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Posts posted by Drack

  1. When is it even going to be released(the expansion)? If it's two years from now, then it wouldn't be too soon. I mean, it took Blizzard what, 2 years for the first expansion to come out?

    I'm not sure about the validity of the claim that it's a long ways off - From the info leaked so far it seems Blizzard started to work on WLK as soon as TBC launched.

    On the other hand, based on Blizzard's track record - LONG development time for TBC, massive amount of content in the expansion, and "content patches" with current non-mudflating free "mini-expansions" along the way, the life of the game can be extended pretty far.

    The problem I described arises when a company releases expansions too close together. WoW bucked the trend by releasing TBC 3 years after launch with plenty of content patches (which did not raise the level cap or severely impact the game, quests, and economy) in between. If WLK is released 2 years from now, it won't kill the game. In fact, it may be due - Players are rapidly consuming TBC. This is offset by the fact that TBC is what an expansion should be - a huge amount of new content, with appeals for both casual and hardcore, with a great amount of solo and group content.

    The key to making an MMO last without alienating new players is to have expansions large and infrequent, without raising player power a ludicrous amount, and without walling off much content to only apply to those who complete huge timesink quests. TBC was a good expansion. WLK's release date will determine which direction Blizzard is heading.

  2. This recent update is amazing. Also I LOL so hard because I'm thinking back on all those "Bowser in the clouds" freaks. With this update, we can rest assured without getting our panties in a knot that they are, indeed, just storm clouds... not that anyone who thought about it needed that to be cleared up or anything. XD

    Bowser really is in the clouds. There's no doubt about it. The update does nothing to disprove such observations.

    I'm glad Brawl is getting a fleshed out, personalized single player mode. Melee's adventure mode seemed lacking.

  3. Fuck the expansion. It's way too soon to raise the level cap again.

    This is spinning out of control and going the way of Everquest - massive mudflation and obsolescence of content less than a year old.

    That's too bad. WoW overthrew this paradigm for the longest time. This announcement serves to alienate much of the player population - not everyone is at the top. But without "fashionable" and recent content for those not among the most uber, soon it will be difficult to start and enjoy anything but the high end, which would require large time commitments, something WoW has historically sought to avoid. A pity.

    Drack has played MMORPGs for over 6 years

  4. Aether is Ike's Uber move from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

    It's a two part attack. He jumps up with his sword (Like marth/roy's B-up) then comes crashing down on them, kind of like Kirby's B-up.

    But most importantly, in FE:PoR, this move HEALS Ike for about half the damage it does. You can literally have him do missions solo because of this.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear on my point. I have played the game, I know the awesomeness that is Aether. I just hope that Brawl gives it justice. It'll probably be his final smash? So it actually might heal him but only hit a single target?

    My post wasn't aimed at you. It was to explain the mentioned move for those who haven't played the game.

  5. Aether is Ike's Uber move from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

    It's a two part attack. He jumps up with his sword (Like marth/roy's B-up) then comes crashing down on them, kind of like Kirby's B-up.

    But most importantly, in FE:PoR, this move HEALS Ike for about half the damage it does. You can literally have him do missions solo because of this.

  6. Fighting AC Town Resident Team!

    ...Doesn't have quite the ring to it.

    For those who haven't played AC, the pitfall goes like this:

    -You bury a pitfall seed.

    -It is completely invisible.

    -Someone steps on it.

    -They fall waist-deep into the ground and cannot get back out for about 5 seconds.

    -The seed is gone once they escape.

    In practice, it should work like a longer duration DK forward B, in mine form.


    Imagine a match on Pit's stage, with just pitfall seeds and proximity mines, items on very high. Breaking the platforms to force other players to go near your traps would make for an interesting match.

    Or all pitfall seeds in the DK icicle mountain-like stage they unveiled a while back (or any scrolling stage, really). Trap someone in the ground so they get killed by the scrolling.


  7. We wouldn't NEED WiiDrive if they made it so you could ACCESS GAMES AND CHANNELS AND SAVES FROM THE DAMN SD CARD.

    Whoever made the decision to make it unusable unless copied to the Wii HD should be gutted. God forbid they make a console designed with simplicity in mind easy to use.

    The only place where it makes any sense at all, is in saying it prevents piracy, solely because it means you can't create an -easy- SD loader.

    Of course, if someone were to hack the Wii anyway, they could make an SD loader that would let you load it from there anyhow.

    I also wish I could save GC games to a virtual card, and copy them to the system for backup.

