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The Mutericator

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Posts posted by The Mutericator

  1. Okay, time for some critique:


    - Track blending makes it very, very nice. I always try to blend my own CD's.

    - Kickass tracks like Full of Life, Vast Inner Depths of Brinstar, Ebb Tide Manifest, Percieved by Cold Intelligence, and Escaping Retribution kick ass (yes, I said it twice, they're that good).


    - Tracks like Putting Down on Zebes (admittantly, not much source material to work with), A Change and a Passing, Metal Fatique, and Pyroclastica. Seriously, WTF? I've yet to see any music in any of Children of the Monkey Machine's works, try though I might to actually like them. It's like noise, made even worse by the fact that Protricity felt the need to imitate CotMM's style. These tracks, I think, really killed the project for me, to the point where I only listen to the last three tracks and various ones in between these listed; I can't stand listening to the half-noise tracks.

    So, yeah. This project could have been so much better, but at this point I'm considering just replacing said tracks with virt's Crystal Flash and making an awesome Super Metroid CD.

  2. Time for a new DS or GBA game, but I have no idea what do get.


    That's what I have currently. Give me some ideas :D

    Love Metroid? Go for Castlevania DS first. I've been a Metroid fan for years, and as soon as I heard Castlevania was Metroid-style exploration, I was hooked.

    Add in RPG elements, especially since you also seem to enjoy Elder Scrolls, and you're in for a hit. Just be sure to not to get the crappy ending, or you'll have a reaction like the one in my signature. xD

    Also, I'll probably be getting a Lite for my birthday in about half a month or so.

    I have Castlevania DS, it's on there :P

    Whoops, my bad. Didn't scroll down. ^_^

  3. Time for a new DS or GBA game, but I have no idea what do get.


    That's what I have currently. Give me some ideas :D

    Love Metroid? Go for Castlevania DS first. I've been a Metroid fan for years, and as soon as I heard Castlevania was Metroid-style exploration, I was hooked.

    Add in RPG elements, especially since you also seem to enjoy Elder Scrolls, and you're in for a hit. Just be sure to not to get the crappy ending, or you'll have a reaction like the one in my signature. xD

    Also, I'll probably be getting a Lite for my birthday in about half a month or so.

  4. It would seem that the japanese don't like Sonic as much as we do.

    Either that or Sakurai was already considering him so he didn't put his suggestions up.

    I'm hoping for the latter.

    I'm strongly thinking that Sonic not being on that list is a sign to his already being included.

    @ Hector: Lloyd and Kratos are property of Namco, who, so far, we know nothing about. They have been good about making Nintendo games in the past, though - I believe they developed Custom Robo.

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:

    The first MMORPG for Nintendo DS, Maple Story.

    About time, I called this almost a year ago. I KNEW this game would be perfect for DS. I remember speculating about how you could chat, you could have user-progammable buttons for common words you say so you don't have to type every single thing with an on screen keyboard. But this is rumored to have a speech-to-text function. I'm not sure how well that would work out. It would probably work best you could use it in conjunction with an on-screen keyboard, because speech-to-text is never perfect. Maybe the keyboard could have 2 backspace-type buttons. One backspace is for going back a character (obviously), and the other is to clear the previous word typed, in case the speech-to-text got the word completely wrong. Then you could either attempt to say it again, or hand-type it.

    I'd rather have a sprite-based version of Ragnarok Online than Maple Story, but I realize that RO is like a gig and a half at full size...

  6. Oh, and I really hope they can take wavedashing out of Brawl. It'd ruin the online play... OMG SNAKING!

    I really hope they take wavedashing out for Brawl as well...especially since it was almost certainly not meant to be used in the first place.

    Actually, I've heard that the debuggers actually found it and left it in.

    I see no real problem with it, to be honest. It's not like some n00b can pick it up and start doing it to ace a veteran, and even after practicing for a while, it still takes a long time to be able to do effectively.

    What, pray tell, is this "wavedashing"?


    Ctrl+F "Advanced Techniques". It's all in there - what it is, who's best at it, how to do it, et cetera.

  7. Oh, and I really hope they can take wavedashing out of Brawl. It'd ruin the online play... OMG SNAKING!

    I really hope they take wavedashing out for Brawl as well...especially since it was almost certainly not meant to be used in the first place.

    Actually, I've heard that the debuggers actually found it and left it in.

    I see no real problem with it, to be honest. It's not like some n00b can pick it up and start doing it to ace a veteran, and even after practicing for a while, it still takes a long time to be able to do effectively.

  8. Edit: Just played with TheLeviathan. Fun times. He loves my Falco and Ice Climbers lol :)

    Hey now, I won a game or two when you weren't one of your better characters (*cough* bowser and link). Ahem excuse me. :wink:

    As for the screenshot, It would be kinda fun if there was an actual mode for that with all the retro sprites.

    Or perhaps revamped sprites, such that the original sprite look is there, but the styles match up.

    I second this motion.

    Only make it 32-bit sprites, not 8-bit; otherwise it will be a little difficult to tell who is who.

