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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. How do I get Giza Plains to change from dry to rain? or is there even a way?

    It takes time. I'm not sure how long, but you might end up sitting around for an hour or so waiting for the weather to change. There's a guy you can talk to at the south gate that'll give you an indication as to when the weather will change.

  2. Map

    I live near the middle of the "S" in Hicks.

    EDIT: On second thought, I won't embed hueg image into the post.

    Hey... uh... you want to not use a map with racial slurs in it?

    Is someone sensitive to letters on a page?

    Internet = Serious Business :roll: .

    I guess I live right ON the red dot that says spics...I think?

  3. I liked DoS' use of the Stylus. And I would love to see the alternate story's ending be the cannon. But either way, it does not end the Castlevania story. It just stops Dracula for a generation, more or less. I could easily see a future Castlvania where Soma fully embraces his destiny.

    Now PoR makes me wanna see Castlevania 1999. That one will be the biggy.

    Also, they are gonna run out of reincarnations pre 1999 soon. Since Dracula's begining has been established as the 1300s, and the games leave little place to add more story, I really think the next big Castlevania will be the assault of 1999. And at that point, it will be interesting because it was Julius Belmont, a bunch of soldiers, Yoko Belnaldes and Alucard, all at once, in the castle fighting Dracula. And the only 4 to survive were Hammer, Alucard, Yoko, and Julius, if I remember correctly.

    Uh...according to wikipedia, Yoko is 24 years old in DoS, and since DoS takes place in 2036, there's no way she could've been alive when Julius fought Dracula in 1999


  4. Hmmm. Seems interesting, buuuut...
    "We won’t have long diatribes, we are utilizing a clipped kind of writing and the editing is frenetic," explains Rossi. The overall approach is hoped to make the show have a wider appeal than Trek’s last foray into the world of animation.

    Two points of wonder here; one, I'm unsure how great a Trek series would be with this kind of short dialogue, and two, what last foray?


    Apparently, there was an animated series 30 years ago 8O .

  5. It has probably been said, but The final boss of Tales of Destiny 2 sucked! Having to do that special attack right at the perfect time was totally rediculous.

    You can just hold the buttons down while she starts and it'll trigger at the right time, so you don't have to wait and try to time it right.

  6. Ya, thanks for saying exactly who she is.

    NOTE: Not work safe for googling her.

    :lol: Well if anyone has their name associated with "Bangbros", you should already know you shouldn't be looking them up anywhere else except home :wink: .

  7. Okay, who remembers the boss from Mega Man 2's fourth Wily Castle stage? That sucker was nigh impossible! The only was it was possible to defeat was if you had a full magazine of Crash Bombs and plenty of Form. 1 lifts. The only way you could kill a turret was by hitting it with a Crash Bomb, but there were also little walls that needed to be broken, again with nothing but a Crash Bomb. The annoying part was, there were more walls+turrets than you had Bombs, thus you could only blast walls where absolutely necessary. And you had to plan your route while the little turrets were firing at you.

    I beat it, like, twice ever.

    what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times.

    Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.

    MM2 is that the one with hardman, topman, woodman?

    Top Man and Hard Man are from MM3. Wood Man is from MM2.

  8. Yeah um...I just bought the game today and I'm installing it right now :o . I'll keep y'all posted. And...


    Welcome to the end of your social life.

    Might as well pull up a chair.

    What social life :roll: . I'm anti-social to begin with, and getting addicted to an MMO isn't anything new to me.

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