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One-Hit Combo

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  1. I really love the Soul Blazer soundtrack for the SNES, always fit the mood of the game. And the Lost Vikings ost.
  2. Please, I was only trying to find an all encompassing definition to slip these artists into, the exact definition is irrelevant. California Guitar Trio are three dudes with classical guitars. E Nomine is a german techno band infused with gregorian and biblical lyrics. E. S. Posthumous melds electric guitar with an orchestra and worldly instruments. None of these exactly fit into any one definition perfectly really, but I am sorry if I missed the mark so thoroughly. Next time I will fully research exactly what the true definitions are, if only to avoid being brow-beaten on a forum for music enthusiasts. Anyway, I am also a fan of symphonic metal, for example I like Nightwish's version of Phantom at the Opera quite a bit, even if Nightwish is considered corny by some. Vanessa Mae and Eric Clapton both have great versions of Classical Gas too. I am just throwing out these different songs/artists to get a feel for the music that could be suggested or whatever. Anyone else have similar interests? Don't worry about fitting the definition exactly.
  3. Hi everyone, Lately, I have been going on a stint of listening to classical music, and even more so the modern stuff. Does anyone have any favourite musical groups in this category? I would really like to find some different artists to try out. I have a few whom I love and would suggest if you are into classical music, or just epic music in particular. -Trans-siberian Orchestra (Perhaps the most well known one) -E. S. Posthumous (Only one cd, but it is so epic in all ways) -California Guitar Trio (Just try listening to their Toccata and Fugue song) -E Nomine (more technoish really, but with gregorian chanting and latin praying) -Gregorian (Mostly they remix popular songs into gregorian chanting such as Engel and Nothing Else Matters) Anyway, does anybody else love these same bands? Know any artists who have remade classical music? Let me know!
  4. Yeah, I put one of those stinky Bidoofs on the GTS last night, and in the morning I had received the Mr. Mime I had requested. I wasn't really expecting one, but it was nice anyway. I am still not far at all though, I have been battling with my magikarp for a long time, finally got it to a Gyrados, just at the 2nd gym. I just beat that gym now.
  5. Hey dudes, I want to start heavily trading and battling it out, so please add me to your pokemon games! Let me know if you add me, with a PM or whatever, and I will do the same. Thankee. Pokemon Pearl: Trainer: Lando, 1718 9674 2234 Wii Code: 4448 5544 0052 6306, System Name: Famicom
  6. Yo dudes, been awhile since I posted. (Not that I did very much anyways.) I got the game on sunday and have been playing it for very little, as I have Uni finals all this week. I just got the first badge. This is a very good game on the whole, and I especially like how the music changes dependent on the time and day. Anyway, this is the first DS game I have bought that I intend to play online hardcore, as Metroid Hunters wasn't to my fancy. So I'll post my code here as well as the Clan OCR thread Trainer: Lando, 1718 9674 2234, Pokemon Pearl. Let me know if you add me, and I will do the same for you! Anyway, back to studying for me.
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