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Everything posted by 3DZOEF

  1. The pc games magazine: "PC GAMER" has mentioned "The Dark Side of Phobos project" in their mag! And from the looks of it they liked it. Mag number 154 - November 2005 and turn to page 140. (Lower left corner) "DOOMED HEADPHONES" "No, it's not a cleverly hacked set of cans that you can play the full game on, but news of a complete remix of the soundtrack to FPS granddaddy, Doom. Heavy rawk is omnipresent in this freely downloadable double-album. The Dark Side of Phobos has been a year in the making, and witnessed almost as many obstacles as the game's marine. Artistic difference's and changes in the team saw the production wane somewhat, but they got back in gear and finally released their magnum opus. So if you're into powerchords straight from the belly of Satan himself, it's well worth cocking your ear at http://doom.ocremix.org. Go on, it's free and one of the best produced fan efforts we've had the pleasure of plugging in."
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