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Posts posted by Duckman

  1. i like downloading the projects in ISO format, because its an image of the cd, so i wont screw something up if i try to make myself like if there needs to be a 0 second time pause between tracks. plus its jsut much more easier to handle as an iso. one file, with all the trackson it.

  2. well, I have cds, cd cases, paper, and ink all ready for when this album IS finally released, so i can enjoy another one of the finest albums ever made. Just listening from the 2 tracks on the webpage, i know that all the other songs are just gonna blow me away with there awesomeness. (I love orchestrial music, spent 7 years in school orchestra) So I know i'm gonna love it!! :D And one day i hope to be in the ranks with everyone else here, and to one day put a remix of my own on one of these awesome projects that never fail to amaze me. I hope to be friends with all of yall in time. This is one of the best places i have found on the internet. I'll be watching for the release of the album. See you all later.

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