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DJ Mighty

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Posts posted by DJ Mighty

  1. So I made my return back to Street Fighter 4 and jumped into team battle. I was doing ok but as some of you already know, I am terrible at fighting Chun-Li players, so this guy kicked my ass pretty bad the first time so the 2nd time i decided to play a wild card, I figured i would share the results with my friends at OCR...here is what happened...

  2. AHH!! the nr.1: Shadow hearts 2.. the revival attempt of Alice. holy crap, best emotional scene I've ever seen.

    100% agree! The game itself was one of the last rpgs that pulled me in emotionally.

    Lost Odyssey had some depressing stuff, (SPOILER.....i guess) That whole scene where he meets his daughter and the following parts after. WTF

  3. I have to agree completely with this. I think it is the biggest fault of this game and the biggest reason so many people stop playing it. Narratives are character-driven and all of the characters just seem too bland. We have all these events going on but the character interaction/involvement just doesn't feel right. The characters' personalities and motives are always changing for weird and strange reasons. Like that part where Light randomly has a revelation about the Fal'Cie in the sewer system. It made no sense to me and it did nothing to really captivate me as an audience. She tries explaining it with some monologue but it still does very little to add to her or the story, in my opinion.

    This game's major fault is just bad storytelling. Everything else in the game is pretty solid. Unfortunately, a huge part of RPG's (and games that go beyond 10 hours of gameplay) is storyline and the ability to keep the gamer interested.

    agreed, i am up to the final part now and to be honest, i kind of dont want to do it but i figure i am almost there why not. I liked the idea where all the characters were split up, i think they should have done that for more of the game. It liked the different scenarios they were in and changed up the fighting a lot since you had to fight with what you had.

    We all agree about the story so i wont get into that, but the biggest thing i noticed was the lack of a good villian. Same thing with 12, there was never a connection with a villian that made you hate or like him. Also, some of these levels are just plain boring, Gran Pulse was awesome and came at a good time because i was about to throw the game out. But the last part i am in now if just a terrible design and boring.

  4. So yeah... Apologies to the Xbox Live people... I kinda got sucked into FFXIII again, but I want to get some matches going!

    When are we all going to have our epic sessions again?

    same exact thing happened to me lol

    i will be getting back into it soon,

    if anyone wants to play but doesnt see me on you can always try to IM me, AIM sn - AlexTheMighty -

    i play FF13 on my PS3 so you might not see me on XBox Live a lot

  5. Not at international level they aren't. The whole point is you have the best team in your country, they shouldn't make mistakes like the ones we're seeing from many teams.

    The quality of the football in general at this world cup has been pretty awful so far.

    Agreed but i was referring to more thats how goals this World Cup are being scored. There has only been a few goals so far this Cup that i can actually say, "wow, that was a good goal" Off the top of my head , one was Germany, Greece and US (Donovans goal yesterday)

    Group C is a mess right now, More importantly England is. However, with the last game on the line i am looking forward to them stepping up and taking control. Having Lampard, Gerrard control mid field and Rooney doing what he does best and enforce. The US should def beat Algeria, they dont deserve to be in the next round if they dont.

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