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Posts posted by Polo

  1. I actually go by mascot number (from 001 onwards), not alphabetically. That's how I ordered it in one of my TXT files that contains a copy of every article's Wiki source code. Just saying.

    The bios are certainly more attention-grabbing with the quotes more prominently featured. Moving the quotes and bolding the initial mascot name appearances have both been finished.

    Also, I removed Ness's quote because it goes against the last part of his bio ("Ness does not talk during the entirety of the game...").

  2. HOLD IT! *slaps hands on table*

    (a.k.a. feedback)

    - I went and checked, and that mascot image is actually from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.

    - Care to elaborate on how and why the series was thought not to be well-received at first? Like, the courtroom might be a controversial setting for an adventure game? Americans jaded by courtroom dramas? The characters' names and the game dialogue too difficult to translate faithfully? The first sentence is an unresolved cliff-hanger.

    - "excellent storytelling" --> "Excellent" is more opinion than fact. Is it fast-paced? Does it allow multiple resolutions? Is the atmosphere tense and true to a courtroom case? Specify.

    - "the series and Phoenix Wright himself has become" --> You mean have become, since you're grouping 1) the series and 2) Phoenix Wright as two items.

    - "well known" --> add a hyphen (well-known)

    - "and his finger pointing, full arm thrust have become" --> The part "full arm thrust" after the comma doesn't feel secured. Either add a comma after "thrust" or cut the comma already there and add "with his" to make the clause complete.

    - Out of curiosity, why add "internet surfers" to the mix? I mean, sure, it's true, what with internet memes and the Phoenix Wrong parodies and so on, but it might be more accurate if you said the internet community rather than surfers. The current wording just raised an eyebrow.

    - "turnabout". --> We talked about this before - the period goes within the quote marks, remember?

    - confidant --> confident (E, not A)

    - "The Fey family, for instance, play a major role" --> I might be wrong on this, but isn't the Fey family referred to as one item, meaning it should be followed by a singular S-ending verb (plays)? "The family plays a major role..." is the wording I imagine. If you said "the people/members of the Fey family..." then it would end in a plural non-S-ending verb (play). I think British English accepts "the family play a major role..." as grammatically correct, however.

    - "but it is her younger sister Maya, who is his constant companion" --> Either cut the comma here or add another after the word "sister."

    - counter-pointing --> Counterpointing doesn't have a hyphen.

    - So Miles Edgeworth is an ally at one point? If so, you might need to explain how and when he sides with Phoenix, because anyone not in the know would end up confused on the prosecutor's stance. Maybe put him at the end of the list, along with an aside or footnote-ish tidbit.

    - I'm familiar with the lawyer's quote, but it's not unique enough to him. Anyone can say "take that!" in any number of situations. The Phoenix Wright series has tons of dialogue, I'm aware, and something specific that only he would say would fit better.

    - A linked game in the Selected game appearances list requires its full title (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney), the system above it (Nintendo DS, according to what's at the end of its link), and the correct year of release (2005 for the DS port, not 2001).

    Since the series is rife with case study spoilers, you made the right choice to focus on Phoenix's character and his relationships with friends/enemies. If you feel it's not enough, you can add how he got his start as a lawyer or what influenced him to become one, if it's simple enough. And perhaps you can give an overview about how the games play out. You know, how you gather and present evidence, how cross-examinations work, what happens if the player screws up on an accusation, etc.

  3. I was wondering when you would make a comeback, Arek. It gladdens my heart to see you're still in the game. Here's your notes:

    - Agent is spelled with one G, not two.

    - "implanted as her left eye" --> implanted in her left eye

    - "an extremely tricky opponent" --> "a tricky opponent" would work better because "extremely" would be debatable to Street Fighter pros.

    - "shoot or store fireballs from her feet at three different angles" --> It sounds like she stores fireballs from different angles. Do you mean she stores fireballs in her feet and shoots them at three different angles?

    - "well accepted" --> add a hyphen (well-accepted)

    The good news is that you adequately trimmed down the paragraph about her backstory that gave you so much trouble. Mysterious yet purposeful = enticing without spoilers. I can also imagine how scary M. Bison and Shadoloo are from this description - one encounter crushes your life and turns you into a fighter seeking revenge. Wow.