    But, at the very least.. they could say that WiiWare games have a limit of up to 512MB. Though, I think 128MB would be more than enough, when you look at what they managed with XBLA, when it was under the 32MB limit, and what they're doing now with the 64MB limit.

    When you take those into consideration, even if Nintendo imposes a 64MB limit for WiiWare games, it won't be bad at all. Especially since you don't actually need a ton of SD cards to store stuff, if you just have an SD slot on your computer. You can store everything there when not in use, without any problems, then move it back when you want to play again.

    Or just re-download if needed, since the history is stored anyway, allowing you to freely download any stuff you already paid for.

    @sonickfd: Firmware update can add this. They really need to push one out for this, I agree.

    @SilverStar: DRM is already in place - While you can already put VC games on the card, they must be copied to the internal memory before being played. This is what sonickfd was complaining about. There is no reason for them not to do this. The DRM catch is that to decrypt the channel, it uses the wii console number (or some other system-specific key), and if the numbers don't match, you can't play the game. This wouldn't change if Nintendo added capability to run from SD Card.

    @Nintendo: Why are you storing the emulator and so much other cruft along with the ROM + Save in the VC channels? This is clearly evident through file size. It takes much less space than your channels take up to store ROM+Save, or even Emu+ROM+Save+SaveState. What are you wasting this space with? Half a gig should last longer than this.

  8. Interestingly, this shows us that the assist trophies have multiple moves.

    They're more sophisticated than the poké balls we've seen in Melee, where the pokémon would do the same routine no matter what - It looks like this fella has some AI.

  9. i have a feeling that if it's used as a meteor smash, the upward velocity of your second jump will be sacrificed

    Newton's 3rd law says otherwise. You send yourself up as much as you send them down (before gravity Edit: and mass difference), if the game is physically sound.

    Even though we're talking Nintendo physics, jumping on paratroopas isn't any different from jumping on ground enemies.

  10. Refresh my memory, how did the collision detection work on smash in previous versions? Could you push someone?

    I cant remember if you could run through someone or not...

    This update suggests that you would not be able to run through someone and that seems interesting.

    You could *run* through someone in melee. If you were slowly walking, you would slowly push them.

  11. A friend and I did a little research.

    Buying broken PS3s on eBay may be the best way to get it cheap.

    Here's some info:

    -According to Sony's customer service, The main cause of "No picture" broken PS3s can be non-invasively solved by the customer.

    -For PS3s with broken hard drives, you can just stuff any 2.5" drive in - give yourself a 160GB PS3...

    -The above are the most common defects.

    -If you have a receipt and a barcode, Sony will repair/replace a PS3 for the cost of shipping

    -If you don't have a receipt/barcode, Sony will repair/replace for $150 including shipping. This is a worst case scenario.

    -Any 20gb or 60gb USA PS3s will have the all-important Emotion Engine.

    These are pretty damn cheap on eBay - my roommate next year (a huge cheapskate) is probably going to buy one of these and fix it up, and if it works for under retail price I'll split the cost with him, for a damn cheap PS3.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

  12. Darkstone was a pretty sweet game.

    Glat to see someone else who's played it. I'm at work right now (no sound) but I'll relisten to those soundtracks (as I played both Darkstone and Sonic CD growing up) and see what I can make of them.

    "We're starving! Please recover the horn of plenty!"

    "Deliver the Path Book"

    "Find the holy grail!"

    Also, ever try dropping gold in the villiage musician's collection?

    Darkstone was interesting in that only the female mages (Sorceresses) could transform into werewolves. Crazy game, I tell you.

    I played an assassin, who used that land mine spell, as a nuke. Just plant it RIGHT UNDER THE ENEMY and it instantly explodes, one of the best nukes in the game -- Any class could do anything, but your stats were capped at different points, and all gear / spells / etc had required stats, so assassins being nukers is nothing unusual in darkstone.

    Also, randomly generated dungeons for the win.

    Finally, the game's villian was named "Draak" -- Awesome.

    Look here. See those graphics on the bottom? Looks like they could easily be adapted to be OCR avatars!

  13. I really liked Bean's OCR3-tan. Would you happen to have those pics, Douli?

    QFE. That OCR-Tan was better, imo, but if the orange haired, unsmiling, SNES guitar weilding, winged headphone wearing OCR-Tan is what the community decided upon, I won't object. I would like to see all those old pics again in this thread though.

    EDIT: This nice girl:


    There were several other designs for her which I liked better than this one.

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