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    3. Very Interested
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Bass

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  1. Yo man! I have a comment and a question for you:

    First, since it says you're from Italy (and thus, I assume you speak some form of Italian), how do you say happy birthday in Italian? A friend of mine in Italy is having his birthday there, so I thought it would be good fun.

    Also, I was reading your post about the 3DS - the past tense of the word 'buy' is 'bought'. It's a stupid irregular verb, like 'see' (which becomes 'saw') and feel (which becomes 'felt'). I don't mean to sound arrogant - your English is amazing for it being a second (or third, or fourth, or whatever) language - but I just thought I'd let you know for the future.

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