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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Clay Moffatt
  • Location
    Gilbert, Arizona
  • Occupation
    Restaurant Manager, Film Maker

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

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  1. Hi there! My name is Clay Moffatt. I run a film company called Overnight Pictures. We are currently in pre-production on a feature film we hope to release this coming November. Which means we are looking to find just the right person to write the music. 1: Would you be interested in working on a 90 minute film? 2: Can you give me an estimate on pricing? I am in the process of splitting our budget up into what we need most to make this film the best we can. So I just need an idea, not a final number. I will share more about the film if you are interested, but it is a thriller/ghost story. I have attached some of my previous work in this post. Please take a look and let me know if you are interested! Over the past few years I have met some very talented musicians and I really like to work with people again and again. The relationship grows and it pushes everyone to do their absolute best! Please send an e-mail to me here: zimishone@gmail.com if you would like to talk more about the project. Like I said, at this time I am just seeking out all the available options. "Bedtime" "Don't Help Him" "Star Man/Star Man 2" Thank you, Clay
  2. Just wrapped up production on the sequel. Here is the first trailer!
  3. There is a link to the finished film. We had the premiere at Superstition Springs Harkins in Mesa, AZ. Any feedback at all is welcome. We would love to hear what you think. I added the link to the first post. All of the music was composed for the film by Arn Andersson: http://arnandersson.bandcamp.com Thanks and please enjoy!
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN_nIWhw9OU Bump for a new trailer. Check it out and let us know what you think!
  5. So excited for this! Been a long time in the works!
  6. You don't have to be. The story we decided to follow includes the origin of the character. Think Batman Begins on a budget of $3,500. I actually knew nothing about Star Man a year ago. I run an independent film company and i've always wanted to make a super hero film. I figured why not try a comic series that Hollywood hasn't touched yet.
  7. We are currently in post-production of a feature length fan film based on the DC Comic "Star Man". A week ago we released the first trailer. Just thought I would share it. Feedback would be awesome. We are aiming for a release in August, however we have been behind schedule since the start of this project. But I will post it here when it is released. And yes we stayed very close to the source material! Thanks for checking it out guys. Finished film:
  8. http://soundcloud.com/clay-moffatt/wintertime I haven't had much time for music in the past few years. And while I miss it a lot of things have become more important recently. Marriage, kids, work... So I really wanted to take the time this holiday season and mix my favorite Christmas song! So please enjoy "Wintertime", my remix of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas".
  9. Glad to see this finally wrap up! It has been a LOOOONG time coming.
  10. This album has been around since the time I joined this site. I'm so glad you guys were finally able to release it. It is one heck of an album! Great work!
  11. Thanks Wes! Yes, of course you'll be coming over to check it out! For anyone else who wants to find out more about the film i've released a second short teaser! As we get closer to the release this October i'll be posting even more stuff from the film! Enjoy!
  12. Hey guys. Wow I haven't posted much of anything for a couple years now. Well, I thought I would stop by to share my latest work. As some of you may know I run a small independent film company. Overnight Pictures. You can always check us out online at www.overnightpictures.org. Anyways, back on topic. We have been working on a 6 part film series for nearly 5 years now and have finally started the 6th and final film! Wooo hooo. I released the trailer yesterday and am just looking to share it. So go ahead, watch it, enjoy it, hate it, comment or whatever you like! It's been a labor of love and we can't wait to finish it up! You can check out the other 5 films on our website and YouTube if you would like to. This trailer won't make much sense otherwise!
  13. Actually it's been a few slackers. lol
  14. Well what's your deadline? Cause i'm not able to start right away but I wanted to claim a track. I can mix up to par. Check out my mix on the Xenogears album. If you still really want a WIP for claim i'll try to have something in a few weeks. Or just put me down for Delfino Square.
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