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The Phalanx

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Posts posted by The Phalanx

  1. Sonic Adventure 2 released just under ten years ago

    You're getting away on a technicality there, you jerksock.

    And while I don't MIND SA2, it was a schizophrenic mess that needed some serious mechanical polish and a more refined level design. Also no racing levels, goddamn they were terrible.

  2. You can see minerals and dig straight for them

    And, if you're playing on a hardcore server, it allows you to see where other people are hiding their stuff.

    Using transparent textures kind of makes you a jerksock though. It's akin to cheating.

  3. You know what *wasn't* scary? Silent Hill Homecoming. Aside from some rather excellent monster designs there was no psychological horror to it; it just seemed like bad copy/paste from previous games to give it some sort of legitimacy (oh look, Pyramid Head! FOR NO REASON). The storyline wasn't engaging by any stretch of the imagination, and Alex was...well...boring.

    Just...avoid that one. It's more the Black Sheep of the series than SH4, and at least 4 could seriously creep you out (ohgodthatdollwhydidIpickitup).

  4. I just

    I didn't like the epilogue.

    There, I said it.

    I felt it almost completely invalidated everything he worked towards, everything he fought against and hated so much. The twist came out of absolutely nowhere and made no sense within the frame of the game itself. Sure, the DLC will address this and explain HOW he came to that point, but...well, I felt it left itself off on a better note BEFORE the credit-roll. It held so much more weight to it, and you really FELT for him then.

    It just seemed an almost throwaway twist. I'll still likely play the DLC and everything, but it won't remove that bad taste in my mouth.

  5. It did well enough to fuck with my mind seeing as at the time I bought it I was still living in an apartment. Half the time I had the place all to myself (midnight) and playing SH4 did nothing but make me imagine strange sightings at night.

    That fucking doll...

    Friend of a friend scared the other one to hell and back by putting his hair down and 'floating' after her in the middle of the night, much like the ghosts in SH4. This has proven to be the greatest means of scaring the ever-loving piss out of her every single time.

    The biggest weakness of SH4 was Henry (who had nothing for a personality and was bland as hell) and going back through the same levels a second time around. Had they done something about that early on I think it would have been received a lot better.

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