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Everything posted by NC_Dave

  1. Last chance if anyone needs a ride in from Dulles, just let me know. And Rama, early forecast looks like it'll be stupid cold late this week
  2. Quite possible. I'm from FL too and the weather in DC has been nightmarish already. 2 snows in the last 2 weeks and a third coming later this week. It was 18 this morning at the house and winter hasn't even started yet. I'd pack the heavy coats. I remember how bitter cold magfest 4 was (even snowed briefly on the last day) and that much was further south
  3. Me? A Schedule? Nah man, it would motivate me to leave the apartment for a change. Anytime Thursday-Sunday is cool, inbound or outbound, no problems. I'm still not sure how much of MAGFest I'll be attending (since I won't be staying at the hotel), irritating thing is there's usually no schedule until opening night. Either way, it's not far, I can always head back down if I'm not there. For those who've never been to DC though, I'd seriously suggest getting a later flight and checking out the city before heading out.
  4. Anytime. I'm flexible.
  5. Now I'm confused. Dulles in at worst 30-45 minutes from the hotel (thanks to the Greenway), plus it's in the same state as DCA/Reagan and Alexandria (All in VA). Now if you're talking BWI, that's another matter. Between here and the Shizz I've had one taker on the Dulles offer. This means either people are getting sweet deals into DCA or they're terrified of getting a ride from me. Understandable given how infrequently I post Being honest, my motive was just to get to meet a few people outside the mob setting at the fest. At MAGFest 4 I didn't know anybody beforehand and, as a result, spent the weekend keeping myself company. Rather not repeat that mistake.
  6. I'm willing to give anyone a lift from Dulles if needed. I'm a couple miles away and wouldn't mind helping some people out. If the airfare works out cheaper to fly into IAD, just let me know and we'll arrange something. Free, of course. Rates into DCA are usually pretty rough.
  7. Mentioned it in the original thread but wanted to post it here just in case - I'll have a few seats open so if anyone within a reasonable distance of a Charlotte-Raleigh-Richmond-DC route needs a ride, just let me know!
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