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Posts posted by anosou

  1. I'm the editor. Have at it. Blog about OCR and game music mostly. Other game related stuff is always cool in moderation.

    I will :) thanks again

    EDIT: I wrote something man! .. maybe too long but I had to introduce myself :)

  2. No problem. You should have an invite waiting for you.

    Any ReMixer who's a good writer is welcome.

    Oh man, thanks :D

    But keep in mind, I'm not the best writer around, I am from Sweden after all. English is not my main language ;) but thanks

  3. Rofl! Yeah you're right, I did say I'd make a post about it, I did somewhere. The thing is, I learnt a lot from James Bernard and Peff at the conference. I thought I knew a lot about reason, but there is MUCH more I have to learn, particularly as I'm not that great with synth programming yet.

    James Bernard talked us through mastering, and about the 'small compression' method, whereby instead of making a compressor an insert, you make it a send effect, so that you have the compressed signal playing alongside the uncompressed signal. That's how a lot of hip hop is mixed these days. I'd already heard of small compression, but the way he explained it was very good. He has a preset for this in his multiband mastering refill which you can get from the propellerheads website. He will soon release another version which uses the stereo wideners instead of the vocoders for splitting the frequencies, as the vocoders colour the sound somewhat.

    Peff talked us through advanced combinator programming, and about control voltages that you can use for modulation. His lecture made me realise that not all elements of the song need to be 100% played in, and a mix of performace and pre-programming can be really fun. He showed us a variety of techniques on the combinator. I've made a combinator with some help from his book, which I bought after the conference. It automatically slices up a rex loop based on delays and changing the start points so basically you can come up with new variations on the loop simply by changing some values on the machines you have set up. There is a version of this in the song I did for the reason competition, although I have recently made a slightly improved version.

    The conference definitely made me think more about sound design, and programming using the combinator.

    I didn't know that you could instantly copy any sequencer track or device by dragging it while holding ctrl, although you must manually cable it afterwards.

    Create a subtractor, flip it, then connect the 'LFO1' output to the 'Gate' input. That alone opens up many creative possibilities.

    Man, that's a lot of useful information. I want a producers conference in sthlm too :o

    If you have some time, can you maybe upload some example combis/rns of things you learned? I'm way to busy to explore all Reasons possibilties atm but looking at something doesn't take that much time :)

    Thanks for the update man

  4. I tried mixing AS' track, but nothing satisfying came out, I guess artist's block is hitting me with his almighty, unforgiving hammer of suck again XD.

    Looking forwards other incarnations of this thing though.

    Not that strange, it was a fairly hard track to do something with ;)

  5. hmm.. well I Dont think we can save or render... its weird I saw posts on the forums about the save function doing weird things, and this guy has a reason 4 song on myspace apparantly.

    The ones who can save/render is the oldies, they've been betatesting since Reason 2.5

    If you find a lot of bugs and prove useful to props they can give you the full version as a thanks. As it is now, only eXode, neoverse and a couple of other regulars has it ;)

  6. I'll take that as a borderline YES :-D

    Anyways I should have some spare time tonight to try AS' track. I had lots of fun with the little time I spent with Malcos' song so I'm looking forwards to it (though I haven't listened to the song yet heh)


  7. Hey guys, last night I had a couple of hours of free time so I decided to give this a go, I remixed Malcos' tune. It's not something that will blow your mind, due to the time I invested into it, but I did have lots of fun.

    I uploaded it to easyshare so if anyone can get it and host it for me (my website is temporarily down) It'd be appreciated.

    clicky here!

    If I have more time this week, I'll give AS' track a try as well.



    Now I just have to reinstall Reason 3 to actually listen to this :D

    EDIT: Your track looks über hot in Reason 4's new sequencer. Sorry I couldn't resist.

  8. oh wow, why didn't I see this before!

    I'm already flattered that you decided to include my refill on this, so I will give this a try for sure. You guys should pm me when these things happen around here, I just saw this and the reason 4 news today XD.


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