    After this round of cleanup (as long as you clarify that fourth note), Juri Han will most certainly be ready for the Wiki. Go for it.

  4. :nicework: on the upload, Dafydd. There were a few things I corrected in your bio:

    - hyphens that act like dashes - were replaced by actual dashes — for improved visibility

    - "at great moral difficulty" --> a great moral difficulty

    - some instances of italics (they're for game titles and nothing else)

    - the Wikiquote link now ends in _(game) so the page doesn't say "redirected from..."

    - the last reference's label and link were tweaked for accuracy

    Should be fine now.

    Kefka Palazzo


    Article by: Polo

    Pictured from: Dissidia: Final Fantasy

    Created by: Square

    First appearance: 1994


    As far as main antagonists go, Final Fantasy VI's Kefka Palazzo ranks among the most criminally insane. His gaudy outfit and clown face mask his destructive tendencies, his short-tempered outbursts, and his lust for power that spares no regard for human life. When he emits his signature cackle (so prevalent that it's even mixed into the final boss music), players know he's up to no good.

    At the start of the game, Kefka's a trusted General assigned to carry out the dirty work of Emperor Gestahl. The assignment: to extend the Empire's influence by harnessing and manipulating the force of magic however possible. Creatures that are naturally capable of controlling magic, Espers, are snagged, studied, and raped of their metaphysical potential, which is then transferred into the skill set of everyone loyal to the Emperor. When Kefka first received his share, something inside him snapped, and he desired more power still. It was the beginning of the end of the World of Balance.

    Kefka deals with every obstacle swiftly and in his own sadistic manner. When he suspects a king is hiding a person vital to the Empire, he sets his castle aflame to smoke out the individual. To bring an end to another castle's resistance, he poisons their drinking water to make them drop one after another. He doesn't directly fight often, instead choosing to run or have soldiers fight in his stead, but he's not above slaying his own allies if it'll add to his share of spoils. Such is the extent of the General's war crimes that he rearranges the face of the world on both large and small scales, in the process becoming a godly end boss with a sublime command of magic. And with it, he raises his glass to nihilism as he continues to destroy all he wants.


    "Hee, hee! Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!"

    Selected game appearances

    === Super NES ===

    Final Fantasy VI (1994)


    Final Fantasy Wiki - "Kefka Palazzo"

    Wikipedia - "Kefka Palazzo"

    Badass of the Week: Kefka Palazzo (Cefka)

  5. What do you know, I got my laptop's internet working again. And the problem was deceptively simple. *sigh* Anyway, I call dibs on Kefka from FF6. But first...

    Dafydd - That new quote is also hilarious, but in the end, I think the original one fits the context better.

    And yeah, OCR's a big boy now. Copyrights no longer include pudding snacks, the clown-bashing GIF left the Combatribes ReMix page, and the Toyota Supra does not say "Vroom vroom?" according to our refined rules on quotes.

    The bio section reads well enough to me, but if you need more time to look it over, that's fine.

    Tensei-San - Some pointers for Zephyr:

    - Here's the company in OCR's database. Link it up.

    - Warcraft 3 --> Warcraft III (the title uses Roman numerals)

    - Both instances of "ingame" would look better with a hyphen (in-game).

    - "the human Legion" --> This could be read either as a human named Legion or the official name of a group of humans. Careful with it.

    - "Hellbourne faction, and defend" --> Cut the comma because the Beast Horde has 2 objectives laid out before them, not a list of 3 or more.

    - "windbased" could also use a hyphen (wind-based).

    - "using a wind shield" --> "use a wind shield" (since the previous description also uses the infinitive form)

    - "Zephyr's ultimate skill conjures" --> Sounds like the skill, not Zephyr, conjures the attack. You can try "Zephyr's ultimate skill involves him conjuring..." or similar. Just make it clear the owl is the one in control of the move.

    - "heal himself up" --> You can cut "up" because "heal up" sounds awkward when "heal (himself)" would be simpler.

    - "farm very quickly" --> Uh... what? I'm confused.

    - Paragraph 4 can be combined with paragraph 3 to finish detailing Zephyr's skills and how he handles for beginners. Also, the mention that he's popular can be left to paragraph 5.

    - "Zephyr is enjoys" --> Cut "is" ;)

    - Personal nitpick: Your last single-sentence paragraph brings up "Zephyr" 4 times. Try changing the second two to "him" or "the owl" or something for variation.

