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Leon K.

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Posts posted by Leon K.

  1. I hate to say this, but since you're never gonna find a copy, emulate the Sega CD game Snatcher. It's pretty much the best Cybepunk game around, and the soundtrack is absolutely amazing.

    The main theme is a jazz sax number called "One Night in Neo Kobe", and to make things even better, the game is by Hideo Kojima :).

    Your navigator is called "Metal Gear".

    I hope I made your life a bit better.

  2. I used to play Alien vs Predator 2 pretty competitively, and eventually I got recruited for a pretty good clan called [s.T.A.R.S.], and they consisted of characters from STARS from RE1, All the names were picked, so I just nabbed Leon Kennedy from the just released RE2, even though I didn't like him that much. The name stuck through several games, and well, I ended up here.

    Thank God Leon Kennedy was such a badass in RE4, made years of using Leon K. worth it.

  3. Sunset -

    Her look and countenance evinced to me

    that this Lady was a lonely sunset;

    Held to her fate - stifled by the thought

    of static inevitability.

    Sunset, can't you look, see in front of you?

    Or are you blinded by your own twilight?

    If you could hold on, I could show to you

    That after your sad descent, is sunrise.

    I hear you say, "Have to hurry down, Yeah -

    Hurry down Sunset, get dark like wine, won't

    see - won't find any suffering." But why?

    Do you think being alone will make it fine?

    There is no need for you to keep yourself

    at bay; - no need to shine brilliantly

    and fade away, simply because you're afraid.

    Perfect Sunset Star - Haha charade you are!

    As for me - Chasing sunsets ain't my speed.

    Much too elusive, fair as falling leaves

    crushed under my feet.

    Something so beautiful and fragile,

    Must be always viewed from afar.

  4. I haven't heard from this guy in a while and I thought I'd share him with you guys, hopefully to keep him doing stuff. A while back a man named LieMFB posted some pretty amazing funk-rock covers of nintendo songs.

    He created a cohesive album named 'Nintendosploitation' and it is amazing. His site is back up and I thought I'd show you guys to his site at http://lidbjork.homelinux.org/nintendo/.

    The entire album is good, but some especially good tracks are Funkin in the Woods, Let me stand next to your firestorm, and A Quarter Full of Snakes (Whose Led Zeppelin reference towards the end of the song should not be missed. I love it when they throw these little things in there for people to pick up on)

    I thought I'd share this stuff with you guys, this man needs more OCR love!

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