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Posts posted by 53phy

  1. Man, I never knew how chaotic and fun 3-team games could be until that teamball on Lockout game...

    10-11 EST is now officially Halo 2 time for me. Gotta find something I specialize at too... :)

    Also, if anyone didn't catch it by now, I'm Strykr. Nice ta meetcha.

  2. Also, I have found a skill worthy of a badge: The Spartan Samurai! Don't believe me? Check this game for proof. I didn't win the game, but the running riot and rampage I got with the sword was quite satisfying. And I think Sgt. Strykr can concure with me on this one :D

    I certainly can. :) Hope to see you guys on tonight, but if I get caught up in somthing and can't get online, be sure to make up for my absence. Shouldn't be hard. :wink:

  3. Perhaps, though I should be good with WoW for a while. If the desire to blast people away BR style proves to be too much though, I will definately pick up some used cables.

    Carbine is a bit better for longer ranges though... more accurate since it only fires out one shot. the BR is better for closer ranges, since all 3 bullets can cause more damage then.

    Just a common but overlooked principle here folks!

    One thing many don't notice, though... Since the auto-update, the BR has 100% accuracy even when non-scoped. Little oversight on Bungie's part, but I think it's pretty cool.

    Deej Valen, when I sent that invite, I had it accidentally set to "appear offline". Sorry for any confusion...

    Also, 'twas a good night of gaming. I think I missed most of it, but oh well. See you all tomorrow. :)

  4. ...Which is the same time that WesPip mentioned in the beginning of this thread.

    Also, after much thought, I've decided to join your ranks. :)

    GamerTag: Sgt Strykr

    I probably won't be on today, but I'll be online tomorrow and from there on out as often as possible, around 10 PM EST.

  5. I posted this in the Unmod sig thread, but ...um, no one replied. So I figured I'd repost it here with hope that I might draw you geniuses outta the woodwork. 8)

    Well, I've been thinking about this for a while now, so here I go.

    I'd like to request a sig.

    Before I post details, I just want say this: You guys are awesome. The amount of work you put into this, day after day, constantly blows my mind. *thumbs up*

    Okay, now that that's over with. I figured I'd let you guys come up with whatever you want, give you as much freedom as possible. So I have but one request: It's gotta be Evangelion-themed. Preferrably Shinji.

    Please/thanks so much. Keep up the awesome work. :D

  6. Hi there...

    I've been lurking for a while, and finally decided to make my self known. :)

    While I may not be a DJ, I can say that this site has the best frikkin' music around. Keep up the good work! :wink:


    I'm 15 and hail from western PA. I've been playing games since I was five or so. (Which isn't saying much, compared to some. But it's something.) I wouldn't consider myself a "fanboy" for any particular games/systems, which I s'pose will help around here.

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