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Posts posted by JohnDriLLL

  1. good game keegan. he ran out of time.

    ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

    ;White: keegan_the_fox

    ;Black: chessmaster_1313

    ;Date: Thu Oct 12 17:31:59 GMT 2006

    1. e2-e4 e7-e5

    2. g1-f3 b8-c6

    3. f1-b5 a7-a6

    4. b5-a4 g8-f6

    5. d2-d4 b7-b5

    6. d4xe5 f6xe4

    7. a4-b3 f8-c5

    8. d1-d5 c5xf2+

    9. e1-e2 o-o

    10. d5xe4 f2-c5

    11. c1-g5 d8-e8

    12. b1-d2 d7-d6

    13. b3-d5 c8-d7

    14. d2-b3 c5-b6

    15. g5-e3 b6xe3

    16. e2xe3 a8-d8

    17. e5xd6 c6-b4

    18. e3-d4 d7-f5

    19. e4xf5 b4xd5

  2. I beat Glitchy Keegan as white.

    ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

    ;White: chessmaster_1313

    ;Black: keegan_the_fox

    ;Date: Wed Oct 11 03:20:57 GMT 2006

    1. e2-e4 e7-e5

    2. g1-f3 b8-c6

    3. f1-b5 g8-f6

    4. o-o f6xe4

    5. f1-e1 e4-d6

    6. b5xc6 d7xc6

    7. f3xe5 f8-e7

    8. d2-d4 c8-e6

    9. d1-h5 d6-b5

    10. e5xc6 b7xc6

    11. e1xe6 b5xd4

    12. e6-e4 d4xc2

    13. c1-g5 c2xa1

    14. e4xe7+ d8xe7

    15. g5xe7 e8xe7

    16. h5-g5+ e7-e6

    17. b1-c3 a8-b8

    18. g5-e3+ e6-f6

    19. c3-e4+ f6-e5

    20. f2-f4+ e5-d5

    21. e3-d3+ d5-e6

    22. e4-g5+ e6-e7

    23. d3-e4+ e7-d7

    24. e4-f5+ d7-d6

    25. g5xf7+ d6-e7

    26. f7xh8 b8xh8

    27. f5-e5+ e7-d8

    28. e5xg7 a1-c2

    29. g7xh8+ d8-e7

    30. h8xh7+ e7-f6

    31. h7xc2 a7-a5

    32. g2-g4 c6-c5

    33. h2-h4 f6-e6

    34. c2-f5+ e6-d6

    35. f5-e5+ d6-d7

    36. f4-f5 c5-c4

    37. g4-g5 a5-a4

    38. h4-h5 c7-c5

    39. f5-f6 c4-c3

    40. b2xc3 c5-c4

    41. g5-g6 a4-a3

    42. h5-h6 d7-d8

    43. f6-f7 d8-c8

    44. g6-g7 c8-b7

    45. h6-h7 b7-a8

    46. h7-h8+ a8-a7

    47. g7-g8 a7-a6

    48. f7-f8 a6-b7

    49. g8-f7+ b7-c6

    50. h8-f6++

  3. I beat Fire as black. When I got the pawns to the other side all were queened.

    ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game

    ;White: cpt1337

    ;Black: chessmaster_1313

    ;Date: Tue Oct 10 01:53:07 GMT 2006

    1. d2-d4 e7-e5

    2. d4-d5 f8-c5

    3. e2-e4 d8-h4

    4. d1-f3 g8-f6

    5. g2-g3 h4xe4+

    6. f3xe4 f6xe4

    7. c1-e3 c5xe3

    8. f2xe3 o-o

    9. f1-g2 e4-c5

    10. g1-f3 d7-d6

    11. o-o f7-f5

    12. f3-g5 h7-h6

    13. g5-f3 b8-d7

    14. g3-g4 f5xg4

    15. f3-h4 f8xf1+

    16. g1xf1 d7-f6

    17. b1-c3 g7-g5

    18. h4-f5 c8xf5

    19. e3-e4 c5xe4

    20. c3xe4 f6xe4

    21. g2xe4 f5xe4

    22. c2-c4 a8-f8+

    23. f1-e2 e4-f3+

    24. e2-e3 f8-f4

    25. a1-f1 f4xc4

    26. e3-d3 c4-d4+

    27. d3-e3 f3xd5

    28. e3-e2 d5-c4+

    29. e2-e1 d4-e4+

    30. e1-f2 e4-f4+

    31. f2-e1 f4xf1+

    32. e1-d2 c7-c5

    33. b2-b3 c4-a6

    34. d2-c3 d6-d5

    35. b3-b4 f1-f3+

    36. c3-b2 c5xb4

    37. a2-a3 b4xa3+

    38. b2-b1 e5-e4

    39. h2-h4 g4-h3

    40. b1-c2 g5-g4

    41. c2-d2 g4-g3

    42. d2-e1 d5-d4

    43. e1-d2 e4-e3+

    44. d2-e1 d4-d3

    45. e1-d1 e3-e2+

    46. d1-e1 g3-g2

    47. e1-d2 h3-h2

    48. d2-e1 h2-h1+

    49. e1-d2 g2-g1

    50. d2-c3 e2-e1+

    51. c3-b3 d3-d2+

    52. b3-c2 d2-d1++

  4. i have joined too. can some one check that i did? my name on there is johnderrilll on folding@home. when i have folding up all i see is some moleculee type tings and they hardly move. is there any way to get more movement out of it? i have a graphics card that is 256 mb PCI. not PCIe. any help would be cool. i dont think i know any one from here cept keegan and dama so it would be nice to make some new friends.

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