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Flaming Wuzzle

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  1. No. It wasn't anything to really worry about anyway, it was just something kinda cool that you looked at for a minute then went back to whatever you were doing before. It was the director of GameFreak's 40th birthday. It's not like they just picked a random day to do it.
  2. All it is is the snow in Snowpoint City is sparkly. Nothing all that important.
  3. It's not. All of them basically say Wario's the only one that gets an alternate costume with its own colors.
  4. "Rotation is limited to 16 players. Mm hmm." Sakurai = Karl from Sling Blade
  5. I'm pretty sure that's his animal camo from MGS3. But, you know, don't let that stop your blind outrage.
  6. It's a Smoke Ball, I already explained that.
  7. I'm guessing the soccer ball is from Animal Crossing, and the other white thing is a Smoke Ball.
  8. The wild RAYQUAZA used DRAGON PULSE! FOX used MIRROR COAT! Critical hit! The wild RAYQUAZA has fainted! FOX gained 2200 Exp. points!
  9. Fixed that for you.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRXI-nWXqvI EDIT: beaten again
  11. Uh...we've known about that for a while, actually. edit: ugh, beaten to it
  12. Sakurai, you magnificent bastard!
  13. He was in part of the clip that was playing during the conference when Reggie announced the release date.
  14. Phoenix Wright needs to be in an Assist Trophy. I would buy the game purely for that.
  15. Either Volt Tackle or Thunder...the former, probably, since I'm pretty sure Thunder is one of its attacks already.
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