  9. Mmm, so i actulally got a DS today. I dunno why, I guess I figured its time i stopped being such and idiot and actually spend money for a change. (though for some reason I always feel guilty afterwards ;_; )

    It cost a pretty penny I suppose, but so far I like it. (kind of)

    MarioKart and Mario&Luigi are both great games, but seriously, after 5 minutes of metroid i was like WTF? I cant really work that game, because it makes Samus jump everytime i even slightly touch the screen. I'm thinking about trading it back if i still can, but ugh, maybe i should keep trying.. Do you get used to it easy? or is it just a bad, baaad game?

    Maybe i gave up too soon, but wow, it just doesnt feel good, but there arnt many other good games out here just yet.

    Pity. If you would have waited about two weeks, the DS Lite is coming out June 11th with a brighter screen.

    Set Metroid Prime Hunters to Stylus mode, and keep your stylus on the screen at all times until you want to jump.

    Also, I'd highly recommend New Super Mario Bros. Awesome game.

  10. Actually I'd prefer Geno also. But wasnt Geno from another game?

    Nope. Culex was a Final Fantasy-esque boss, but even he wasn't from anything else. Only Mario, Bowser, Toadstool, and the Toads were actually from any other game (Luigi, too, if you count the instruction manual, and Booster if you agree that he's a Wario clone).

    Speaking of Booster, here's to a costume change of Wario that is effectively Booster, and maybe a stage from that game.

  11. I think Lloyd Irving might be a fun character to play. And in the far-off chance that we get some love from Capcom...


    I never played a game Strider was in besides Marvel Vs Capcom...but I do think it'd be kinda fun with Lloyd (I really enjoyed ToS). I am kinda curious how open companies like Namco would be to selling rights to a character like him...

    I don't really think it'd be a good idea, but it'd be funny to have Leon from Resident Evil 4 :P. It'd just be ridiculous :lol: .

    Clarification: you don't sell the rights to Nintendo, you grant the permission to use the character in one game, like Nintendo gave permission to Square-Enix to make Super Mario RPG (which is why Geno and Mallow probably won't show, since they're SE characters... though it would be really, really cool).

    Also, for sheer ridiculous out-of-placeness, Solid Snake already fits the bill.

    Grant permission for money :P. I'd be really suprised if there wasn't an exchange of money to get him in there. So I don't think it's as simple as you're making it sound. Seems like not only do the companies need to be willing to whore out their characters, but the price would need to be right.

    I agree Snake came outta left field to be in SSBB. That reminds me of http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?.

    Sorry, I thought the money was an assumed thing, sort of a given.

    Personally, I'd rather see Geno than Mallow, really.

    Also, I want to know if the new NP tells about actually new characters or the ones we've already heard about.

  12. You DO realize of course, that most of the time, Krystal doesn't have the staff... Fox does. Krystal most likely will be in, and have the staff; but I want to see Fox use the staff, maybe as an alternate version of him (akin to Zero Suit Samus).

    Just to put out a question... how many series do Nintendo own in a position similar to that of DK & Starfox? That is, how many more sortof-2nd-party series could they put in? I have a feeling that that's the first route they're gonna go to expand.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that question, but this is where the Rare developed Dk and Fox games stand in terms of ownership.

    Nintendo owns all properties and characters in every DK and Starfox game, even those developed by Rare. Even characters Rare created in association with DK or Starfox became the property of Nintendo. This is why you still see characters like Diddy and Krystal appearing in Cube games, with no credit given to Rare.

    In fact, at the end of all the DK games and Starfox Adventures, you see the message after the credits, "All copyrights, including those of game, scenario, music, and program reserved by Nintendo."

    I believe the same applies to Mallow and Geno, even though Square made them. They were created in association with Mario, and Geno even made a small cameo in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga for GBA during a minigame. I think they're fair game for SSBB characters.

    Incorrect; you forgot who made Superstar Saga: Square-Enix.

    Geno and Mallow stand no chance of getting in unless SE gives NIntendo permission to use them; regardless, they stand a much better chance than most every FF character, simply because they fit better.

  13. I dunno if this has been mentioned before, but isn't the new DS lite marketing campaign the gayest thing to ever happen to the videogame industry?




    Christ, Nintendo what the hell are you thinking?

    Gay-ER? When was it gay in the first place?

    Well, you have to touch it.

    And touching is something gay people do.

    If this is gay then sign me up.


    I wasn't aware that there were homosexuality sign-up sheets.

    *dying of laughter*

  14. I think Lloyd Irving might be a fun character to play. And in the far-off chance that we get some love from Capcom...


    I never played a game Strider was in besides Marvel Vs Capcom...but I do think it'd be kinda fun with Lloyd (I really enjoyed ToS). I am kinda curious how open companies like Namco would be to selling rights to a character like him...

    I don't really think it'd be a good idea, but it'd be funny to have Leon from Resident Evil 4 :P. It'd just be ridiculous :lol: .

    Clarification: you don't sell the rights to Nintendo, you grant the permission to use the character in one game, like Nintendo gave permission to Square-Enix to make Super Mario RPG (which is why Geno and Mallow probably won't show, since they're SE characters... though it would be really, really cool).