    - Does Zephyr say something more human-like? If so, you can change it to that. But if he only emits animal-like sounds that aren't exactly unique to him, then leave out his quote.

    - PC isn't in OCR's systems list, so we say Windows (or DOS or whatever) in the appearance lists.

    - Bios require at least 2 reference links, so add another one about Zephyr and/or the game.

    Lots of little notes, I know. But I think he's a pretty interesting character even though I never played Heroes of Newerth. Polish up the bio for great justice.

    Liontamer - Do you mean links to the newly uploaded bios like Zero and Red, as well as who's claimed which mascot and has a WIP? Dafydd can probably update the first post with that info, if he's okay with it. Or do you have something else in mind?

    P.S. Can you get djp to add the blue Tap Runner already? He's now over a year late.

    Mirby - No dice. A few problems with that link:

    1) It's more than half action-based entertainment than simplified detail critical to Zero's character/backstory. Reference links stress further READING rather than WATCHING.

    2) You said yourself it's a bit different from what you wrote/researched. I don't really see Zero using Sigma's pride or confidence against him. And the W appears before Sigma bashes in Zero's helmet. It's a disservice to point readers to evidence that says "no, actually, it didn't play out that way" in contrast with the details you include in a bio.

    3) YouTube comments don't guarantee consistent relevance to the movie or what it presents (lulz and spam and video quotes and all that).

    Also, for future reference, it's important to have every fact, reference link, and so forth laid out in a bio BEFORE it's entered into the Wiki rather than bringing up stuff posthumously. We don't entertain adjustments in the wording unless it hinders the basic flow and understanding of a mascot, and reference links are only updated if they get broken or changed. (If a citation vanishes for good, we search for a fitting replacement, but the info provided must be as accurate as possible and cannot conflict with what the bio says or confuse the reader.)

  6. Crap, I meant the comma, not period. Usually, adding a comma to separate two clauses/ideas in a sentence would unnecessarily slow it down. Example:

    "A tool is used as one substitute and as a second one."

    "A tool is used as one substitute, and as a second one."

    Looking at your sentence again, however, it's probably more preference than rule. I think I'm just used to going by the former example, similar to how I use commas in lists ("one, two, and three items" as opposed to "one, two and three items"). You can keep it as is.

    Other notes:

    - I understand "Aperture Science" is part of the name of the research facility and the portal gun, but a lot of websites don't include it as part of the mascot's full name. And searching for "Companion Cube" shows results that generally add "Weighted" as a prefix. So your original 3-word name for the mascot was the more popular/established (I suggest we go with that). If you'd like, you can add "Aperture Science" somewhere in the article.

    - "Portal Gun" --> This can be lowercase (portal gun) since it's describing the tool without its full "Aperture Science" title.

    - percieving --> perceiving (I before E except after C and all that)

    - Even if a quote contains the beginning of the sentence being quoted, the starting letter should be lowercase when it's in the middle of the sentence that quotes it (so lowercase the T in "The" in GLaDOS's line). It's like how "you" is changed to "[her]" in order to tweak the quote for the benefit of the reader.

    - The second reference link ends in Portal_(video_game (so add the closing parenthesis).

    Looking better. After these fixes, you can have the honor of uploading it to the Wiki under the name you're more comfortable with (Weighted Companion Cube or Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube) while fixing the format and adding Portal's release year and yada yada.

  7. Tips for the Weighted Companion Cube:

    - "solving various puzzles getting from one place to another" --> In spoken English, a pair of consecutive descriptive actions (with -ing gerunds) doesn't sound weird, but when written, it can cause one to do a double take. It would read better as "in order to get from..." or "and get from..." or similar.

    - "The protagonist - Chell - is..." --> I'm sure commas would work fine here ("The protagonist, Chell, is..."). Dashes add extra weight to something, whereas commas are more neighborly/friendly.

    - [trying to think of a good way to describe its personality here without saying too much] --> cunningly advanced? almost human? promises cake?

    - The second sentence is kinda run-on. You can split it into two and have one noting the protagonist, the lab, and GLaDOS, and the other starting "Throughout the game, GLaDOS overwatches and talks to Chell as she..." Or, you can include GLaDOS interacting with her in one sentence, and then have the next say "Chell proceeds... using a Portal Gun to..."

