Sonic Adventure 2 Composed by Atsushi Kosugi, Fumie Kumatani, Heigo Tani, Jun Senoue, Kenichi Tokoi, Tomoya Ohtani
"Graveyard Theory" "A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup ...for Pumpkin Hill"
Arranged by Zone Runners |
OCT 31 2014
Sonic CD Composed by David Young, Mark Crew, Masafumi Ogata, Naofumi Hataya, Spencer Nilsen
"A World in Motion (Super Peel Out Edit)" "Sonic Boom (Credits)", "Sonic Boom - Opening Theme (US)"
Arranged by DusK |
FEB 9 2015
"The Jazzy Cosmos" "Cosmic Eternity - Believe in Yourself"
Arranged by Monster Iestyn, GCJ |
MAR 19 2018
"The Madness" "Metallic Madness "B"mix (JP)", "Metallic Madness "P"mix", "Metallic Madness (JP)"
Arranged by EAR |
MAY 26 2017
Sonic Chaos Composed by Kojiro Mikusa
"Smooth Dream" "Aqua Planet Zone", "Scrap Brain Zone"
Arranged by ladyWildfire, mr_n00b |
MAR 12 2015
Sonic Colors Composed by Fumie Kumatani, Hideaki Kobayashi, Kenichi Tokoi, Mariko Nanba, Naofumi Hataya, Tomoya Ohtani
"Morning Coffee" "Area - Planet Wisp"
Arranged by Tune in with Chewie, Joni Fuller, RVCHL |
JUL 16 2019
Sonic the Hedgehog Composed by Hideaki Kobayashi, Jun Senoue, Mariko Nanba, Seirou Okamoto, Taihei Sato, Takahito Eguchi, Tomoya Ohtani, Yasutaka Kume
"Absolution Comes in Dreams" "Dreams of an Absolution ~Theme of Silver the Hedgehog~"
Arranged by Cyril the Wolf, M-One |
JAN 19 2010
"The Ultimate Ab Solution" "Dreams of an Absolution ~Theme of Silver the Hedgehog~"
Arranged by Ivan Hakštok, finbeard |
FEB 8 2018
Sonic the Hedgehog Composed by Masato Nakamura
"Fifty Rings to Ride" "Green Hill Zone", "Labyrinth Zone", "Special Stage", "Spring Yard Zone"
Arranged by Joshua Morse |
SEP 21 2011
"Finality (Radio Edit)" "Final Zone"
Arranged by Cyril the Wolf, JH Sounds |
NOV 17 2011
"Live at the Springyard" "Spring Yard Zone"
Arranged by Harmony |
APR 27 2005
"Speeding Towards Adventure" "Green Hill Zone"
Arranged by Jorito, Azzykay316, Final Kingdom, Furilas, Tuberz McGee |
JUN 22 2017
"Under Construction" "Spring Yard Zone", "Star Light Zone"
Arranged by DrumUltimA, Harmony |
APR 12 2011
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Composed by Bobby Brooks, Brad Buxer, C. Cirocco Jones, Darryl Ross, Doug Grigsby III, Geoff Grace, Jun Senoue, Michael Jackson, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Tomonori Sawada
"Ice Cap Zone Rescue" "Ice Cap Zone: Act 1"
Arranged by Beckett007 |
JUL 24 2012
"Icebreaker" "Ice Cap Zone: Act 1"
Arranged by halc, Jewbei |
JUN 10 2015
"Knuckleduster" "Marble Garden Zone: Act 1"
Arranged by Danny Baranowsky |
NOV 19 2006
Soul Blazer Composed by Yukihide Takekawa
"I'm the Soul Blazer" "The Mine"
Arranged by HoboKa, Smooth4Lyfe, BrothaDom |
MAR 29 2019
Star Ocean Composed by Motoi Sakuraba
"Summertime" "Calm Time"
Arranged by Hale-Bopp |
AUG 12 2005
Stormlord Composed by Charles Deenen, Johannes Bjerregaard, Maniacs of Noise
"Seneca's Marble Pack Edit" "Opening"
Arranged by N-Joy, Simona |
FEB 14 2005
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Composed by Isao Abe, Yoko Shimomura
"Family Man" "Guile (U.S.A.)", "Ryu (Japan)", "Zangief (U.S.S.R.)"
Arranged by OverClocked University, Moonlapse |
SEP 12 2018
"Ryu Next Generation (RNG)" "Ryu (Japan)"
Arranged by jdproject |
SEP 7 2012
"The Ken Song" "Ken (U.S.A.)"
Arranged by jdproject |
NOV 9 2004
Streets of Rage Composed by Yuzo Koshiro
"Elevation [groovepump mix]" "Violent Breathing"
Arranged by ambient, DragonAvenger |
SEP 19 2008
Suikoden II Composed by Keiko Fukami, Miki Higashino
"Do You Remember?" "Reminiscence (Opening Staff Roll BGM)"
Arranged by Jorito, JoyDreamer, Lauren the Flute, Trev Wignall, XPRTNovice |
MAY 8 2017
"The Retired Hero" "Distant Skies (Banner BGM)"
Arranged by Gamer of the Winds, Psamathes |
MAR 3 2021
Suikoden III Composed by Keiko Fukami, Masahiko Kimura, Michiru Yamane, Takashi Yoshida, Yoshiaki Hoshi
"Home Again" "Cheerful Farm Village (Chisha Village BGM)"
Arranged by Jorito, Earth Kid |
NOV 20 2018
Super Castlevania IV Composed by Masanori Adachi, Taro Kudo
"Deforestation" "Forest of Evil Spirits (Stage 2 BGM)"
Arranged by Thunder Thouin |
JAN 21 2012
"The Night King's Lament" "Dracula's Room (Final Stage BGM)"
Arranged by Sam Dillard |
OCT 31 2015
Super Hexagon Composed by Chipzel
"Focused" "Focus"
Arranged by Crashlander |
JUN 6 2024
Super Mario Bros. Composed by Koji Kondo
"The 2-2 Blues" "Game Over", "Swimming BGM"
Arranged by brentalfloss |
MAY 6 2010