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  1. I'm a bit inclined to agree with Pogo on the lyrical aspect of the song... it did make the song sounds a bit corny (this is not a criticism of the vocals themselves because the vocals were fine), but it overshadowed the song itself. May be a good idea to offer the songs with vocals in their instrumental versions as well (as the Crocodile Cracophony song was offered in Disc 3).
  2. What part of the game do you see that part? I never saw that. BTW, I read your analysis of the endings and thought they were pretty interesting... particularly, the "Mother" Ending, since I thought the ending itself didn't make much sense. Thanks for sharing. When Eileen is beaten and after the first journey through the alternate Apartment, when you look in the hole the bunny doll on the chair just points at you. Its really unnerving, mostly because that thing gives me the creeps. I hate dolls.. Ah, the bunny... I see. Didn't know he had a name. Yeah, it was sort of funny/creepy the way it pointed at you after Eileen got carved into.
  3. What part of the game do you see that part? I never saw that. BTW, I read your analysis of the endings and thought they were pretty interesting... particularly, the "Mother" Ending, since I thought the ending itself didn't make much sense. Thanks for sharing.
  4. I do that, but the guy still takes forever to take down. I had the game in Hard Mode when I battled him, but dang, I've never seen a final boss take so much damage before biting the dust.
  5. ***Possible Spoilers**** Okay, so I've kept Eileen pretty much in good health throughout the entire game and she tends to walk relatively slow during the final battle with Walter..., but has anyone come up with a sure fire way to kill him quickly? I mean, for a nutjob, he sure has a body of steel... come on, I unload 36 revolver bullets in the guy and he's still standing. I take him out with the shovel because that weapon seems to stop his attacks when fully charged, but in the end... Eileen still ends up dead. If someone could tell me how they've pulled it off thus far, I'd appreciate it. Either that, or direct me to a site that has video files of the endings, that'd be appreciated as well seeing as how seach engines weren't helful.
  6. At the moment, it's Ninetails from MegaMan X Command Mission. The guy kills my party on his first two turns. And I can't stand the fact the guy can restore his LE every time his turn comes up.
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