    - "to create portals from one part of the test chamber to another" --> This too sounds fine when spoken but odd when written. You can try "to create portals to teleport from one part..." or "portals that link one part..."

    - For GLaDOS's line, the quote mark can surround the outside of the period ("cannot speak.")

    - Add "it's (also) used" before "as a stepping stone" because the cube's uses aren't just a list - they carry on the sentence after the dash.

    - "...impossible to climb staircase, and as a shield..." --> you can cut the period because this part of the sentence describes two uses grouped after the button-pushing usage.

    - "which is a fairly long one" --> I'm not sure what purpose this serves - the fact that the cube is used extensively should suffice to give the reader an idea of the level's intricacy/challenge.

    - euthanization --> It's actually euthanizing or euthanatizing.

    Not bad thus far. Hope you sort out some of the stuff in [brackets] while touching it up in format and all.

    Should be "through", right?

    Of course. Fixed.

    The most important thing I need to fix is instead of it ending with "sealed himself up for a century," it should be changed to "sealed himself for a century or so" or something. Is that okay?

    Even if it's not strictly 100 years, a century can describe that much time in a "give or take" manner (even Wikipedia says "approximately" and "roughly"). The current wording should be fine.

  8. More feedback on Zero:

    - "Sigma decides to face" --> more like "Sigma then faces" or just "Sigma faces" because as leader of the Hunters, how can he decide not to avenge his fallen comrades?

    - I think the word "familiar" threw me off regarding the W. Maybe cut it or change it to "curious" or "visible" or something, just so other people won't demand WHY it's familiar.

    - Since you don't establish the virus earlier, it would sound clearer if the sentence read "while this was exposed, a virus held latent inside Zero's body..."

    - If he's the same character in the Mega Man Zero series, which you concede in your last sentence, then Mega Man Zero 2 should logically be in his appearance list. But if djp does add MMZ-style Zero as a mascot in the future (keep lobbying for it), we'll adjust the appearance lists accordingly.

    Once these nitpicks are dealt with, the bio will be passable. Despite no mention of his Z-Saber, Zero does have a solid history, personality, and motives, plus established relationships with Sigma and X ("His power and abilities are much greater than that of X, something that X uses as a goal to reach" = nice).

    Dafydd, I think I understand what you mean, but if a mascot not only doesn't speak but also has a quote without "quotation marks," that would just go against what we've established. Of course, it'd be hilarious if you could somehow fit that idea (and one or both "quotes") in the bio, as a sort of quirk relative to the Companion Cube.

    More feedback on Red:

    - "a place of open county" --> You mean country, right?

    Similarly, the Gold and Silver, FireRed and LeafGreen, and HeartGold and SoulSilver titles can be separated. The Pictured from line, however, can reflect both titles.

    Not entreily sure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate?

    I mean the paired titles can be split/sorted like this:

    === Game Boy ===

    Pokémon Red (1996)

    Pokémon Blue (1996)

    === Game Boy Color ===

    Pokémon Gold (1999)

    Pokémon Silver (1999)


    === Game Boy Advance ===

    Pokémon FireRed (2004)

    Pokémon LeafGreen (2004)


    === Nintendo DS ===

    Pokémon HeartGold (2009)

    Pokémon SoulSilver (2009)

    Notice how Red is linked but Blue isn't. This is what I meant when I said OCR files mixes under only one title. And since Red's appearance in FireRed is the same as LeafGreen, both titles can stay in his Pictured from line.

    - Your Bulbapedia link is a thorough and extensive resource on Red's character and all, and while the Wikipedia link does have only a small bit on him, it includes info on the other characters brought up in the bio (Gym Leaders, Team Rocket, etc.) which would act as a supplement.

    The important thing is you've done your research (thumbs up) and cited the most relevant links. That's good. Just fix that initial bit early on and separate the paired titles (unless you still have questions about it) and Red's bio should be all set.

  9. Feedback on Zero:

    - Your first paragraph repeats some of what X's bio initially states (Dr. Light's lab is found by Dr. Cain, some Reploids go "Maverick," etc.). We don't want to give readers a lot of the same info, practically word for word, in two bios. It would be easier if you wrote something like "After the awakening of the robot known as X..." and "X" would be a link to his bio. It'll save you some hassle regarding story setting/buildup.

