Yea... I did play it recently. Completed it about a month ago. Great game. And yes, it was pretty hard. The best bosses I've played against in maybe two gaming generations. The thing is, I went through it on NORMAL... not the infamous DANTE MUST DIE. On normal it took me a handful of tries to defeat that damn blob ( i hate that blob), actually a handfull to beat pretty much everybody. Except the griffon (1st and 3rd iterations werent too bad). I can only imagine the difficulty level at higher levels. When I saw the "Now try it on HARD" after I finished the game I laughed, and thought to myself "no friggin way". So I can understand that the pain that DMC would cause a person. Cant vouch for it though, but I definitely know where youre comin from.
On another note... did DMC just destroy your hands? Holding down R1 while rapid firing the fire button with Ebony & Ivory left me reaching for an ice bag after a couple of boss fights ( i always used E&B on griffon).
for HERMAN9000: it goes Bald Bull(#2), Flamenco(#2), Sandman, Macho Man, then Tyson. So youre almost there.
Yep thats why i cried. But at least I finally did it.
One of those games I regret never beating. Kind of a lame boss if you think about it. Just a button masher where victory depends on some luck. But I never could do it for some reason. You can see I'm bitter. Oh well. Great job on beatin him!