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Everything posted by wintermadness

  1. I am a beginner at this, and I have a certain drum loop program which takes forever to get all together,but I don't know how to do it at different speeds for each part... Anyone know a good program that is pretty easy to use?
  2. Hopefully a soundtrack will be coming for this movie. I've got all SH soundtracks but a movie soundtrack would top off my SH CD collection Any news on this?
  3. Hopefully a soundtrack will be coming for this movie. I've got all SH soundtracks but a movie soundtrack would top off my SH CD collection Any news on this?
  4. I'll have to buy the US DVD release. It won't be released here until late aug/early sep :(
  5. seeing as when you put a midi into a sequencer,in comes out in sheet msuic for piano or whatever, but is there a program that can turn the notes to guitar tabs?? if there is such a thing? thanxs in advance
  6. im a beginner at this and need help. if anyone has this program and if possible to go through with it, it'll be much appreciated...possibly through msn..
  7. ohhhh, sorry. thanxs for the tip! if anyone has msn that could help me out, would be much appreciated. PM me if you feel generous enough
  8. main question, im a beginner at this and ive downlaoded FL studio 5 and just looking at it confuses me. i have no idea what to do apart from just checking out the sounds. how do i start recording and getting used to the tools used? advice much needed thanxs
  9. Woah, I just found the old keyboard my parents bought for me in 1989 on Ebay too... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7375568546&category=47081 http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-39166758-teclado-casio-ct-638-58-otimooo-_JM Haha, I wouldn't recommend buying this one, but here's a sample of what the instruments sound like (I always loved the twinkly SynthEnds ones). sounds sound pretty awesome in it i guess i'll go for some yamaha PSR than for around my budget price. do most keyboards have imputs for the PC to record?
  10. it turns out im gonna get a PC instead. i can get better stuff on a PC which is cheaper that the laptop. maybe i'll wait for abit to just get myself knowing what im doing then ill start looking into soundcards then
  11. to all u musicians out there, since i was young i played piano which now i know basic melodies but still pretty rusty. i wanna buy a keyboard to learn with and just wondering whats a good start? i wanna sample effects and get a good decent sound out of it. im looking at $100-200 AUD range. ill have no idea whats a good price for keyboards also, what are some books i should check out to help me on the way? i prefer to be self taught
  12. what are some good soundcard brands?
  13. In that case, get good headphones first if you're not on a big budget and value portability. This subject has also been discussed so search and you shall find something useful . 5.1 sets aren't useful for 2.0 music. Most computer speaker sets also place emphasis on the bass and high so whatever music you make might sound great on the speaker set and absolutely horrendous on anything else. Good headphones will be cheaper than studio monitors and portable, and the imaging will be better. lol, dumb question, how do you know if its 5.1 or worse/greater? im lost! whats 2.0 music?
  14. thanxs for the replies, clears it more up yeh the main use of it is strictly music and the net so ill try and get what you guys said as lots of RAM and fast processor. seeing as my bro is an i.t technician i should get a pretty good deal. as for laptops, how are the speakers on them? should i get plug-in speakers for them? i just think notepads are heaps more conveinent to use.
  15. with a few programs ill be installing or downloading, what requiements will i need? im looking to buy a laptop to get started on mixing game music and progressing to my own sounds. thanxs in advance. also, if i should read any books which might help me on the way.
  16. i've got a question. im really interested in making videogame music and was wondering what are some good books to start out with ? im gonna start playing around remixing around game music to just get the hang of it and then start progressing into my own. some advice? thanxs in advance.
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