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Everything posted by Vig

  1. Wow. Those vocals are so.....not metal. I think the track is pretty good, well-mixed, but the vocal is so inappropriate. Your voice really doesn't fit the genre, and it's not mixed appropriately either. You ought to try bringing down the lead vocal and making it wetter. Sorry to say it, but I think the vocal is killing this mix. NO
  2. Honestly this needs a lot of work. On the technical end, the intro is too much quieter than the body. The piano is drowning in reverb, and the roland flute patch you're using is too loud and up front in comparison. Once the rest of the mix comes in halfway through, there's a lot of clarity missing. The bottom is boomy...you've got the bass drowning in reverb I think...There's absolutely no clarity in the rhythm parts. The drums are muddy, the piano and bass are muddy. It's really pretty bad. Bring it to the WIP forum for mixing tips; these issues are pretty remedial. On the arrangement end, It's pretty decent, though the intro is way too long and the piano writing is oversimplified and boring. You've got some good ideas, but this isn't near the bar yet. Keep workin. No
  3. Hmm...There's something about the lead acoustic that isn't cutting it. Maybe it needs more compression? I think it's because the tone is a little dark compared to the rhythm guitars that are panned hard. I'd probably try compressing it and bringing it up. Might not sound natural, but it might sit better. The lead electrics sound good, but they could have more reverb, and they are a bit too loud in the mix. The other problem, which is a big one, is that you don't have an ending. What's here is great so far, but you aren't done. NO
  4. Man I hate B4's artificial distortion. The intro is tense and I really like it. The more elements come in, the more the mix sounds kind of muddy. The lead guitar is too close; got to give it more verb, and maybe trim some low mids, more high mids. In general I'll say I really dig the writing and the arrangement. The mix does tend to be a little crowded, I'm not sure you really need the chorus underneath the distorted guitars. They are just taking up low mid frequency space, and there's plenty other stuff to fill that range. I think if you make those little tweaks, this will be passable. NO
  5. Haha very fresh; I like it a lot. The execution is a bit janky. The stringed instruments tend to be a bit too clean and up front compared to the drums. They sound like they were recorded rather poorly in a bedroom. I'm not saying the recording is a dealbreaker, but you might want to put some small hall verb on them so they sound a little more like they were all recorded at the same time. Give it a live feel. The piano sticks out, for one thing as being not live, but also it's strange that for a song that seems to go for a live sound, it doesn't play at all until its one line, then it's gone. I think the drums are treated very well for the style. Like the verb. I love the track, but aside from the rhythmic awkwardness, you really should try to make those little fixes to better maintain the live feel. NO
  6. Ah Jayson Litrio. Wily's Wedding is one of the best piano mixes on the site. Not going to linger on the piano sound; it's fine, though it sounds a bit boxy in the lower octaves, like you've got the lid simulation on. Honestly, I think this is pretty tight, but the arrangement is really straightforward and doesn't bring much to the table. The string supplementation is used tastefully, but there's just not enough elaboration in the arrangement here. I'm a fan of yours, but have to pass on this one. NO
  7. I love the groove, but the writing here is really clumsy. There are bad notes everywhere, the pads are slow. No real reason to go into too much minute detail. The soundscape here is really nice. There are some really excellent sonic ideas like the breath noises, but the writing and arrangement leave a lot to be improved upon. NO
  8. Hmm. I'm deciding whether the mix is tweaky enough to make this a NO for me. Some things I would fix in the mix: -The intro is muddy. I was expecting this to be a persistent problem through the track, and while the low mids are often mushy, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting from the intro. -The hand percussion is a bit too dull and too loud. maybe add some crack around 1.5kHz and bring it down a bit. -The kick is thin. This might be tricky because you've got pads and the bass already taking up a lot of the low end. -You definitely should throw a compressor on the bass especially for the final third of the song. Some notes stick out and some get lost. Aside from that, 2:22 gets muddy with the pads. This is at least partly due to the writing. there are bells and softer pads that are stepping on each other's toes. This problem just gets worse through until the guitar comes in at 3:15. The arrangement and mood of this track is fantastic. I don't think my complaints warrant a NO, so I'm going to go YES. If you get rejected, please take my comments and resubmit quickly!
