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Everything posted by Klowd

  1. Try planting more flowers and trees. And make sure there's no trash or weeds or anything on the ground.
  2. Avril Lavigne, Village People, Madonna, Ashlee Simpson, Destiny's Child, Hoobastank, Cher, Good Charlotte? GOD DAMMIT
  3. Clubhouse Games gets released tommorow! Anyone else planning on getting it?
  4. Yes, but only in Emerald version. link Awesome. Then really everyone should be able to get one. Yeah, once D&P come around I'll be giving 'em out like hotcakes.
  5. Yes, but only in Emerald version. link
  6. I went to the event too. After sitting in line for like half an hour, I got impatient and then just asked some kid that just got Mew if he would trade it to me so I could clone it and give it back to him. He agreed, and I finally had Mew in my possesion. But, why stop there? I had cloned the Mew several times, and there were a bunch more Legendaries I needed, so I figured some of these people waiting in line would be bound have some. So I ended up getting Mew, Celebi, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Jirachi, Latios, Latias, as well as 15 bucks. (some impatient people just payed me money to trade them the Mew) Very worthwhile trip to Toys r' Us.
  7. http://gonintendo.com/?p=4742 The other games that got 35/40 were: Another Code: Two Memories | 9 / 10 / 8 / 8 | 35/40 Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time | 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 | 35/40 Ouendan | 9 / 8 / 9 / 9 | 35/40 Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon | 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 | 35/40 Tetris DS | 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 | 35/40 Yoshi Touch & Go! | 9 / 9 / 9 / 8 | 35/40
  8. I would suggest renting or borrowing from someone. It's one of those games that you need to try for yourself to really know if you're gonna like it or not. Thanks I'll probaly end up doing that, don't want to spend what little money I have on a game I'm unsure about. Personally, I liked it. It has quite a bit of replay value too. On another note, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were given scores of 9, 9, 8, 9 by Famitsu reviewers.
  9. I would suggest renting or borrowing from someone. It's one of those games that you need to try for yourself to really know if you're gonna like it or not.
  10. After the summer dry spell, I'm pretty happy for all this stuff. Also, I heard LOZ:PH was delayed until early 07, but I'm not sure if it really was. It was. IGN has it set for Q1 '07.
  11. Unless it gets terrible ratings, I'm buying it on launch day.
  12. You should play me beforehand. Eh, I got owned anyway. Made it to the semis where everyone was Yoshi in the Egg Kart, and came last. Hey, at least I won a New SMB coffee flask and belt for knowing how many Mario Kart games there are- 6! That's cool. Too bad they don't do the Connection Tour in the US. I'm one of those Egg Cart people.
  13. You should play me beforehand.
  14. Diamond and Pearl box art! (Diamond) (Pearl) http://serebii.net/diamondpearl/pics.shtml
  15. I found something cool for NSMB. On the map screen, press start, then L R L R X X Y Y to unlock Challenge Mode.
  16. I added you on Mario Kart. My FC is 193333-056952. Oh, and to see your FC on MPH, Multiplayer > Nintendo Wi-Fi > Edit Friends and Rivals > Add Friend
  17. Shit, it's probably gonna make it way harder to snake in Mario Kart...
  18. If you get that PHP error, your post still went through. Seven huh? Heh, I have seventeen.
  19. I've haven't been playing my DS a whole lot lately since there haven't been a whole lot of new games coming out. I've been playing my GCN the most actually, (improving my skill on SSBM, and doing a playthrough of OoT: Master Quest), but I will start playing my DS more once I get a Lite and Star Fox on July 31'st. Wait.. Starfox on the 31st...? That's beyond awesome. I'm gonna preorder. Dammit, I just checked the release dates and it got pushed back to August 28th. SIGH. Well, I'll still be playing more when I get a Lite.
  20. I've haven't been playing my DS a whole lot lately since there haven't been a whole lot of new games coming out. I've been playing my GCN the most actually, (improving my skill on SSBM, and doing a playthrough of OoT: Master Quest), but I will start playing my DS more once I get a Lite and Star Fox on July 31'st.
  21. I'm definitley going to.
  22. I have yet to beat the game... and I play it every day. I am just not that good at games like Mario Heh, just keep at it. Before I bought it, I'd been playing SMB3, SMW, and Yoshi's Island on my DS, so I had the controls down really quickly. I also changed the control scheme to to the AB style instead of the YB style to match the GBA configuration.
  23. I just finished unlocking every level/world, now I'm trying to get those 3 coins in every level.
  24. I remember thinking of Donkey Kong Country after just seeing a trailer with an underwater level it. I didn't know anyone else thought so I was thinking that too after playing it today.
  25. I might buy it, I might it not. Depends if it has good songs or not.
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