    - I don't think you really need to give away that many facts about Sigma, since he's not the focus of the bio. Some details like his being the leader of the Hunters can be mentioned in passing or in more concise bits later on. His battle with Zero precipitates their changing stances from good <--> evil, so you can leave it in, but the mention of the virus inside Zero comes outta nowhere (bring it up earlier if it helps explain his attack after waking up), and the W on Zero's helmet is not directly explained, so it feels superfluous. Also, ripping off Sigma's arm? I've always seen him with two functioning arms.

    - I thought Reploids and Mavericks didn't have "souls" (cuz they're robots). Did you mean Sigma's programming/personality?

    - Why is the backstory of Mega Man X5 important? Simply saying that Zero does what he was created to do (fight X) would be sufficient; however, the outcome repeats/spoils what the next paragraph states in fewer words (that he sacrifices himself for the sake of peace) - that's a useful way to reveal what happens to him at the ends of some games without just saying "he dies." I say keep that bit.

    - You nail his personality. Excellent. Now what of his Beam Saber? And his abilities compared to X? And how does he view/help/hinder his partner?

    Some extra tidbits:

    - That Zero image is actually from Mega Man X6 (the filename here and the instruction manual over on replacementdocs confirm it).

    - Isn't Zero's quote from the anime? If possible, give him a line he says in one of the games.

    - Zero also appears in X2, X5, and Mega Man Zero 2 during normal gameplay. Add 'em to his appearance list.

    - To my knowledge, no mascot bio until now has ever cited a forum thread as a reference link. I'm not doubting the accuracy of the info - it's just that a forum thread is more openly prone to discussion, debate, editing, locking, and deletion than a standalone fan page or Wikipedia page or whatever. If you can link a reference like that that has the exact same (or more) info, it would be much appreciated. If not, don't worry about it.

    In sum: keep working on it. Focus on what's directly important to Zero and keep it concise.

    Feedback on Red:

    - For now, we'll link to the Wikipedia page on Game Freak - it's only until djp/LT fill out the company page and have it link to the remixed Pokémon titles.

    - Personally, I think "even so" or "but even then" would sound better than "even then" (3rd paragraph).

    - Backpack is one word. Or is the hyphenated "back-pack" a correct spelling in your region?

    - "any Pokémon the Red encounters" --> You mean any Pokémon THAT Red encounters?

    - If he's a silent protagonist, he doesn't need a quote (even if it is "..."). We tried it with Crono and company before, but later said "nah, forget it."

    - Don't forget to link to Pokémon Red in the appearance list. Pokémon Blue can be a separate title because OCR lists a mix under only one title of a pair of games that have the same music/features/whatever. (Biased, yeah, but the higher-ups decided on this.) Similarly, the Gold and Silver, FireRed and LeafGreen, and HeartGold and SoulSilver titles can be separated. The Pictured from line, however, can reflect both titles.

    - 14 titles is kinda pushing it, but it's not TOO much. There's only one pair under some systems, and the release years between pairs are rather far apart. As for the reference links - our only rule regarding them is to never have only a Wikipedia link. You're in the clear, but if you know of another relevant Pokémon resource whose url doesn't end in -pedia, you can add it.

    Overall: you cover Red's items, goals, achievements, personality... that's awesome, and I think this bio's worthy for inclusion.

  10. Guys, it's first dibbed, first written. Darklink42, call your mascot and proceed. Mirby, Zero's all yours. Make it strong.

    And Arek, finish Juri Han's bio already. :)

    Unfortunately, my computer's internet decided to crap out on me (again) yesterday. I'll fix it ASAP before writing a new bio.

  11. You can say "someone started to do something" and use the infinitive OR say "someone started doing something" with the -ing gerund without raising almost any native speaker's eyebrows. The latter suggests a continuous/ongoing action, and in this instance it works fine because Scrooge is still looking after his nephews.

