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Posts posted by Drack

  1. He's not bashing your opinion as much as telling you not to assume everyone else thinks like you do.

    Don't like the idea of high scores? Neither do I. Doesn't make a difference.

    Calling it an outdated idea? The existence and popularity of stuff like XBLA leaderboards proves that there are a lot of people who think otherwise.

    Enough with the flames, people. And Baha, deliberately pissing someone off is not a good method of persuasion. Explain WHY your argument makes sense instead of bashing the person for disagreeing.

  2. Bleh. Junk update.

    Another dumb DK stage. Ooh, ladders that you'll probably be helpless climbing. Oh, scrolling. Wonderful, the water falls downward.

    I don't mind oddball stages but this looks over-the-top, with the players fighting the map more than eachother.

  3. As a Firefox user, I'm trying Opera now out of curiosity and boredom. I've noticed some very cool things about it (SPEED is a big one - the interface is very responsive compared to Firefox - don't say Firefox is fast until you try this) but there are a couple things I don't like and want to change:

    -Is there a way to import and subscribe to adblock-style lists? An auto-updating EasyList USA subscription a la Adblock Plus would be GREAT. I don't want to retrain my filters, or fall behind, as new ads are popping up everywhere. There are also hard-to-block ads like Google Ads that I don't know how to block using Opera's "Block Content" menu. A Greasemonkey script could do it, and I may have to resort to that - Opera 9 can work with these scripts, I was surprised to learn.

    -The scrollbar is bugging me! Instead of doing the Windows Native scrollbar a la IE or Firefox, Opera did the same thing as Safari on Windows and rolled its own scrollbar. I really don't care about its look, but there's one key feature that ruins custom scrollbars for me: Clicking the rightmost pixel of the screen does not register as clicking the scrollbar. Give me native bars that detect this PLEASE. The Windows Native skin just makes it LOOK like a native bar.

    -The tab interface bar should be BELOW the Address bar, like every other browser does, imo. The customize interface doesn't seem to give me that as an option?

    -Middle clicking a bookmark, or the home button on the toolbar, should open it in a new tab.

    -I want my page-up page-down scrolling to be INSTANT, not animated.

    Hmm, aside from that, this browser is very nice.

  4. This is quite doubtful. Think of a weaker version of Fox/Falco blaster for neutral B. Then think of Sheik whip for side B. There you have your "pistol mode" and "whip mode" all in one. The theories that I think will hold on this one are a lighter and faster Samus without her signature moves, which include her morphball, arm cannon, missles, grapple beam, flamethrower, and obviously morphball bombs. Now a question I'd like to speculate on is how she'll grapple. Will it be close to her beam by using her whip? Or will it be a standard grapple. I hate to say it this way, but it seems that ZSS is replacing Sheik in terms of gameplay.

    I'm gonna have to agree. I don't see something like Ivy's "Whip mode" from the soul calibur games coming to Brawl.

  5. Well, isn't that a nice thing to say about me...

    Oh well, I assume that blatantly fake spoilers are exempt from your rather one-sided rule.

    That wasn't aimed at you. I don't even have to read the series to know that's fake.

    What really bugs me are real spoilers and the fakes that agree enough with the context that they could be mistaken for real ones (ie cause the same effect of having someone feel that their experience is spoiled).

    Your nonsense was just nonsense.

  6. There are some versions circulating around the internet. I don't read 'em, as I haven't read any book since the third one.

    Just to be clear, the .pdf going around the internet is not the real book. It's a full length fanfic pulling a publicity stunt. The one that's a bunch of .jpg scans is the real book.

    So there are already real and fake spoilers floating all over the internet. I'm just glad I don't care about them.

    Best of luck staying unspoiled, fans. Anyone who posts that kind of crap, real or fake, is a supreme asshole.

  7. Compared to other equipment like my laptop, the Wii is not getting hot enough to be any kind of threat.

    And I shut off WiiConnect24 anyway. Automatic updates and other standby wifi ops are not my cup of tea.

  8. I have one word for you:


    Here's why. If you're going to be running an OS from 1998 or 1995 on hardware made after 2002 or so, it's just not going to work. Instead, you can run the second operating system inside a window, and do everything you need to from there.

