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Posts posted by Broken

  1. Good luck in your new endeavors, Bahamut. You've been a great mod.

    edit: just finished your blog post and my hat goes off to you. I know you'll give it your all. You're going to be a great marine, Wes.

  2. Seriously Capcom, what unrelated company will your characters battle next? My hopes are on Capcom vs 5th Cell or Hanna-Barbera.

    I'm still waiting for Capcom vs. Nintendo. I would actually love to see Nintendo characters such as Mario drawn in the CVS2 art style. From what I've seen so far, I really like the art direction that mvc3 is going with, too.

  3. I can't really find a word to describe how excited I am for this. I tend to give people and game companies too many chances to get things right, but something just feels right about this game, or maybe some things.

    I'll have to get xbox live to download this when it comes out, right?

  4. Oh no.

    Could it be?



    EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, Darun Mister from the EX series might fit the bill there. However, to the best of my knowledge, those characters were created by Arika and Capcom doesn't have the rights to them. If they do, I say to hell with Darun; bring back Garuda. And SKULLOMANIAAAAAA.

    Oh, man I miss my ex characters. Freaking Cracker Jack and his baseball bat of justice. I agree with you about bringing back Skullo. I'm just imagining how amazing he would look rendered in hd. I think he would fit in fairly well with the rest of the cast, too.

  5. This might sound strange, but maybe they will release a console revision, similar to what they do with their handhelds. Maybe a "new" wii with wii-motes that have built in motion plus and bundled with a motion board or vitality sensor.

    I know I said console revision, but I can't really think of anything inside the hardware they could easily change off the top of my head, so maybe a repackage is a better term. Well, maybe they could add a real hdd to the wii..... Just some random thoughts.

  6. This mix is so good that despite the fact that I haven't heard it in at least two years, I still found it in under ten seconds. I immediately recalled the intro to this mix and that helped me to remember tefnek.

    I always love a cliff-hanger of an intro, and this song delivers on that front. The back-beat of this song is so infectious that it sticks with you for ages ( the proof is in the fact that it compelled me to randomly post about it today.) The synths are sick as well. I just love the syncopated feel of this track. The only thing that I'm not wild about is the tetris-esque bridge in the middle of the song. It just seems like an abrupt change of pace.

    Ahhh, it feels good to get that off my chest.

    Now, Tefnek, post moar muzak.

  7. Before I get busy with school again, I would just like to thank Brushfire, DJP, BGC, and Devin. The first two I'd like to thank for housing me and the other two I would like to thank for transporting me. You guys made this con possible for me and I am truly grateful for all of your help.

    I also would like to shout out to all the awesome people I met at the con. To everyone that I got to introduce myself to, I'm glad to have met you and next year I will try to be more sociable and to meet even more of you guys. To those of you that I played fighting games with - you are some hip cats. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with that competitive spirit around here.

  8. i found an excellent article that talked extensively about what's there and what's not there in FFXIII without getting teeth-gnashingly angry or fanboyishly happy over it. it's a good read, albeit long. skip the first few paragraphs until they talk about the guts of the game.


    basically, they've reduced the amount of non-storyline stuff to make it more linear (as in, doesn't take you out of the experience). take that as you will. i'm excited to see what it is. if it's honestly forty hours long and it's pure story, that's WAY more gameplay - as in, gameplay related to the storyline and not sidequest crap that gets tacked on - than have been in recent games.

    This is the review that I read and what I got most of my information from. I thought it was pretty good.

    edit: except for the parts when the author decides to tell you about his personal problems. too much information.

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