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Everything posted by atmuh

  1. absolutely, this game is worth every penny and then some and starting over again wont be annoying itll be great! subspace is AWESOME everyone just thought you should know and i cant wait to play it in english the cinematics are so incredibly well done
  2. The game is in fact considerably slower than melee. Movement in the air is what is really different. You don't have your fastfallers like fox/falco from melee. Now I loved melee, and do I think this is a bad thing? No way. It takes getting used to, but once you do it works just fine. Anyone who is ranting or complaining about anything in this game (other than bad online play, which is in fact bad) is a complete idiot. Also I almost exploded today when I unlocked what I consider to be the best and ONLY song from star fox a smash game should ever need, but has never been in one THE ORIGINAL CORNERIA I AM SO HAPPY and I have also just begun subspace its a blast more on that later
  3. fighting to the animal crossing music which is so incredibly chill is great and makes me smile
  4. of you dont know what SHARE is you need not read that post also this means that my review will include segments on SSE and classic, as I'll be able to play them finally
  5. I've got everyone but the last character, and yeah man I can't wait to play some wifi
  6. oh and by the way the abilitly to put little messages in each taunt is much better than i thought it would be sure voice chat is a zillion times better but i still get the satisfaction of having it saying BALLS in all caps whenever i taunt is very nice within the next few days im gonna give my own (minus SSE and Classic mode) review of the game remember this folks, itll probably be as cynical as it can possibly be (which ill be honest is really not gonna be that bad) so youll hear the worst possible review of this from me (if youre all gonna say crap now I'd give this a 10/10 in a heartbeat, and thats even with my cynicism)
  7. i just played someone from cali and the lag made it unplayable :[ hopefully he was torrenting or something which screwed it up D:
  8. ya i WISH it was more than one i know someone else who has it but theyve been afk from the second they got it
  9. I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY JIGGLYPUFF IS EXACTLY THE SAME and in other news I have learned that you can play wifi with more than one player being from your wii (with friends) not bad for 2 on 2s
  10. exactly it works very well as a standalone maybe not, but while fightin there ive enjoyed it
  11. can you play it in winamp? if so use the output plugin (i forgot the name) to convert to mp3
  12. 4553-9214-8536 please tell me someone else has this
  13. if a complaining retarded emo faggot like me absolutely loves this game no one should have a problem with it i have so far found NOTHING to complain about
  14. i havent gotten on wifi yet, which was my biggest thing to complain about
  15. Just got my hands on it and after extensive VS mode matches I have only one thing to say. Bravo Nintendo
  16. ok but to call him a clone i think is overlooking the major changes some moves are the same but theres plenty of variation
  17. more like a clone that did everything right that mewtwo did wrong in other words people will acutally PLAY as him this time
  18. negative its been kind of accepted for a while that its a 35 character roster and, well, the screen is full sakurai even said he wasnt gonna make unlocking hard because youll see them all online anyway
  19. he has no hands no feet and no wheels HOW DOES HE DO ANYTHING
  20. actually that was a fake US pic with images from melee but happened to get everyone else right strongly suspiscious but hardly an official confirmation its a month old
  21. "wolf goes there" HE IS NOT CONFIRMED AND HAS NEVER BEEN CONFIRMED it is very possible it is him but it could also be krystal or could be ANYTHING
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