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  1. Yes... he is the last one. How far are you getting? He will try to one shot knockdown you for the first 1:30 of the first round. Dodge each one and give him 2 shots to the head. ONly 2! Next he'll go into the blink and hook routine. Dodge the hook and hit him in the head some more. Its either 2 or 3 shots per punch ( i think 3). If you do this right you should be able to knock him down sometime in the 1st round. 2nd round gets a little tougher. Lets see. If he blinks both his eyes a bunch of times, prepare to block like you've never blocked before. Dont try to dodge them. He will still flicker before every big uppercut he throws. He might string together more than one in quick succession. Otherwise, he'll just mix in a combination of the punches i've explained. So just dodge and hit, dodge and hit. Take deep breaths. Sit on the edge of your seat. Get those reflexes workin, cause without quick reflexes youre down on the mat. In all reality, if you get knocked down twice in the first round, just start over. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  2. A present for HERMAN9000 007-373-5963 the password for Tyson. Crazy I remember it after all these years. I guess its like the Konami (UUDDLRLRBA,Select Start) thang, the kid icarus "ICARUS FIGHTS MEDUSA ANGELS", or metroids "JUSTIN BAILEY"... you never forget.
  3. Yea... I did play it recently. Completed it about a month ago. Great game. And yes, it was pretty hard. The best bosses I've played against in maybe two gaming generations. The thing is, I went through it on NORMAL... not the infamous DANTE MUST DIE. On normal it took me a handful of tries to defeat that damn blob ( i hate that blob), actually a handfull to beat pretty much everybody. Except the griffon (1st and 3rd iterations werent too bad). I can only imagine the difficulty level at higher levels. When I saw the "Now try it on HARD" after I finished the game I laughed, and thought to myself "no friggin way". So I can understand that the pain that DMC would cause a person. Cant vouch for it though, but I definitely know where youre comin from. On another note... did DMC just destroy your hands? Holding down R1 while rapid firing the fire button with Ebony & Ivory left me reaching for an ice bag after a couple of boss fights ( i always used E&B on griffon). for HERMAN9000: it goes Bald Bull(#2), Flamenco(#2), Sandman, Macho Man, then Tyson. So youre almost there. Yep thats why i cried. But at least I finally did it. One of those games I regret never beating. Kind of a lame boss if you think about it. Just a button masher where victory depends on some luck. But I never could do it for some reason. You can see I'm bitter. Oh well. Great job on beatin him!
  4. Well I have to say that none of the bosses these days compare to the old school NES bosses of yesteryear. Of course when I was playing games like Castlevania I was only about 6 years old, but those bosses were hard as hell. I just cant think of any boss in recent years that has put my patience and persistence to the test more than these guys. Maybe its because I'm in my twenties now and have been around the block. But anyway here they are in no particular order: Grim Reaper - Castlevania For the life of me I couldnt beat him as a kid. Came back to the game when I was in my teens and finally beat him. Of course the next couple levels proved incredibly frustrating too, so I never completed it. Father/Jaquio/Demon Combo - Ninja Gaiden The BS surrounding this boss was thick. Remember if you died anywhere else during the stage 6 levels you started on that level. But if your life count hit zero when fighting the final boss you got shot all the way back to 6-1! I could never get passed that flying Jaquio. About 6 months ago I picked it up again and finally gave Jaquio what for and beat that game. Very satisfying. Shadow Link - Zelda II Adventure of Link Tried to beat this cat hundreds of times, and never could. Most people said it was because I never owned a controller with a turbo button. I couldnt move my little fingers fast enough back then. I would go back now and try it, but then I'd have to figure out the maze that is the last dungeon, and I really dont think its worth it. Mike Tyson - Mike Tyson's Punchout When youre 6years old and fighting Mike Tyson there aint no way youre gonna win. Your reflexes are still developing. With that said, I could never beat Iron Mike until I was about 12 years old. The best I did when I was 6 was knock him down once or twice.
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