    The only games that would really give you problems would be those that require 3D acceleration. Not many programs provide it for their VMs, and those that do consider it very beta (read; half-assed).

    As for acquiring the OS, you could probably find it around the internet somewhere and legally too, on someplace like eBay.

  9. Can we combine games from Konami as part of one picture?

    Reason I ask is, because I remember seeing some pictures a couple of years back with the best two Konami-game combination: Contra and Castlevania. The idea was made of exploration and SHOOTAN GAEM, and I've been in love with the concept since.

    WHIP GUN!!!????!!!

  10. Isn't it strange how the Wii is getting different versions of games across platforms? Umbrella Chronicles vs RE 5, Soul Calibur Legends vs Soul Calibur 4.

    Don't forget Sonic and the Secret Rings as well.

  11. Not only that, but with the end of the 60GB model, ALL PS3s in production from August onwards will have the Emotion Engine removed.

    It's as if they're giving you a deadline to buy a PS3.

  12. Rockman ZX Advent (ロックマンゼクスアドベント Rokkuman Zekusu Adobento)

    Not really any plot spoilers here because I didn't bother deciphering most of the Japanese text. But for those who don't want info, I'm spoilertagging it anyway.


    A lot is similar to ZX. The intro level is even easier. Instead of starting off with Model X, you start out - and even do the stupidly easy intro boss - in Human form. That's right, you can now shoot in human form, but all you have is a buster that can't charge. Also, a city did not require me to take off my armor, which can be pretty funny, considering the armors I got.

    So, a bunch of cutscenes, a bunch of Japanese talk, and some plot I won't spoil later, you start the first real levels, with Model A. It seems to be a pretty weak model. You have got a buster, can dash and walljump and all that, and if you picked the female protagonist, your charge shot is just like the Gemini Laser from Mega Man 3, only it goes much faster (Male protagonist gets a regular charge shot). You encounter Prometheus and Pandora - and they seem to be up to no good. I've got a hunch they will be a bit more important in this game than they were in ZX.

    The first boss you get armor from is kind of a wolf. Easy, easy boss fight. Like, the difficulty of a miniboss. They're really going easy on you to start the game off, either that or I mistakenly selected easy mode, ugh. I'll have to translate the menus more carefully and make sure I didn't. More important than the boss is the armor. When I put on the armor, I didn't just have armor on that kind of resembled the boss, I turned into the boss. Yeah, I literally grew to be an 8 foot tall 300 pound wolf guy with a deep masculine voice (I picked the chick protagonist because in ZX Vent sounded like a chick anyway). Most of the moves he did in the fight, I could do. Which is pretty cheap as he could breeze through a lot of places. This is also why I find it pretty funny that I can walk around the city with my armor on. There's a boss walking around your city, and you don't care!

    Another level, another boss, this ones a plant guy. Also an easy fight (However, it took no damage from the wolf guy's armor - I had to use Model A or Human (lol))- I hope this game picks up the difficulty pretty quick. It seems that the bosses' attack strategies are a bit less creative than the first ZX. I had no problem dispatching this guy coming in the room with half my health. The armor for him is kind of dumb too. It lets you climb up vines and stuff, but is useless on the ground as you can't move quickly of jump more than like a foot.

    Hoping it picks up soon in intensity - so far I'm not liking it as much as the first ZX.

    Here are some links:

    Wikipedia Entry

    Some screenshots - I don't know what's going on here because in that shot the player had twice as much weapon bar and some kind of crazy cube attack. I didn't have any of those goodies when I beat this miniboss.


  13. Or we could just deal with the fact that a NEW system gets a NEW controller JUST like all of the past Nintendo systems and quit fucking bitching.

    Except that other new consoles haven't had ports for last gen controllers, rendering your point completely invalid.

    Anything that works with the classic can work with the 'cube controller and there's NO reason not to support it for games that use the classic, except corporate greed.

    As for whether there should be classic/cube controlled games, why not? Just because a system HAS a neat new control scheme doesn't mean the tried-and-true controller is suddenly obsolete. Let the developers make any kind of game they want. The system has such a wide variety of possible game schemes, that shutting out the classic style -- or the new style for that matter -- is dumb.

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