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Everything posted by RazorOutlaw

  1. Ifrit, did you catch my link to the Siren movie? It's posted on the previous page...
  2. Not related to Silent Hill, but interesting nontheless. I haven't had a chance to actually view this website either. http://www.siren-movie.com/index.html
  3. Dear Forum, Part 6b and 6c of Silent Hill: No Escape are avaliable for your viewing pleasure. Love, Raz P.S. Not sure how to work URL tags to my advantage. http://noescape.rateofinjury.com/part6_download.htm
  4. Well he said the score (I would assume Jeff mean's his own score) is based on Akira's work. He didn't mention Akira doing the score at all in his reply, or am I just not reading between the lines?
  5. SPOILERS, BE ADVISED Also, they're marked! That appears to be a rather big point of contention for many Silent Hill fans. Should PH be in the movie? Isn't PH a figment of James imagination, a manifestation of his wnat for guilt? Is PH merely limited to James? If so, how can PH be a figment of James imagination if the creature is part of the town's history? I've been reading a lot of back and forth between fans on a MySpace Group Forum dedicated to Silent Hill. Being a part of that group myself, I got to weigh in on a few discussions. A few posters point out that Avery/Gans replied once to an irate SH fan. They said that "PH is from the town's history, therefore he can be in the movie." The fan in question was saying that PH was tied directly to James, and therefore couldn't be in the movie. Some posters felt that Avery/Gans had the final say, and that they were right. Maybe they are. But that's a big maybe. A few posters are saying that PH is an intrinsic part of the own, ala Samael. They're basing this on the fact that Pyramid Head looks like the executioners from the town's past. But that's kind of wrong, don't you think? If I dressed up as the Easter Bunny, does that make me a part of the Holiday's Origins or am I just some off-shoot and a product of events before my time? I guess that's what bothers me the most. It's not so much that Avery/Gans can't use PH in another context in the movie, becaus they can if the movie has nothing to do with the games. Rather, what bothers me is that fans have so many misconceptions about the creature. Pyramid Head is merely a manifestion of James subconcious, his memory of the town's past and his want for guilt combined to create that creature. So while yes you could see pictures of executioners running around and looking like PH, that does not mean another guilty/lost soul that shows up Silent Hill will see them too. Now to go completely in another direction...Ifrit have you ever read any of the criticisms leveled at Silent Hill: No Escape? I engaged in a few discussions, but it quickly became an all against one situation. Most of the SH fans I "conversed" with didn't like the movie, regardless of all of the work put into it. They were bothered more by the technical aspects, including the way Peacer gave several homages to the Silent Hill games. They called them rip-offs, saying things like "Oh he took that straight out of the first game" or "The Spawn character is a rip off of PH" or, my favorite, "WTF IS SPAWN DOING IN THE MOVIE!?!!?!?!?!?" Suffice to say, I was already too tired to argue those points with them. I have no confidence in myself anyway... EDIT: Also, ifrit, did you ever take a creative writing course? Your advice to Eccles is very sound. Characters should be revealed via dialogue and actions, i.e. showing not telling. I'd love to take the creative writing course I'm in again (or even take Creative Writing 2), but it's not being offered next semester. Sad.
  6. Thanks. It's been a while since I've posted here, so it's nice to come back and see that you're still plugging away, providing us lazy bums with something to look at.
  7. First off, Ifrit, you rock. Second, I was listening to the Siren soundtrack and something caught my ear. On the track entitled "Cowering From Sight, As The Evil Approaches" at 1:35, pay attention very closely. Listen to it now...do you recognize it? The sound you hear in the background is the foghorn from SH3. It's the very same sound! Whether they're following the same tune, or notes, I don't know. I'm not a musician. But anybody whose listened to the SH soundtracks should recognize the foghorn sound at the 1 minute and 35 second mark.
  8. I missed this post entirely, so I chopped it down to the three options that appealed to me (especially since no one elsed asked). I'll take them all, if you're willing. Ah, and I hope you don't mind if I prod for more information (you're gracious enough as it is providing updates) but SH5 is using a story developed by Sato, correct? Have you heard anything more on that? Last I heard, any word on the story is that it was about an inmate in an asylum recounting his story via flashbacks after he had visited Silent Hill...
  9. http://www.myspace.com/akirayamaoka1 o.O Ah, nevermind it's just a profile dedicated to his music.
  10. That's funny, because the original ending was down right mortifying.
  11. I'm a very greedy person. I try not to be, but uh...mm I never thought of checking Dust Fungus' website, but then it was also down yesterday. Anyway, it's nice to hear your thoughts on what's going to happen to Silent Hill. While you said it's not concrete, it doesn't seem as bad as I had originally thought. Lord knows, I couldn't live without Silent Hill to keep me company.
