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Posts posted by MikeViper

  1. Metal. My fave genre.

    But you used the RSE of Guitar Pro 5 didn't you? If not, your guitar sounds absolutely awful. As a guitar player of 7 years I must say, always use a real guitar for rock music. Never settle for less. The drums are bland, they lack punch..

    Thanks. You're correct, I did use fake guitars, but in the final I'll use real one's. Also, are the drum samples in themselves bland, or is it the actual drum part?

  2. You shouldn't use Youtube when sharing remixes here, as it lowers the quality of the sound a lot. http://www.tindeck.com/ is a good site.

    If you're aiming to get this posted on OC: Sorry, but it's way too close to the original. It needs a lot more arrangement and changes and such.

    If you're not trying to get it on OC, then good job, it really does sound like it comes from DP! :razz:

    Well I might upload MP3. But yeah, it's more of an arrangement, not supposed to be a full fledged remix.

  3. Ok, I remember the source tune vaguely, and little is added here imo...

    Samples are very 8-bitish, and the mixing isn't the best either... Sorry to be so negitive.

    Youtube isn't a good place to upload your remixes btw, I would suggest using tindeck of mediafire instead.

    Its effectively a midi rip at the moment... I would suggest adding some variation, give it some personal touches, don't feel that it has to sound too similar too the original :P

    Still its not bad, its nice to listen to but I think it needs a personal touch to it :P

    Cool thanks for the advice.

    ...I'm not sure what you did to it, but there are quite a few distinctly wrong notes in there. Other than that, it's really a MIDI rip using instruments from one of the newer Pokemon games.

    Since it's for a fan remake, a MIDI rip with improved sounds (comparatively) is acceptable, but wrong notes certainly aren't.

    If you're working to submit it here, it will also need much improved sounds and more variation from the original.

    Just take another look at it.

    Well all that needs to be done to see what I did is to listen to the original GBC version. The tones different and most of the background instruments are as well.

    But what are these wrong notes? If you're talking about the background notes, those are intentionally different from the original. However, if there are any problems with the main melody tell me.

    But yeah, might add some variation.

  4. Yeah, it really comes down what's good for you. For instance me, I'm the type of guys who just thinks up a melody in my head and starts playing, but you do the whole chord thing, which is okay because that's your way. I was just saying that through my experience scales have helped me get better at lead guitar. Especially the blues scale, since most professional artists improvise on that scale for solos.

  5. Gotta disagree with MikeViper on that one. If you're going to play power chords your entire life then fine, you don't need chords, but by the same token you wouldn't need a tutor or tutorials either. IMO, One of the first and most important things for you to do is learn the basic chords Am,A,C,D,Dm,E,Em,G and how to transition smoothly between them. With that, you'll be able to play a decent amount of popular music. When your fingers get used to the feel of those chords, move on to some tougher ones like F,Fm,B,Bm (these require using your pointer finger to 'bar' some strings which can be tricky at first) and then you'll be able to play an overwhelming majority of just about anything. Power chords are the basis for those last four chords btw.

    In anycase, once you start learning about modes, scales, add9 dimished 13 blah blah blah, I think you'll find that having a good fundamental knowledge of simple chords will only help move you along even faster. To summarize:

    1) Learn to play Am,A,C,D,Dm,E,Em,G

    2) Learn to play F,Fm,B,Bm

    3) ...

    4) Profit

    Like I said though, if you're looking to play rock, metal or popular music knowing that stuff probably won't help because it can be done with power chords. However, if you're planning to get into jazz or even classical you'll actually need to know all the minor chords, the diminished chords and all that to play the music. Then again, chords are also good if you're into music theory. Funk bands might also require you to learn a few chords.

    Like my guitar teach taught me chords and all that but it never really helped me get good. I didn't really start getting good until I just started getting faster and faster at scales and started to learn how to hammer on and pull off. Had dude just practiced scales with me, it would of helped a lot more.

  6. As a guitar player, I'm going to be truthful with you man, learning chords isn't really necessary to get good. As for scales, you should practice those to get faster and faster at your playing. If you want to get good at soloing and improvisation, look up the blues scale and practice the hell out of it, you'll be able to do killer solos by simply learning to improvise on that one scale. Reason I say chords won't help you much, is that most professional rock, metal and pop music, doesn't really use chords. Although if you're looking to get into jazz guitar you'll NEED to know chords. Also, if you're going to get into more acoustical guitar music or classical guitar, knowing chords will help. Other than that, learning all those basic chords really won't help, as most rock and metal music, use power chords. Basically, if you're just looking to learn mainstream music, knowing chords isn't necessary.

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