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bucky o'hare

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Posts posted by bucky o'hare

  1. Awesome thread.



    Power Supply

    8BP065 MP3 / MINI-CD

    New York's Anamanaguchi finally makes their debut with the driving and dynamic Power Supply. The fully-packed release shows a range of feelings from "putting the final blast into a robot boss" to some more heartfelt tunes — all with hyper-melodic, electric powerpop flavor. It is recommended that you sing along with the squarewaves. Please enjoy!

    01. Sting Operation

    02. Helix Nebula

    03. Airbase

    04. Video Challenge

    05. Fast Turtle

    06. Flora/Fauna

    07. Power Supply

    (20:58 Total)

    Download the album from 8bitpeoples.

    I love this album. Very, very catchy chiptune stuff with some live instruments (guitars) thrown in there.

  2. I could never beat the last boss in Puss 'n Boots, Pero's Great Adventure. Then again, I could never tell what the hell was going on.

    Death from the Castlevania series as a whole has always been rather difficult. It just varied in degrees of difficulty which each game. Obviously Death from the original CV was an absolute bitch if you didn't figure out the way to trap him in the corner with triple shot holy water. Death from Lament of Innocence gave me one hell of a time until I figured things out on my umteenth try.

    The most challenging Death for me was Death from Castlevania 3. He easily took me more tries than in any other game. Death in cv1 is probably equally difficult w/out the double or triple shot, but at least you know there is an easy way around it if need be.

  3. BTW...did anyone meet-up with LuIzA? I recall her saying that she was going to be there...strange that you didn't have a pic with her or anything, Pixie.

    I ran into her a couple of times, including at the mall nearby.

    I believe I got a picture taken with her and akumu at one point.

    Awesome! Thanks, there are some great ones in there. Is it cool if I use some of those on my band's myspace? I'll say taken by "Richiter" or something to that extent. :)

    I'm still a noob on these forums and therefore didn't really know anyone here well enough to recognize them by face nor username, unfortunately. Asides from snappleman, I met him and he is a very cool dude.

  4. a friend of mine is working on a xm-to-spc tool

    It'll be done... when it's done. Right now he's working on the noise generator [aka those wind effects you hear in FF6 and CT]. As you can hear, it's pretty much almost done, though the spc has some clearly audible volume differences.

    This is awesome! I'll have to try it out.

    edit: oh, its not for the public yet?

    I don't know much about the SNES sound, I didn't realize noise generators were ever used. I thought it was all sample based. Cool. :o

  5. http://www.zophar.net/utilities/download/nessf2_1.0.zip

    The NES soundfont replicates the square waves near flawlessly without having to learn FamiTracker's ridiculous layout and functions. Trust me on this.

    holy fuck what no

    nearly flawlessly my ass, though it's a lot closer than triforce.

    If you've gotta sample NES sounds, rip them out of virt's chiptunes via modplug or some other tracker

    Okay I gotta stop freaking out about this shit

    Oh, freaking out is warranted to an extent. :)

    From a lot of what I've heard these VSTs don't sound very spot on. Some sound pretty far off, even.

    If learning famitracker or MML is too daunting for some (like me), you can always learn more user friendly sample based trackers, or even something totally different than a tracker (whatever you guys are familiar with), and just sequence music based off of samples taken from NES music.

    Whether or not you plan on meeting the system's limitations, you're guaranteed to match the general sound of the NES if you sample sounds produced by one. It wouldn't be possible to NOT sound like an NES that way, obviously. 8)

    You can listen to nsfs, select whichever channel is of interst (by shutting off the rest of course), and sample away. I've been using audacity and/or goldwave to do so.

    The most difficult part of that is tuning samples and making them loop cleanly, but I at least know how to do that with modplug. It's really not all that hard... I can elaborate if anyone is intersted.

    My two most recent NES sounding projects are the two medleys up on my page, check 'em out if you're interested (if you're not overcoat).


  6. I'd feel more inclined to learn famitracker once it offers some of those expansions. I can only wait and hope... but hey what the hell I'll probably cave in before then. :)

    The basic idea behind sequencing in a tracker format I've grown to feel very comfortable with. The difficult part for me in my short amount of messing around was how alien the synthesis and saving/loading instruments" process felt.

    I know there are tutorials, but I'd actually rather check out other people's nsfs (er, whatever the project format is for famitracker, actually). I learned how to use modplug by using it to listen to Amiga music, by looking at what did what. If I could do the same in famitracker, that would be ace.