  9. Hmm I dig it. I'm liking all these pokemon remixes that sound nothing like the original. This thing kept my attention. The production is pretty clean and crisp, but there are a few things that really need to be addressed: Some points are exceedingly bright thanks to the pad that comes in around the half way point. Sooo much information from 8-20kHz! Aside from that, I thought the leads were too loud. A couple quick fixes, and this is pretty solid. NO
  10. I do think the piano should be a bit brighter. Maybe carve down some of the low mids to make more room for the choir. As for the volume, L2 that shit. Arrangement is great. I didn't even recognize the source till I went back and listened to the crappy original. I'd love for this to be a quick resub. NO
  11. First thing I notice is that the lead is too loud. Considerably so. It really shatters the soundscape, and ruins the immersion of the listening experience. Aside from that, my main problem is that the arrangement gets a bit repetitive. There's not a whole lot of subtlety going on, and the sounds aren't compelling enough to make it a particularly enjoyable ambient listen. The key change is okay, but still that lead is too far out front. NO
  12. Definitely not crazy about the left hand. 1-5-1 most of the time. Rhythmically and harmonically boring. This isn't unpleasant by any stretch, but it's just so simplistic. It needs more subtlety in the writing. NO
  13. Wait, you think the drums are too loud? If anything I think they are at the right level, but not present enough. The cymbals get a little crispy, but the snare is dull. Got to agree about the bottom end though...there isn't much of one. The kick has very little going on outside the paper range (500Hz-2kHz) The guitars are pretty ballsy, but I'm not psyched about the drum performance. I know metal drumming is really difficult, which is why big name metal bands very often do lots of drum editing and quantizing. It would be really impressive if the drummer had nailed the part, but there's a lot of rhythmic drift which really detracts from the tightness of the song. NO
  14. I agree it's a bit topheavy. There is bottom end, but the bottom is mostly resonant above 150 or 200Hz. More ass! The lead synth is so shrill. maybe drop it an octave? The vocals are back in the mix which is fine, but sometimes they have parts that are too busy for the sample, and for the role they play in the mix. The "wind" sound is really quite harsh: too much around 2-4kHz. As for the arrangement, there are some cool ideas, but I feel like there isn't too much of a direction. The drums could use more variation. This is a close call, but I'm going NO
  15. Holy crap that kick is great. Worthy of Daft Punk. Wait...you people are complaining about the kick? Really? The kick is freaking awesome. So if I submitted "Around the World" you guys would be like "uh the kick is like, overpowering." Seriously? And the snare is fine. Could maybe be brighter, but it contrasts nicely with the claps. I'd say this is mixed really well for the genre. It seems to me like you guys are looking for stuff to complain about. The piano is mechanical? This isn't Beethoven; it's electro-dance-whatever. The piano sounds good, and mechanical works. He used a major sixth? Yeah. It's called the dorian mode. There's nothing in the harmony that would make it sound out of place. The major sixth can be and is substituted all the time in just about every genre even in cases when the aeolian is implied by the harmony. You no votes are really missing the forest for the trees on this one. YES
  16. I like the intro, Very Mendelssohn. Although I'd say the verse is a little too straightforward, and then it loses steam at a kind of bad time. I'd say the overall composition is a bit anti-climactic. On the technical end, there's a bit of buildup in the low mids, but it's not too bad. NO
  17. Not bad. I'd say the main problem is that the dynamic of the track is pretty spastic. When the bass is in, it pretty much gets too busy and not terribly well thought-out. At other times there's very little going on. Also, you really need more ambience in a track like this. There's very little going on atmospherically. Also, some of the glitchy rhythmic elements are out of time, and it doesn't work so well. NO
  18. This track is super weird. I appreciate that you're doing something quite creative with an incredibly cheesy source. The first time I listened, I didn't know what to make of it. Now, I actually like the extended introduction more than the rest of the song, which I find to be a bit repetitive and full of sections like 3:30 which just seem to have way too much melodic noodling. NO
  19. Haha Sockpuppet: I don't think there's a general hatred towards the Pokemon soundtrack here at OCR; there's a very focused hatred radiating outwards from just me. Luckily enough I don't recognize the source from this remix, so it's got that going for it. I'm not super sold on this track though. The arrangement is a little bit too bland, and the break in the middle of the track is really quite bizzare and doesn't work for me at all. The tune is nice, but it sometimes feels like the writing is sort of haphazard. It occasionally lacks any real melodic direction, and whether that's the fault of the source or the remixer, it doesn't really matter. The section where the most recognizable melody is absent makes the whole track sound a little slapped-together. NO
  20. Wow that piano is crushed. Love the percussion. not crazy about the string lead (dulcimer?) it's too forward and dry. It sticks out a bit much. The arrangement is pretty cool, if straightforward. The pads are nicely used, but man that plucked lead is so far forward. Some harmonic weirdness around 2:40. The melody isn't supported well enough to really establish the chord changes in the listener's head. The strings after the 3 minute mark are kind of bare and awkward. I find myself asking why the strings are playing that melody. Pretty cool track, has some great elements, but needs a few tweaks. NO
  21. First thing I notice is that the intro is very shrill in the 2-4kHz range. fill it out! The guitars are loud even for the style, at least when they first come in. The arrangement is pretty straightforward, and the break at 2:00 isn't dynamically warranted and seems just awkward. I like the next section; the guitar solos are cool, though you might might add more verb to the leads to distinguish them sonically from the rhythm guitars. As the track goes on, the arrangement grows on me. However, some of the performances are a bit wonky rhythmically. You should really tighten up the rhythm guitars, and trim some of the unnecessary frequencies. Also, the compression is really too audible towards the end. The mix is breathing with the guitars. bring them down. I think this is a pretty cool track, it just needs some mixing tweaks. NO
  22. Nice energy at the start..but the breakdown is kind of clunky at 1:00. 1:06 is the wrong chord; clashes with the flute entrance at 1:08. More harmonic weirdness at 1:15. Why does that dulcimer have such strange delay/rhythm? It might be effective if used sparingly, but it just gets grating. In general, the mix is a bit mushy. Could use more clarity. Everything's so wet. Honestly I think the arrangement isn't terribly cohesive, and there are lots of little awkward bits mentioned above that really lead me to think this needs more polish. NO
  23. chthonic has great talent for simple, pleasing composition accented by subtle and complimentary production. This is no different. Perhaps not his most exciting work, but definitely up to spec. YES
  24. Hmm...the recording's not great. Sounds like the mic's were too far away. Stereo field is very narrow. The arrangement is alright, but fairly straightforward. NO
  25. Love the sound. The cello is quite emphasized between 500-700Hz, but I like it. Halfway through, and the arrangement has been rather straightforward so far. Not much in terms of rhythmic or harmonic interpretation. The rhythm guitars are particularly boring, playing mostly whole notes. Really? Even when you have a tag/turnaround you don't bring up the energy and play some chunky 8th notes? The arrangement remains straightforward. It's pretty much a cover. You could do so much more with the guitars if you actually played them like rhythm guitars and not meter markers. Sorry, you just need to make it more your own in ways besides the instrumentation. NO
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