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Ninja Fox

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  1. This song is just... woah damn. I need to pick my jaw up from the desk now. Really nice on the opening 40 or so seconds; It's a quick buildup, but it's so smooth that you barely notice it. I think of it much like lowering yourself into water; it happens faster than you think, then plunk, you're in. Well, I'm biased anyways... I say Prophicy kicks. Nice break at 1:42 - 1:46; the mellow-ness of it contrasts very well with the energetic part before it, in my mind. I really liked the time sig change at 2:31 from 5/4 to 6/4... or is it 3/4? Well, whatever it is, it's good, signaling an overall mood change in the song for a moment. Dig the vocal stuff that stars there as well. 3:47 starts the buildup to the moving section again, almost as smooth as the one at the start, but no less pleasing. 4:44 gives a sudden drop and powers down the song, bringing me to my only real gripe: the last note. For some reason, it always feels like there should be another note after it, just to close it up all nice-and-neat like. But I guess I'm being nitpicky or something. Also, the trap set during the moving parts; Love it. I have yet to find it get old or repetitive, mainly due to the whole no-loop aspect in it (duh), but also because it fits in with the melody so well and helps dance it along. Yes, dance. It does more than just move; it moves with style. One more thing... someone earlier expressed surprise at the fact that you're black, mainly do to the vocals. I must also confess, I, too, was mildly astonished. Your voice does provoke images of a white tenor singer. No offense intended at any of this, mind you. It doesn't change the fact that you're damn good, though. So, there. That's my two shillings with a shilleleigh. If you have not heard this yet, get it now. If you are not listening to this, turn it on now. If you want to send this man $100... hey, it's your money, bub. Excellent work, sir!
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