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Posts posted by Battousai

  1. What are you talking about? There's no antagonism in his tone. If anything it's just a hackneyed expression. As for the judges being picky, that can be interpreted any which way, including as a neutral statement.

    His statement regarding the place not having really changed is the most interesting thing related to the thread.

  2. Guys. There's a way you can download the game from iccup and play on there. Also I have a custom gateway to share with you if your game works but your key is not totally legit (the private gateway doesn't require a key.)

    We have a week to iron these details out. I'll try to find the file right now and respond when I can.

    UPDATE: I found the file. If you need it, send me a private message.

  3. Okay, guys, the first video is up. Sorry for the shoddy quality; we're still working out all the bugs. I'm working on improving my own casting - you'll see improvement throughout. Since it takes 40+ minutes to upload each video, and I'm not on a super fast UL, I'm going to link the results. As garian mentioned, we all have a week to practice before scheduling the games, so take your time and work out the kinks in your own play.

    Nekofrog vs SynthStampede game 1 -

    casted by Nekofrog and myself


  4. I'm sure some of you are familiar with artists like 8-bit artist (http://www.myspace.com/8bitartist) and Doctor Octoroc (http://www.doctoroctoroc.com/bead-sprites/) - well lately (as in the last year or so) my friends have begun making bead projects (BEES?! No not bees, beaDs. BEADS?!) and lately they finished two extensive projects that I would like to share with you all.

    As fellow video game enthusiasts you should be able to appreciate these. In terms of time, the two projects combined took 6 months of dedicated work from guys who are working 40 hours and still hold down regular social lives and girlfriends, etc.etc.etc.

    Without further ado, let's take a look at the pictures!


    from Chrono Trigger, 40" x 28", over 29,000 beads


    from Final Fantasy 6, 40" x 20", over 27,000 beads

    Any comments/criticism welcomed!

    EDIT: 12/21 Please check out my friend James's blog at http://www.atimewellwasted.com/ for more pictures of amazing beadsprite designs! Here's a teaser:


  5. It was quite bad back then, actually. This was more a spinoff for that 3d rendered comic with the pretzel guy and the green guy. I think there was an Ecco mix and an Outrun mix and they were TERRIBLE. The site's come a long way.

  6. First, zeality gets to some sort of nebulous percent completed in his remake. Then his hard drive crashes. He loses everything, didn't make backups, and has no choice but to give up. But he can't just come out and say that because it'll sound like he's making it up. So he invents an even BIGGER piece of shenanigans to keep people's hearts and minds with the project.

    Seems pretty cut and dry. All the people flying to his defense are 1-of posters who are so blindly defensive of their e-buddy that they'd swear to anything that the project was finished and got squashed by GRAHHHHHH SQUAREENIX GRAHHHHHHHH without any solid evidence that any significant portion of the game was done to begin with.

    Silly zeality, tricks are for kids!

  7. I almost never play Metal Man first. Even if I do, I go to Flash Man second without dealing with Bubble Man or Wood Man. There's no one "right" way to play through that game (or any Mega Man game, for that matter!)

  8. This Month:

    Get the general rank in killzone 2

    Install digital performer again

    Sleep more

    Be more productive with time

    Post more on ocremix

    Get together with friends more

    This should keep me busy for a while.

    Is it just me, or is all your list in conflict with itself? :nicework:

    I've been avoiding posting in this thread for fear that I might be productive. I must overcome that fear.

    - Finish payroll forms for substitute teaching

    - Search for second job, part-time or full-time

    - Read the books I bought from the bookstore two weeks back - in progress -

    - Start the weekly writing club I have talked about with my friends the past two months

    - Finalize birthday plans

    Small list, start small, work my way up. All manageable goals in the short-term.

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