    Commander Shepard


    Article by: Polo

    Pictured from: Mass Effect

    Created by: BioWare

    First appearance: 2007


    The year is 2183 A.D. Humans don't just planet hop — they board starships and teleport via Mass Relays to neighboring star systems and star clusters. Nanotechnology and cybernetics have advanced far enough to be able to bring a deceased person back to life. A physics phenomenon called "mass effect" has been discovered, and creatures naturally capable of sensing and manipulating it can enhance their prowess with the aid of brain implants. But despite all these leaps in science, turmoil still abounds among the stars. The Milky Way galaxy is governed by a collective body of sentient races called the Council, among whose duties include hiring and dispatching military personnel of various skills and alliances to restore order where needed. One of these is a human named Shepard, the protagonist of the Mass Effect universe.

    Commander Shepard's character is built on myriad customization options. While BioWare typically markets him as male, the player can choose to make her female, with the default first names being John and Jane respectively. His/her beginning class may be either a Soldier who's proficient in weapons, an Engineer with a solid grasp of tech items, or an Adept who manipulates the titular "mass effect" in battles. As the player gains experience, combinations of these classes become available. Shepard's birthplace and honed morality are also selectable. Was he/she born on Earth, in space, or on one of Earth's extrasolar colonies? Is he/she a glorious war hero, the lone survivor of a brutal battle, or a coldhearted murderer who cares only about the job and the paycheck? These choices affect everything from Shepard's in-game charisma to the tools he/she can handle to the supporting characters in the romantic subplot.

    Shepard enrolled in a fleet called the Human Systems Alliance at the age of 18. Now 29, he/she explores the galaxy aboard a starship called the SSV Normandy, completing all manners of military assignments. Early in the first game, the Normandy crew investigates a human colony that comes under attack by a rogue Spectre, a member of the office of Special Tactics and Reconnaissance. In response, the Council appoints Shepard the first human Spectre, giving him/her the duty to hunt down the alien behind the assault, Saren Arterius. This task is neither simple nor the only one; the galaxy contains extensive side quests, dialogue, and story exposition to match its size and scope, and some of the player's choices affect not only how the game progresses, but also how the ending to one game will affect the beginning and development of the next. Talk about a mass effect.


    "Whatever your plan is, it's going to fail. I'll make sure of that."

    Selected game appearances

    === Xbox 360 ===

    Mass Effect (2007)

    Mass Effect 2 (2010)


    Wikipedia - "Mass Effect"

    Wikipedia - "Characters of the Mass Effect universe - Commander Shepard"

    Giant Bomb - "Commander Shepard (video game character)"

    Mass Effect (2007) (VG) - Memorable quotes

  12. That could work too. But I stuck with "both" because it's easy to lump his homeland and his kin in the same boat since T. Hawk barely knew them when they were taken from him as an infant. So they're of equal importance. Clever catch nonetheless.

    And don't worry about the Mass Effect mascot - I'm writing something for him, too.

  13. T. Hawk


    Article by: Polo

    Pictured from: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

    Created by: Capcom

    First appearance: 1993


    In the southwestern United States, there lived a tribe of Native Americans called Thunderfoot. Their days of unity were shattered when a crime syndicate called Shadoloo forcibly usurped their land, in the process killing many, enslaving some, and scattering the rest. Thunder Hawk, one of the last survivors of his clan, was an infant when it happened, but he has neither the intention of forgiving the criminals nor the will to give up his heritage to history. Instead, he solemnly vows to take back his homeland and seek out the rest of his kin with his life. What's become of both, he knows not; all he knows is that by entering the second World Warrior tournament, he has a chance to personally bring justice to the head of Shadoloo, the man behind the attack: M. Bison.

    Muscular but speedy, merciless in battle yet sympathetic to nature, T. Hawk is a warrior who draws upon the mixed strengths and emotions of generations of a once-proud Native American tribe. As the above image illustrates, his aerial assaults give a literal meaning to his name; he leaps and dives diagonally forward with his arms stretched behind him like a bird of prey, a move which enables him to close in on anyone he fights. Grappling-based beatdowns are where he really cuts loose: T. Hawk grabs his opponent by the head or foot, leaps in the air while spinning them in circles, and smashes them full-force into the ground, sometimes repeatedly. If he executes this barrage as a finishing move, he might even land on his fallen opponent, but in a sitting pose and giving a characteristic open hand salute. Between his moveset and his end goals, T. Hawk desires, above all, to set the spirit of Thunderfoot soaring once again.


    "Your scream sounds like a pathetic war cry!"

