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Everything posted by The13thAce

  1. So I've been playing with this genre the last couple months and I wanted to share a couple mixes I made: Lush: http://soundcloud.com/the13thace/matt-drouin-lush SSE: http://soundcloud.com/the13thace/matt-drouin-sse Probably not for everyone, but I don't care. =) Enjoy! Comment if you like it!
  2. So this probably isn't related... but the other day I was going to pick up my guitar, (pictured here: http://www.daddys.com/images/usedgear/SCH1612_1.jpg) and I noticed that the 2 dots on the 24th fret kinda look like eyes... and the silver dots on the 1st pick-up look like teeth... and if you look at that in relation to the body it looks like a blob monster about to attack. If you see it, you probably won't be able to unsee it. No need to thank me. Happy for-twunny btw
  3. So I put this together about a week ago for fun, and I figured this would be a good place to share and get some outside opinions. This remix may be a little too liberal for submission here, but hopefully you'll still enjoy the groove. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdCn50z3Q6Y watch in HQ or the hi-hats sound a little dull. =)
  4. great track man, i was always a huge fan of sonic and i feel that this is definately a great interpretation of the marble zone theme. I thought most of the sounds fit great, definitely had had atmosphere of ruins. the cliche japanese flute riff was a little hokey but other than that I thought it was a great song. good stuff man.
  5. Very unique song, reminds me alot of the "Saturn Valley" song from earthbound. very bizzare but i did enjoy it, i can definately see it going great as background music for a somewhat hectic area of a game.
  6. That was really slick man. I really dig the vibe of this song. really smooth stuff.
  7. Has anyone used or use Ultra Focus? I've heard good things about it and i'm wondering how it compares to like Absynth or Zeta, etc.
  8. LOL this song is hilarious, but in a good way. i can imagine the cast of metal gear forming a big conga line. great song
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