  12. Just tell me everything is going to be "OK" with the Silent Hill franchise. I consider you a guru on Silent Hill, and although I'm asking you to tell me everything is going to be "OK" I know the answer is more than likely going to be "no". And what can I say, the more I think about it the more I think that getting rid of SATO Works was the biggest mistake for the Silent Hill series. I think back to SH3, with it's cursory glances at the characters backgrounds, and SH4 with it's complete disconnection with the characters and I just feel upset inside. Ah, well I'd rather have them jump ship now than to pump out another SH4 (not that the game was terrible, it just wasn't that good in my opinion). Anyway, you posted a link once to a website that had a sound file of James [RAZOR SHUTTING THE HELL UP]. Yes, it's disturbing and somewhat morbid that I would want the file, but it did strike a chord in me. A curious chord that is. I tried looking for that link once, but with over 60 pages to look through, I could not find it again. Care to help a brotha' out?
  13. What thing that happens in the bed? SPAWLERS:Mary's murder? James finding Maria's dead corpse? WHAT? WHAT?
  14. One of the many, many websites posted by Ifrit had a Lost Memories wherein the fellow scanned the images (it looked like it was from a book) and it showed the box art and description of all the movies that Silent Hill had borrowed from. Unfortunately it was all in Japanese. And unfortunately there are some things that Ifrit posted that I now wish I had saved a link to, because now I'm thinking "Oh cool, I could use this to explain Silent Hill to my friends". It's kind of hard without a reference I can send them to.
  15. Does anybody else get a sinking feeling when they mention a "demon in the form of a little girl?" I'm trying to remain opitimistic of course, but I think of Silent Hill: Dying Inside with that little girls sarcastic comments every other panel. And even then...Ringu/Ring/Ring2/The Grudge/Fear dot com I mean...yeah...but most of all no Silent Hill: Dying Inside little demon girl. Please.
  16. Hey, I like happy endings.
  17. Ah, now see, that is interesting. I recall Silent Hill Heaven had a complete Silent Hill 2 soundtrack, but at the time I had dial up so I could only get my hands on a few of the songs. I particularily liked the soundtracks from the Apartments in that game. They were so creepy sounding.
  18. Hmm, has anyone seen Silent Hill: No Escape Part 5 yet? For some reason this one was a lot easier to understand Part 4, as Part 4 was almost entirely shrouded in ambiguity and vagueness. That is to say when I watched it could only scratch my head and say "Wtf?" Part 5, however, was a bit easier to follow in that there was a more definite conflict going on. It came down to Michael vs. Agony and then Michael vs. Medical Staff Posse. Also, the part where the Agony came out and admitted that he was a darker part of Michael's mind really helped too. Oh, and the fact that Michael came out and admitted that he had lost everyone dear to him. I mean, all around it was pretty blunt instead of the more abstact "Part 4".
  19. Just a forewarning: this post has absolutely nothing to do with the fan movie discussion, and I'm basically posting it to think what the Silent Hill fans here think of this particular person's opinion. Besides there's no other forum that I go to (that isn't Silent Hill related) that has such an enthusiastic fanbase for the game. But anyway, as a Silent Hill fan I have long regarded this series as somewhat of a legend in horror video games. I have also felt that the low level of criticisms of the game were a good reflection upon the series; an indication of their overall solidness in comparison to other survival horror games. And with those thoughts I felt reassured of it's place at the top. But wouldn't you know, there's always someone out there whose words just irk the living hell out of me. This is that someone, whose page I found through a friend's blog. In a post regarding the movie Ghostship, he goes on to talk about how little he likes the movie, which eventually branches off randomly onto Silent Hill (fortunately I didn't like the movie Ghostship either, so I wasn't as angry as I could have been). In his own words, I bring you Klashbash from Xanga! Assumingly enough this fellow describes himself as someone who uses reason and logic, yet reason nor logic seem to come in to play when he dismisses atmosphere so casually. He merely relies on his opinion to make an assertation regarding atmosphere, saying "Atmosphere isn't scary" rather than "This is why I think atmosphere isn't scary". Atmosphere is neither intrinsically scary or not scary. Atmosphere depends on two things: 1) The player 2) The ability of the game creators to manipulate the human mind. And the atmosphere in Silent Hill is what made the game. No longer did game creators see a need to rely so much on the cheap scare and jump tactics of many horror movies (which Ghostship and Resident Evil 1/2 had plenty of) but rather it made the player worried about what he or she didn't see. Using Resident Evil 2 as an example, I never found that game scary, with it's tired "jump and scare" tactics and it's emphasis on shocking scenes. It did nothing to create a sense of dread, especially with it's full blown view of all creatures. If I'm not mistaken, it was things like atmosphere and what you didn't see that made ALIEN the horror masterpiece that so many regard the movie as. Oh I don't know about you people, but the last time I watched the Disney Channel the only feeling of dread I received was the realization that I was actually watching the Disney Channel in the first place. Damn that feels better.
  20. Short Commentary on Part 4 of No Escape! Spoilers! I'm improvising with the spoiler tags by making the text white. I'm such a noob. Or are their spoiler tags at all? I like how well the creator of No Escape recreated the look of the Brookhaven Hospital in Part 4. Everything so far seemed to be in its place, down to the chalk bored on the left side of the entryway. Much like the movie sets for Silent Hill: Centralia, he captured the Silent Hill 2 dilipidated look very well. I'm still watching this one, so I can't say much else.
  21. So I was wondering if anybody had managed to download that Silent Hill scenario that a fellow made in Sim City 2000...
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