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Everything posted by Styrochrome

  1. Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post... I knew something was missing... Hahaha, have you ever listened to any of PriZm's remixes? I never said that he was stupid or anything...I just suddenly noticed that nobody had insulted everybody in here yet. And you have to admit, it happens in pretty much every topic at some point or another. He's a guitarist. He was being funny. Geez. I'm not exactly sure how I turned into the over-sensitive asshole bad guy who takes things literally all the time and attempts to villify people over it...but since that's the case, I guess I'll apologize to everybody and God. And the universe, since I was responsible for the Big bang...yeah, that was my fault. Oh, and I was the one who screwed up the wine and made it Champagne. My bad.
  2. Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post... I knew something was missing... Hahaha, have you ever listened to any of PriZm's remixes? I never said that he was stupid or anything...I just suddenly noticed that nobody had insulted everybody in here yet. And you have to admit, it happens in pretty much every topic at some point or another.
  3. Gawdayum!! I just spent 10 minutes trying to find this damned thread!! It vanished on me...I thought it didn't love me anymore...
  4. Ah, the obligatory "you all suck" post... I knew something was missing...
  5. I record into my compy with Audacity. If anybody has a better completely free program, please tell me. As for a good cheap guitar, I'd recommend just browsing http://www.musiciansfriend.com . You don't have to buy it from there, but they've got reviews and all that...that's where I found the Schecter Damien 7... I think I just need a better electric in general and not nessecarily a 7 string. I'm thinking about looking into the Schecter Omen 6 a bit more...anybody on here know much about Schecter in general?
  6. And it doesn't break? ....i live in a house made of cardboard boxes...... Thanks for making fun of my monetary situation, ass!!
  7. I've thought about trying bass on many occaisions...usually when I hit a wall with my guitar. Which is often. Right now I'm just screwing around with my Washburn X-series knockoff...trying to learn parts of Home by Dream Theater...
  8. I use a Washburn Cheap-knockoff-from-thailand, and I don't use an amp. I use a Zoom PFX-9003 through my computer. ( http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/pfx9003/index.php ) The PFX-9003, which I have dubbed Mr.Zoom, is pretty amazing. I'm glad that somebody started a thread like this, though, as I was thinking about buying a 7-string guitar and need further help to make a decision. Nowhere around here has one in stock that I can play around with, so I'm kinda leaning towards no. The one I was thinking about is the Schecter Damien 7. As far as non-electric, I've got a 1969 Classical from Japan and a Crafter Half-size acoustic, which is a really nice guitar.
  9. It finally worked. Thanks everybody.
  10. Wow. I kinda feel stupid. I thought that it needed to DO something to the file.... Well, thank you most muchly, and hopefully I'll get good enough fast enough to start contributing to this fine place. EDIT: Problem not solved. It still makes me insert the CD (and thus not recognize it). It does this for Orkester as well.
  11. I seem to be having trouble getting my Sound Factory disc to install when I start up Reason 3.0 for the first time. It recognizes Orkester okay, but Sound Factory isn't recognized by the program in 2 different CDRom drives. I've even tried copying the CD to CDR's to get it to work, and it still doesn't. And it isn't my CDROM. Windows sees the CD just fine...it's Reason that isn't taking the hint... Any help with this? Oh, and I'm sorry if it's been mentioned before...35 pages is a bit to read. And I've got no '24' to watch while doing it.
  12. I bought it a while ago...actually...around last summer. Anyway, I made a character, used it for a while...blah blah blah... Long story short, I used the free month and said goodbye. I never had a social life to begin with, though, so I'm still without one. I'm also without something to do. So...I just got screwed in general.
  13. Or just wear armor that absorbs Doomsday/Anything of a Dark Element... It just makes things hilarious that way... I still vote the fabled boss from Takeshi no Chousenjou.
  14. Dude, Fook bosses...I died to very first encounter in Saga Frontier 2. There are a few games where this has happened...The Aforementioned Takeshi no Chousenjou and Saga 2, and something else with escapes me at the moment... Oh, the first enemy in Sonic Advance when playing with Amy...
  15. Has anybody ever heard of Takeshi no Chousenjou? Apparently the last boss has to be hit 10,000 times to be killed or something? Oh, and the game opens with the line "This was made by a man who hates video games." I think that was the article I read about it...made by God-among-men Beat Takeshi. or somethin'...I'm probably drunk again...
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