  7. Chromelodeon did a Ninja Gaiden 2 cover album. It was recorded live, but it was done in a nice studio and all, at least to my knowledge. Both of the songs you're interested in are on the album, and ashtar's theme is up for download.

    You'll find it in the merch section.

    Let me know what you think, I hope it is menacing still.

    I am their drummer, however I joined more recently and am not on any of their (our) albums. Yet... 8)

    I also happen to have an NES cover band named after track 1 (the parasprinter), although we don't have any nice recordings. Live we've done tracks 1, 6 (moment unlimited), 22 (going gets tough), 23 (castle demonic), and 26 (irene and ryu). I'd like to get 1 and 6 recorded for a demo pretty soon, actually.

  8. Hahaha, cool.

    I haven't been into some of their more recent stuff so much but I really like this song.

    For a while they had this "tmbg radio" radio program that streamed music through some sort of little application thingy. Before Mink Car came out they had live samples of Man It's So Loud in Here and one of the other songs (i'm drawing a blank here) in rotation, only, they were totally rocking. They initially sounded a lot more rock oriented, and I was dissapointed with what I heard on the album.

    But I recently "rediscovered" this song thanks to youtube. And I lived happily ever after.:)


  9. Maybe because gyms are extremly obsolete and have thus been replaced with a much more complete vgm archive
    How can people use the files hosted on that EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY archive is still a mistery to me. I know about its existence, but I ignore it by purpose.

    Is there something you don't like about the archive?

    The answer to that is simple anyways... once a file is downloaded, you don't have to go back to the site. 8)

    Unless if there is something you don't like about the vgz format itself, if that is what you meant.

  10. Woah, the use of the DS as a Kaos pad is a rad idea.

    Using it to play a virtual midi keyboard (controller) could be neat, but that is definitely pushing into the gimmicky side of things...

    However, I do not own a laptop. So if I can use my DS for things I'd normally do on a computer, consider me interested.

    Once I finally get the homebrew hardware needed to run nitrotracker, I'll be sure to also experiment with this.

  11. So what exactly does the Wifi part of the game allow you to do? Is it more than just a glorified IM service?

    It's more like a not-so-glorified IM service. :(

    You can only send one message an hour, which I don't think is a terrible idea if they want to make it feel like some sort of mail system within some fantasy game and not just some in-game chat. But at the same time, as already pointed out, writing messages is extremely tedious. They didn't do a good job with it at all. And that is all the wi-fi is for.

    Otherwise, I am still very much loving the game! I have to admit to feeling jaded on a lot of modern rpgs, and right now this is a great blend of the classic rpg style with a few more modern aesthetics.

    Being able to do everything with just the touch screen is very nice, just tapping on characters to talk, etc. And it doesn't feel like they favored one method of control over the other, so control-wise the game is tight. If you get tired with the stylus, no problem, just play it normally with the buttons.

    They didn't make this game easy, which I am happy about. As a port/remake, I find it much more rewarding than the GBA and ps1 ports we've all seen already. :)

  12. Today I just came across my NSF of Final Fantasy 3, I had forgotten how wonderful that soundtrack was. I went to OCremix to look for some mixes.

    Yes! This is one of my favorite NES/Famicom soundtracks.

    My favorite arrangement that I've heard of FF3 music is by Select Start. "Eternal Wind" is the first piece of music linked under their media section.

    My band also covered the battle music.

    Be warned though, it is a live video and not the highest quality. It's very straight forward, just sped up a little. And the camera wasn't on for the first couple measures. :wink:

    Of course there is also the Black Mages version "The Rocking Grounds", but it strays legendarily far from the original. At the same time, I think it's also one of their better tracks.

    So er yeah, I also hope the DS release sparks more interest. A soundtrack very worthy of more mixes and arrangements.

  13. Oh, cool.

    Did he make an nsf of that or did he just sample vrc6 sounds and stick within the more obvious limitations?

    I've seen one game with the N106 chip that appeared to have 9-10 channels, although the sound is weird. I don't know what the wav forms are, they look similar to the FDS channel.

  14. I have two up on my myspace-


    I have been tinkering around with modplug and what I did was cover a bunch of superfrog music using samples taken mostly from NES music. While I did mess with some of the tunes to an extent (the second medley does this more), most parts follow the originials pretty closely throughout. Asides from the drums. 8)

    It's a shame though, not only are there no superfrog mixes up, but none for any game Allister Brimble composed for. I may try to remix-ize some of these melodies more later on, perhaps.

    If not, I should hope that somebody else gets to it!

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