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  1. Whoa, I totally forgot about this song.. It's a great idea. Unfortunately, I really hate all the obvious synth sounds. I want to hear some POWER, and be AMAZED..! Also, think about transitions, and having parts bleed into each other.. This is awfully straightforward. The drum's kinda annoying. I like when it finally picks up at 0.24, but I'm sure you could figure out more of a chord progression that would be more exciting.
  2. I'm gonna have to agree. The thing I love about OCRemix is taking AWESOME songs and revealing just how AWESOME they really are. This one doesn't do that. Empty yeah, no depth, repetitive.. The end sounds like it's turning into something good, but if this whole things was an intro to that, it's WAY too long. Please keep plugging away. I really want to hear this one. Thanks.
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