    Also, for sheer ridiculous out-of-placeness, Solid Snake already fits the bill.

  15. I like the music, a lot. Been whistling that overworld theme for days. The jumping Goombas and other enemies is a nice touch.

    I really liked the final castle music, myself. Really feels epic, you know?

  16. I'm willing to bet that an equally-likely candidate for Brawl is Alucard, since he's a common character in many of the games. It's him or a Belmont or both, I think.

    Dammit, I lost my Castlevania DS cartridge... and I had 100%, too!

  17. Also he should not be doing more sigs because this project needs to be finished as soon as possible and if he's spending his time making sigs that means he's not spending drawing for the project.

    You'd make a good slavedriver :P

    I kid, I kid >_>;;

    Trust me, no one understands Internet sarcasm better than Bongo Bill. I've been on the nets with him for three and a half years, and I've never met anyone more... accustomed to the oddities of the Interwebs.

  18. NSMB freaking rocks, period. It's the first game I've ever gotten my non-gamer friend to play, and he loved it. It's exactly like Vyse said: it feels like Mario without feeling stagnant. 1Up for you, Nintendo (they even kept stuff like the "run over the top of level 1-2" and "jump on the koopa shell on the pyramid blocks to get infinite 1Up's").

  19. I've been saying this: The storybook is what makes this project unique. Releasing the music now just turns it into "any old remix collection" like Metroid/DKC/Doom etc, not that those are bad, but this could be special :)

    Please don't get impatient.

    It's not as though remix projects are stagnant, there are only, like, six out there right now. Thing is, I don't think I'll even look at the art more than once, it's the music I'll be listening to over and over again, and it's the music that gets me excited about the project.

    But if you want artists, I'll talk to my friend about registering here and helping out...

    Yes, but releasing the music early destroys the entire reason for this project to exist in the first place. The whole idea has always been to have a storybook that coincides with a soundtrack, which makes the project unique and sets it apart from the others. I suggest wait until the entire project can be enjoyed in it's full glory, the way it was originally intended.

    Oh, nonono... I misspoke myself, there. I didn't mean "release the music early, whether or not the art is done yet," I'm just noting that I'll look at the storybook a couple of times and then make a CD out of the music and get a lot more use of it.

    Though now that I think of it, if it's Kirby-esque enough (read: child-safe), I may actually show it to my little eight-year-old sister, she'd like it... actually, I'm suddenly getting excited about the art now, LOL.

  20. I've been saying this: The storybook is what makes this project unique. Releasing the music now just turns it into "any old remix collection" like Metroid/DKC/Doom etc, not that those are bad, but this could be special :)

    Please don't get impatient.

    It's not as though remix projects are stagnant, there are only, like, six out there right now. Thing is, I don't think I'll even look at the art more than once, it's the music I'll be listening to over and over again, and it's the music that gets me excited about the project.

    But if you want artists, I'll talk to my friend about registering here and helping out...

  21. I wasn't anticipating Ivy in the game, I was just referring to Samus's entrance reminding me of Ivy's. Now that I think bout it, Link did appear in SC2, so other characters from SC MIGHT be fair game. Its wholey unlikely, but so was Snake.

    Soul Calibur = Namco Bandai.

    Metal Gear Solid = Konami.

    Namco Bandai =/= Konami.


  22. Yeah, this is becoming a list title, but I'll throw my two cents in:

    With the growing popularity of Metroid, I'll bet on a couple more Metroid stages (a stage with Ridley flying around wildly, attacking random players, perhaps, or Dark Aether, where characters take damage outside roving light spheres of protection, or maybe the Artifact Temple, where the huge temple pillars move around at random and will shoot up and down from the ground, maybe combined with the Ridley stage above).

    Also, I'd predict one Kid Icarus stage.

  23. Yoshi's Island 2 (please just use the same old graphics from the SNES version, please... that would be so cool), Kirby DS (combining stuff in Crystal Shards was AWESOME, plus the exploration of Superstar... I'm in. Just put in multiplayer and I'm happy), Starfox (KILLSLIPPYKILLSLIPPYKILLSLIPPYTHISISASUBLIMINALMESSAGE), and FFIII FTW.

    My DS will be getting much love. Even more reason to get a DS Lite before heading out to college.

  24. According to what I've read on Smash Bros Dojo (the official site), the theme is composed by Nobuo Uematsu, the composer of most Final Fantasy games (he left Squaresoft to be an independent contractor a couple years ago; Final Fantasy 12 is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto of Breath of Fire V and others), but it doesn't sound like the whole soundtrack will be Uematsu.

    Woah seroisly. Thats fucking awesome. I hope he at least does a few more tho

    Uematsu's verison of the zelda theme or star foxs

    *edit* my friend jsut saw the trailer. She was more shocked to the realization that samus was a girl :lol:

    Something in me just died... laughing. XD

    No, seriously, _now_ she realizes Samus is a kickass female? I find that to be really, really funny, and a little sad because so few people know it.

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