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Leon K.

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Posts posted by Leon K.

  1. I know this has probably been said, but Sonic Rush was REALLY good. I would buy a console version of it. Seriously, who needs a RPG plot in a Sonic game?

    Who remembers how epic the plot of S3K was?!? They didn't even SAY anything for goods sake!

    Even with them not saying anything, the game was filled with betrayal, retribution, gigantic robots, epic encounters, enemies becoming friends, a great evil that threatened the planet.


  2. I open with CS on most players that are not clothies. The 4 second cheap shot ensures a poison like 87% of time. Then the mutilate will hit for anywhere between 500-and 1600 damage (Large Spread), after the cheap shot and 1 mutilate, I go for a kidney shot which is by that time 4-5 pointer (Mutilate is 3 cps if one of the hands crits), that 6 seconds I go for 1-2 more mutilates followed by an evis and chasing an opponent around as necessary.

    Most non healing classes are dead if I choose to CB the evis.

    Mutilate is good in PVE, but not as good in MC. MC mobs are too poison immun. Thats solved by hunters using serpent sting though. In AQ, ZG, BWL and all that jazz, almost everything can be poisoned so mutilate shines.

    And yeah, I manage without improved gouge. It was either imp. gouge, or MOD/Opportunity, both of which I cannot give up since I pvp so much.

    Heres my build:

    Rogue Talents

    Minimum Required Level: 60

    Required Talent Points: 51

    Assassination Talents - 41 point(s)

    # Improved Eviscerate - rank 3/3

    # Remorseless Attacks - rank 2/2

    # Malice - rank 5/5

    # Ruthlessness - rank 1/3

    # Murder - rank 2/2

    # Relentless Strikes - rank 1/1

    # Improved Expose Armor - rank 2/2

    # Lethality - rank 5/5

    # Fleet Footed - rank 2/2

    # Cold Blood - rank 1/1

    # Improved Kidney Shot - rank 3/3

    # Quick Recovery - rank 2/2

    # Seal Fate - rank 5/5

    # Vigor - rank 1/1

    # Find Weakness - rank 5/5

    # Mutilate - rank 1/1

    Subtlety Talents - 10 point(s)

    # Master of Deception - rank 5/5

    # Opportunity - rank 5/5

  3. Man, you'll love the damage even without uber weaps, it just gets better. I wanted to spec mutilate so badly that I went out and mainhanded a Scarlet Kris, and a freaking lvl 25 green dagger because there were no other ones on AH I could afford. My main hand mutilates were hitting for over 1k on poisoned mobs when it crit.

    Now I'm using a glacial blade MH and scarlet kris OH, and on poisoned mobs I hit for close to 1500 if both attacks crit.

    Btw, If your mutilate isn't hitting a poisoned target, you're not playing mutilate right. Even if its something like dual crip. poisons, they count as poisoned and your mutilate damage jumps by 50%. If they aren't poisoned, then a crit with both hands may even out to a crit backstab.

    I'm loving it and just waiting to get some better gear. I hear rogues with dual HW weapons are critting with mutilate for 2.4k.

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