    Selected game appearances

    === Arcade ===

    Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993)

    Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)

    === Super NES ===

    Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)

    === PlayStation ===

    Street Fighter Alpha 3 ( 1998 )

    === Xbox 360 ===

    Super Street Fighter IV (2010)


    Wikipedia - "List of Street Fighter characters - T. Hawk"

    Street Fighter Wiki - "T. Hawk"

    'Super Street Fighter 4' Character Guide - T. Hawk

  14. Fei Long


    Article by: Polo

    Pictured from: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

    Created by: Capcom

    First appearance: 1993


    It's little wonder that Bruce Lee, a movie actor famed for his flamboyant command of martial arts, could influence the creation of fighting game characters in his image. One need only look to Capcom's Street Fighter series to find one of the most direct personifications of him in any fighting game. His name is Fei Long, and ever since The New Challengers, he's been channeling the outfit, mannerisms, and even the shrieking battle cries of the kung fu legend.

    A master of Hitenryu kung fu, Fei Long makes full use of his speed and flexibility to catch his opponents off-guard. If he's close, he can dish out a flurry of aptly named one inch punches, or he can "cartwheel" over his opponent (by half-jumping, half-rolling on his back) as an evasive maneuver. Air attacks include flaming kicks: some spiral upwards, and others end a combo like his ultra in Street Fighter IV. His victory poses also emulate Bruce Lee's fighting spirit, whether he brandishes a pair of nunchakus or assumes a battle stance and emits a wailing taunt.

    A movie director took note of Fei Long's prowess and hired him to shoot action films, a career that's evident in Street Fighter Alpha 3. While it's a way to make a living, the Hong Kong fighter is not ultimately satisfied with cinematic fame. He enters the second World Warrior tournament not only to test his grit, but because he feels that choreographed martial arts could never match the real thing.


    "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you!"

    Selected game appearances

    === Arcade ===

    Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1993)

    Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)

    Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996)

    === Super NES ===

    Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)

    === PlayStation ===

    Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996)

    === PlayStation 3 ===

    Street Fighter IV (2009)

    === Xbox 360 ===

    Super Street Fighter IV (2010)


    Wikipedia - "List of Street Fighter Characters - Fei Long"

    The Fighter's Generation - "Fei Long"

    StrategyWiki - "Street Fighter II/Characters/Fei Long"

  15. A few game title-related matters:

    1) DuckTales needs a capital T according to Wikipedia and Google.

    2) Since we're going with full titles in the database, Guilty Gear X (Dreamcast) could use its subtitle "By Your Side" added on its page and in its url. If you need proof, take a look at a larger image of the cover.

    3) Personal nitpick: I'd like to see the Street Fighter pages for Champion Edition and The New Challengers (arcade) replace the hyphen - with a colon : in their titles for consistency.

    And speaking of Champion Edition, it was released in '92, not '94.

  16. Cool revision, Mr. T.L. :) Some notes:

    - DuckTales has a capital T, according to Wikipedia and most results in a casual Google search. Yeah, I know the game in OCR's database leaves the "t" lowercase, but we'll go with the commonly accepted spelling. I'll bug the higher-ups about the capitalization (and other bio-related matters) soon.

    - I think you mean Disney is the creator of Scrooge; both existed before Capcom and the game based on the cartoon influenced by the comics. But I am happy you wrote (non-game) in the First appearance line.

    - "Huey, Louie, and Dewey" --> Not Huey, Dewey, and Louie? (the order doesn't HAVE to be traditional, but I anticipate more than a few people going "wait, don't you mean...")

    - "and the notorious Beagle Boys" --> I think "as well as" would fit better than "and", since they and F.G. aren't his only enemies. It also flows more easily after the comma.

    - "Scrooge set out in Ducktales" --> You mean the NES game, right? Just make it clear, cuz I first thought you were talking about the cartoon. Also, the next sentence treats that mention as unrelated to Scrooge's first VG appearance. Maybe start the 2nd sentence as "This was his first video game appearance, which is still fondly remembered..." or similar, in order to bridge it cleanly.

    - "...to once again claim his title as the world’s richest duck." Do you mean he lost his title or simply wants to maintain it?

    - "In his most recent appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2" --> "In Kingdom Hearts II, his most recent appearance,..." sounds more concise, IMO.

    - "is said to have helped" can be cut to avoid the passive voice.

    So far so good. :D

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