water Level Control Area"
Arranged by Lucas Guimaraes, Ridley Snipes, ZackParrish, JSABlixer |
MAR 2 2025
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon Composed by Hiroshi Mitsuoka, Sotaro Tojima
"Rude Awakening" "awake"
Arranged by Rize |
NOV 25 2002
"Technomancy" "awake"
Arranged by Shael Riley |
SEP 10 2002
"Time's Anxiety" "Clockwork"
Arranged by GrayLightning, Rexy |
MAR 15 2006
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Composed by Michiru Yamane, Soshiro Hokkai
"Behold the Winged Cathedral" "Chapel Sky"
Arranged by Shnabubula |
FEB 13 2006
"Swingin' with Death" "Successor of Fate (Juste Belmont's Theme)"
Arranged by Nase |
OCT 26 2009
Donkey Kong Country 3 Composed by David Wise
"Aquatic Transformations" "Water World"
Arranged by halc, Level 99 |
MAR 7 2014
"Arichnophobia" "Arich Boss"
Arranged by Flexstyle, Paul Capps |
JUN 18 2013
"Beneath the Moonlight" "Stilt Village"
Arranged by Fishy, Harmony, Jeff Ball, Theophany |
DEC 4 2012
"Chasing Waterfalls" "Cascade Capers"
Arranged by NoTuX |
SEP 3 2015
"Corn-fed Kong" "Rockface Rumble"
Arranged by Diggi Dis, Diodes, zykO |
DEC 3 2012
"Cranky's Mojo" "Cranky's Dojo"
Arranged by Peach |
APR 16 2013
"Footloose Falls" "Cascade Capers", "Cascade Capers"
Arranged by Emunator |
FEB 22 2013
"Sea Breeze Concerto" "Stilt Village"
Arranged by David Wise, Monkey Kong |
DEC 3 2012
"Spanish Jitters" "Aquatic Ambiance", "Jungle Jitter"
Arranged by bustatunez, Daniel Rosenqvist, David Wise, Diggi Dis, Harmony, JJT, Level 99, OceansAndrew, prophetik music, Robin Beanland, zykO |
DEC 3 2012
"Tangerine Fever" "Mill Fever"
Arranged by Mazedude |
DEC 3 2012
"The Paper Chase" "Chase"
Arranged by Diggi Dis |
DEC 3 2012
"Thump Brothers" "Brothers Bear"
Arranged by Flexstyle |
DEC 3 2012
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity Composed by Masaru Tajima, Mitsuteru Furukawa, Naoto Ishida
"Laputan Colony GBA Dub" "Empyrean Colony"
Arranged by mutagene |
APR 13 2001
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Tsuyoshi Sekito
"the final WON" "Final Fantasy II: Battle Theme A", "Victory"
Arranged by J Damashii |
JUN 8 2015
Golden Sun Composed by Motoi Sakuraba
"Angarian Vigil" "Hopelessness"
Arranged by TSori, GuitarSVD |
JUN 30 2020
"Back to the Fields" "The Angarian Journey"
Arranged by Pavos |
AUG 23 2021
"Essence of the Four Elements" "The Elemental Stars"
Arranged by Eliott Tordo |
OCT 7 2019
"Fire and Flames" "Battle! (Saturos)"
Arranged by Chernabogue, Cyril the Wolf, Furilas, HeavenWraith |
OCT 29 2021