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Posts posted by Sixto

  1. The Studio Projects VTB-1 is a great preamp. Especially for the price. I bought one to use for vocals with my Studio Projects C1 mics and it often eliminates the need for any equalisation. Also works great for micing guitar cabs. You can use the tube blend to add a little bit of sizzle to the signal. And, if you use something like a POD or other digital modeler you get that fat tube warmth, helping eliminate that digital harshness that comes with the digital modeling territory.

  2. Well, I don't really hate it. It's just a personal thing. A silly thing, really. When I first got into recording, the whole world was telling me how great ProTools was and how magical it was and that it would save my life. Plus, it's the "industry standard." I really wanted it but I couldn't really afford to buy the LE bundle.

    The first piece of recording hardware I bought came with Cubase LE, so I grew fond of Cubase. When I finally did get a chance to play with ProTools I was so disappointed. It didn't do anything special that Cubase couldn't do. And for whatever reason, it was really weird with exporting/bouncing to disk. It pretty much had to play the entire song while exporting and I couldn't export single tracks. I had to go and mute the tracks I didn't want exported and had to wait the entire length of the track for the export. That I actually did hate, and I said it out loud. Anyway, word got around that I "hated ProTools" and I became known as "the one who hates ProTools."

  3. DON'T DO IT! ProTools is a path to the Dark Side!

    Edit: No, I don't think the system requirements are huge. I used to have the first MBox that came out and it worked fine on my G3 Powerbook, which had like 380 something MBs of RAM. If you can, get the bundle with the JoeMeek compressor. That little compressor alone is worth the extra $100.

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