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Almasy Marquis

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Everything posted by Almasy Marquis

  1. Contest extended to midnight on Saturday. Get those entries in!
  2. All I'm offering is the prize. You're welcome to do whatever you like with your remix beyond entering it into this contest. Kunal Majmudar won the last contest I held, and had his winning entry accepted to OCRemix: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01470/
  3. Thanks. Sorry about not clearing it first -- I was posting at work so I sped through without checking out the rules beforehand. I'll go through the channels next time!
  4. Hello: This is actually a cross-post from a competition I'm holding at the OneUp boards. I cross-posted here and at VGMix to maximize the pool of potential players. I'm new to these boards and so if this isn't the right forum for competitions then I'll have it moved elsewhere. ... but this forum is called "competitions" so I'm guessing I'm in the right spot. My efforts to "buy" remixes have always met with failure -- none of the mixers I hold in enough esteem to ask have ever given me a glimmer of hope that I could purchase specific remixes of tracks. This sort of thing is a combination of "getting to hear a song of my choice remixed" and "giving someone a chance at some cash!" It's fun and it works out well for everybody. Thanks! Here's hoping you enter!
  5. Hi. I'll offer $75 to whoever creates the best remix of 'Graceful Assassin,' the final battle music from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I'll also offer $50 to the second place winner. Payment will be sent out by personal checks personally by me. The contest begins today and ends June 22 at 12:00 PM EST. I and a panel of three other judges will evaluate the songs and decide upon the winners. Any style of music will be accepted for the contest. A first place prize will be awarded to the only entrant if only one person enters, excepting "joke" entries. The mix must be at least a minute and a half long. All submissions must be in digital format -- preferably MP3 or OGG, contact me about other options. The winner will be announced no later than June 29. Submissions should be sent to mcleod.brendan@gmail.com. http://www.almasymarquis.com/gracefulAssassin.jpg - This file is the original song. Right Click and Save As, and rename the file extension to .mp3
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